An Hour

After Mo Zhu finished dealing with the matters outside the door and returned to the room, Lu Zheng, who was in the bathtub, was already in extreme pain. The veins on the man's neck bulged, his face was red, and his pupils constricted slightly. His hands were tightly gripping the wall of the bucket, and he did not dare to relax for a moment.

Seeing Lu Zheng's sorry state, Mo Zhu took out her phone from her pocket and calmly looked at the time. It had been more than two hours since the medicinal bath started. It was indeed the critical period where the medicine could take effect.

The effects of these spirit herbs were so domineering. They were probably destroying the poison cells in Lu Zheng's body.

Just as Mo Zhu stood by the bucket in silence and was deep in thought about how to perform acupuncture treatment for Lu Zheng later, the man in the bathtub frowned and groaned uncontrollably. "It's too painful. I can't stand it anymore. I might as well die…"