Starting to Complete Questions

The students all knew that the reason why Mo Zhu had gotten involved in this matter was because she was treating them well sincerely. They quietly readjusted their emotions and everyone cheered each other on.

"Since Sister Mo has already said it, no matter what, we cannot cause her to lose her face. This time, we have to use all our abilities and get the best results!"

"I don't care so much anymore. There are still four days before Friday's test. I believe that everyone can do it! For the next few days, everyone should put aside your other homework and focus on physics!"

"You can do it!"

Just as everyone was shouting encouraging words to one another and increasing the morale, Mo Zhu stood outside Class Eight and gave Huo Xuan a call.

Not long later, a teacher that Mo Zhu had never seen before walked towards her with a stack of exam papers.