
"I'm Dr. Chen Shang." He was dressed in a hip-hop outfit with a head of blue hair. Although the color was striking, he was handsome and looked pleasing to the eye.

"Dr. Mu Ze." The person who spoke looked a little gloomy. His slightly long hair covered half of his eyes. Coupled with the fact that he had his head lowered, it was even more impossible to see his expression.

"My name is Tian Lan, and I'm a graduate student. I hope Academician Xiao Ying won't mind." As the only graduate student, she stuck her tongue out in embarrassment.

Xiao Ying nodded and said, "Of course not. I'm still a fourth-year student."

Tian Lan quickly waved her hand and said, "I can't be compared to you."

Although she said that, Xiao Ying's approachability made her sigh in relief. Thank goodness she wasn't looked down upon.

Qiao Zihao also introduced himself solemnly, "I am Qiao Zihao, a primary school student. Please take care of me."