Visiting Feng Yu

The next morning.

Just as Mo Zhu woke up, she was informed by Huo Xuan that he had already taken leave for her and she didn't have to go to school today. She sat at the dining table and ate breakfast as she looked up and asked, "What are your arrangements after breakfast?"

Huo Xuan raised his hand and scooped a bowl of porridge for Mo Zhu skillfully. He replied lightly, "Let's go to the hospital to check on how Feng Yu is doing."

When Mo Zhu heard this, she started eating faster. She nodded in agreement and said, "We've been back from Beijing for so long, and we've gotten the Ten Thousand Aged Pine Snow Herb. It's time to go and see how his illness has developed."

After saying this, the two of them quickly finished breakfast and rushed to the ward on the top floor of the Huo family's private hospital.