Returning to School

Just as Mo Zhu opened the door of the ward, Meng Ran patted her head and reminded her, "Sister Mo, aren't you eating with us?"

As Mo Zhu walked out the door, she waved her hand behind her and her voice disappeared from the door of the ward. "I'm not eating."

After the four of them had finished eating, Mo Zhu brought them back into the car with Mo Wu who had been waiting downstairs. The car did not delay and drove straight to Jingyang High School.

Among the five of them, other than Mo Zhu, there was only Meng Ran who was a girl. Hence, everyone agreed that she would sit in the seat beside Mo Zhu.

Not long after the car started moving, Meng Ran poked Mo Zhu's arm hesitantly and asked carefully, "Sister Mo, do we go back to school openly like this. I'm afraid of punishment…"