Special Medicine

Seeing the faint anxiety on Mo Zhu's face, Huo Xuan nodded and patted the girl's shoulder. "This matter isn't difficult. Leave it to me. Don't worry too much. Grandma will get better!"

Huo Xuan raised his hand and ruffled Mo Zhu's hair. He said softly, "I'll arrange for a private plane to pick up your friend from Southeast Asia now. Give her a call and ask her to pack up and go to the airport immediately."

Mo Zhu nodded and immediately turned around to return to her room to call Poppy to inform her. After Mo Zhu explained about her grandmother and the special medicine, Poppy did not hesitate and agreed readily.

When Mo Zhu walked out of the room again, Huo Tao and Chen Man, who had been accompanying Old Master Huo at the Huo residence, had already packed Huo Xuan and Mo Zhu's things and placed them in Xu Huan's car.