
In the morning they headed straight for the master guild hall, where the four masters could be found. The doors were unguarded but as they entered they could see that the hall was filled with many warriors and mages, enough to out number them five to one, if not more. It made more sense, seeing as this was the building of the guild masters, but they were not met with threat, rather they were greeted, as if they had been expected to show up. They were lead down a long hall to a large room covered in beautiful cherry wood and lit with lamps across the walls. The room had four large thrones, beautiful and each colored and embroidered with the respected guilds emblem and a second door on the far end of the room where the four masters came out of and took their seats, each of them eyeing the group, as if they were sizing them up. After a few minutes of silence one of the masters raised his hand, signaling that they may approach and speak.

"We thank you for seeing us like this, though it was a bit unexpected for you to, well, expect us." Art said turning and shrugging to the others, not knowing what else to say.

"It was only a matter of time before you came to see us. We have heard of you and all that you have done in the fight against the Legion. Word travels quick in the world, all have heard the names of the Heroes who have been gathering the relics." The eldest of the guild masters spoke, his voice deep but frail at the same time.

"It has been quite exciting hearing of your adventures. And how you tamed that Whale Dragon, what a beast that is." This guild master was younger, in his thirties, his voice was loud and filled with excitement as he spoke of their achievements.

"Thanks, its has been an interesting adventure." Art countered with a bit of shock in his voice, never expecting people to actually know who they were or what they were doing.

"Guild masters, we request your help, we need to know how to stop the Legion from coming in and stealing the seals. Though we won the last battle, the seal was stolen out from under us." Vixen got straight to the point as she stepped forward.

"Ah, so that is what happened." The youngest of only twenty years spoke and turned to the guild masters. The last sitting forward in his seat, this one seasoned but not quite that old, in his forties.

"We would like to help you but information isn't free, you will have to do something for us first." He propositioned them, all the masters waiting on them to answer.

"What did you have in mind?" Meekle wondered just what they would want for this information.

"We have been having an issue, and even with guilds full of great warriors, none of them have been up to the task." The second oldest spoke, his voice toned with exhalation.

"A beast has been rampaging in the ancient city that this one was built after and if he is not stopped then the city itself could fall." The youngest of them seeming ashamed to be asking outsiders to deal with their problems. The group was unsure, if it was so powerful did they really have a chance against it.

"Well, are you just going to stand there or are you going to give us your answer. If you slay the beast then we will give you all the information you want." The once excited man now sounding much more stern than before.

"We're in." Art answered, figuring it can't be any worse than any of the other battles they had been in so far.

"Splendid, you will be able to find the dwelling in the forest to the north of here. Look for the ruins and you will find your path." The oldest spoke before they all stood, bowed and left the room back through the door they came. They group headed back outside.

"Art, are you sure we should do this? We are on limited time." Vixen wasn't feeling so confident that this was the right course.

"We can't just go to the next dungeon yet, they will just show up like before. It seems like the Legion isn't willing to fight the boss monsters." Razah agreeing with Art's choice on this one. They spoke more about the details but in the end they all agreed that this was the path they were going to take and headed around town to gather supplies, Art finding some new armor, this having a slight green tint to it. Razah got a new hat that looked similar to her original one but the face stitched into it frowned and had mean eyes, as well as the color going from a black to a more red color. Vixen and Meekle also got new armor sets, Vixen's making her look more like an elf, the armor shaped like leaves and a crown to top her head, adding extra speed. Meekle's gave off a reddish purple color to the cloth, it was much more dense and upped his defense and magical attack. Tophuu was able to find a plasma whip that upped his attack and his beasts power.

Once they were all ready they set out, heading towards the forest that they were told of, this was the forest that they didn't enter when they went to fight the Legion before, they had no idea that something was hidden in it. As they started entering the forest the land inside was scorched, the trees covered in white ash and crumble at the slightest touch, the woods themselves were quiet, not a monster in site. Nothing wanted to live here and didn't dare anger the beast that lurked underneath.

This was far from the city and they wondered just how this would effect them enough that it could damage the town or make it fall. It was an interesting thought and as they found the first signs of the ruins they were told of they stopped to rest, the sky growing dark they set up camp.

"What if its some type of monster that digs under the ground, that would be a problem wouldn't it?" Tophuu had a good point but there were no tremors or earthquakes.

"Maybe they are just worried that if it had taken up home here it wont be long before it attacks the town?" Fenix making a decent point as he bit at his food, the fire danced around as they sat discussing this for some time.

"In the end, this is what we have to do for the information, so what does it matter why they want it gone?" Vixen seeming frustrated that they were going to such great lengths for such a small piece of information, it seemed an unbalance trade and that annoyed her.

"She has a point, we should all get some rest before we head in, who knows what is waiting for us down there, the masters weren't really upfront with any information about the monster." Art started feeling the same as Vixen and wondered if they were getting themselves in to deep.

When the morning music came they packed up quick, following the path of the ruins, the earth showing itself to be damaged more and more they farther they went. All of them figuring this had to be some type of fire monsters if it was this bad, the stones of the ruins were chard black and the smell of smoke and burning filled their noses. Soon they came to a large set of stone steps that led underground.

"Why are so many of these places under ground or in a cave?" Razah questioned as they continued to move down the steps.

"Well, it's better than them all rampaging of the surface isn't it?" Meekle answering her question with his own, to which she gave a nod in agreement. Still they had been in so many caves and dungeons it was starting to feel normal to do these kinds of things, which wasn't really a comforting thought to any of them. Still they made their way down into the once standing and beautiful city that now rested under the soil of the world. There were no buildings standing, all of it had turned to rubble as they got deeper and deeper into the city, the steps seeming like they were never ending they were reminded of the climb up Trinity Mountain.

As they got lower they noticed a bright burning light at the bottom of the steps, all of them started moving slower as they bent down to see what the light was coming from. A large open area could be seen, the size of what would have been a town but there was not a building in sight, large groups of crumbled debris were all that was left, fire burning still against them. It almost seemed as though the scraps had been arranged into a summoning circle, a large black alter at the far end of this open space was all that was standing, it looked as though it was recently built there.

Their attention was grabbed by the shaking of metal chains and a grumbling that came from farther into the darkness. Suddenly a flame lit around a beast, it stood up, its face covered in fur that led down to its chest and hair that fell to its back all drenched in the flames, its skin was black and cracked like burning charcoal the cracks gave of a burning look, its eyes focused on them and its teeth baring with drool dripping from its lip. It looked like a demonic ape almost as it stepped closer to them, shackles hanging from its large wrists and ankles.

It burst forth, its body taken over by a raging flame as it rushed them with no sign of stopping, they all ran for it as the beast known as Ifrit hit the wall behind them, the room shaking and debris flaying everywhere. It turned flinging the the chains on its wrist at them, Art and Fenix able to dodge it and rushed in to attack it. Fenix took his elephant form and slammed into it, still only being large enough to grip around the beasts waist, Art leaped up onto Fenix's back and jumped, twenty blades came forth as he slashed at the monster with all he had but after just that one attack he was swatted like a fly across the room, hitting the floor and rolling into a skid before he finally stopped.

The others getting back up started attacking, Meekle going into a full demon form and hitting it along with Fenix now as they tried to put a dent into the beast. Vixen hit it with arrows, allowing her to know that it was weak to water and ice type attacks, though that came to no surprise to any of them. Art quickly equipped his water sword and started running back towards it but before he could get there the best burst into flames, leaving Meekle and Fenix with burn effects as they rolled around trying to get the flames out. Arts breathing became heavy and his ears started ringing as he realized just what they had gotten into.

Vixen started shooting at it, using ice arrows that she had learned to do some time ago but never had the chance to put to the test. While Razah tried using her weaker spells, to conserve her magical power so that she would be useful throughout, she summoned forth spell after spell, ones that she had never used or tried, having always gone with the newest and strongest one. Ifrit roared as he was pelted with attacks and rushed around the area in a pentagram shape, leaving fire burning from the floor, once he was done the area burst and all within the circle of it was engulfed in flames. Art and Vixen being the two left inside. They let out a scream as the flames burned them, ripping away at their life points they started downing a potion to try and stop it from falling, even with that it fell to half health.

As the flames went out they finally got the chance to attack again, Art going in and letting out skill after skill as he tried to leave some mark on it, the water sword giving a big advantage. He used one skill over and over, sword rush, allowing him to shoot forward and slash the enemy, he shot around it with speed till his mana was gone and he looked back at it still standing strong after everything he just did. Ifrit's jaw dropped open and flames burst out of its mouth like a flamethrower as they all ran to the far end of the room to regroup. Fenix back in his normal form, trying to decide what would be best to switch to. They all took the chance to down a potion and split back up as Ifrit rushed them and slammed into the wall once more.

This time when it turned its fists and chains were covered in flames as he whipped it around. Tophuu summoned the Slime King, hoping that it could put some damage down on the demons health, it bounced around and though it did damage it didn't take long for Ifrit to pummel it with its flaming fists. Tophuu left in shock that his strongest beast was taken down so quickly and he was left with no mana.

Ifrit rushed into its pentagram attack again, all of them trying to get away from it as fast as they could, with the attack missing them Razah was grabbed by Ifrit and picked up as it let out a fire breath on her, everyone watching, scared and unable to stop it even with their attacks, he did not let her go easily. Her health got low and they all rushed around her to try and keep her safe, Vixen dropped to her knees, sliding to Razah and popping the top off a potion and forcing it into Razah's mouth.

"What is this. Not even the boss's have been this hard." Meekle's voice was shaken and the rest tried to stay focused, Art most of all, because if he let go of his focus on winning he wasn't sure he would be able to lift his arms anymore. Ifrit raged in flames as he pounded his fists into the ground, making random fire shoot up from it all over.

"Why doesn't he have a set pattern, this makes no sense." Fenix called out as he started taking his lion form, though he would be slowed he would be able to do more damage, he ran in and attacked Ifrit with an uppercut to the stomach as Meekle rushed in a black smoke staking over and wrapping around its neck, Vixen started hitting its chest with as many arrows as she could, Meekle swung around to the back of its neck at the same time, trying to take it off balance and knock it over.

Razah starting to wonder if her actions were the best, if she should have gone all out for the powerful attack. She had a good amount of mana left as she started looking through her spell list, looking for something that would give them a better chance, something that could really hurt it or.

"Kabechet, I beg of thee, grant us your pure water, let it sooth us as it falls from the skies and covers us in your greatness. Hear my prayer, for we are not the dead but the soon to be, grant us a drop of your waters." A cloud appeared over the group that was close to Ifrit and rain poured down from it, drenching them as their health started to rise, even after becoming full health when they were attacked their health would start working its way back up. A heal over time spell, it was not as good as a our right healing spell but it would make it easier, they wouldn't have to stop and use potions, as long as Ifrit wasn't going to take all their health away from them they would be able to fight.

The rain had a second effect, putting out Ifrit's flames for the time and giving them a chance to attack, even Razah rushed in and slammed her rod against the leg of the monster, doing little damage but she thought it was better than no damage, she wanted to be of help no matter what. Ifrit kicked at them, his foot digging into the ground and up into them, along with dirt and earth that blinded Fenix and Meekle for the moment, Tophuu kept at it with his plasma whip, none of them were ready to give up, they couldn't and the rain that felt so refreshing helped make status effects end quicker, letting Meekle and Fenix get back into the fight, quickly recovering from the blindness.

All of them low on magic as Meekle turned back into his normal self, he slapped a card against Ifrit's leg, making the beast slow down for the time. He had yet to use these, only just got the chance over night to place some curses into them, this was a perfect time to use them with his mana being fully drained. Fenix released skill after skill but was knocked back once more and Art tried his best but as soon as the curse wore off of Ifrit his flames returned and a burst threw them all back.

His health was so low, Fenix made it to his feet and ran in, clawing at it as much as he could before he jumped, spinning in the air and as he spun he changed to his elephant form, landing a huge kick that actually knocked Ifrit back. Ifrit roared at Fenix, who roared right back, running in and jumping once more, wings extending from him as he hit him with huge gusts of wind that blew his flames out again and again, as his wings went away he came falling down towards Ifrit, no mana to shift again he put out his first, covered in his metal knuckles that slammed into Ifrit's face and knocking it over.

Fenix fell and hit the ground at the same time as Ifrit did, his chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to catch his breath, the others getting up to continue fighting, not wanting Fenix's efforts to go to waist, they all started running towards it but then he burst into flames and bright sparks flew from him, like fire flies in the night sky they drifted off of him.

In front of Fenix a notice popped up, "Hidden skill unlocked, Ifrit shift." All of them falling to the floor around Fenix, not having the energy to celebrate after that battle, the room grew dark as the flames started to go out. Fenix between breaths explained to them the notice he got, all of them laughing a bit and Art giving him a first bump, or trying as it was to dark to actually see one another. They just laid their in the dark, the talk shifted from Fenix getting this new secret form and wondering how powerful it would be, as games always make the boss much harder then give you the weaker version of it, still it was an awesome prize and then into the fact that they had done all this for such a small bit of information just didn't feel like it added up.

They found what ever they could to light on fire, none of them really excited to play with fire again after that fight and they crawled their way to the steps.

"We could just stay here for the night right?" Art said as he contemplated how much energy it would take to get up all these stairs.

"I rather not ever come back here, so lets just go." Vixen's voice as exhausted as Art's. She was the first to start up the steps, almost on her hands and knees, every step feeling more and more painful on their sore bodies. When they finally reached the top it was night and they all fell about, their faces rubbing against the dirt and ash as a breeze blew.

"Okay, now lets rest and we will get back to the guild in the morning." Art wasn't awake long enough for anyone to respond to him as he started snoring against the cold ground. The rest laughing but having no choice but to agree and get some rest, it didn't take long for them to all fall asleep. None of them woke to the chime of the world, stating that it was day break, they all laid there passed out till Art felt something licking at his face, when his eyes opened they were little foxes, looking around there was a whole family of them nestled in with the whole group, this made him smile and laugh a bit, which got the others waking up. It was already close to noon by this time, animals had already started coming back into the forest and were all around them in thanks for clearing out the beasts.

After cleaning themselves off a bit they started heading back towards the city in the laziest fashion they could. Dirt smeared across their armor and faces and their stomachs grumbling for food, they darted straight for a restaurant when they got to the town, all the people giving them weird looks, wondering what happened as they left two days ago in beautiful armor and cloths and came back like that. As they sat and ate as much food as they could to regain their strength it wasn't long before all the tables and chairs cleared out, the four masters entering the place and greeting them once again.

"It would seem you made it back in one piece, does that mean you vanquished the beast?" The second oldest asked, a stern face waiting for their answer. They nodded as they tried to swallow what food they had in their mouths.

"I wouldn't call it a cake walk but we did finish it." The youngest raised a brow to Art's words.

"What is a cake walk?" Seeming confused by the phrase.

"Never mind that, we did beat the beast, so what is the information you have for us?" Vixen quick to the point as always, the masters looked at each other and nodded.

"We realize how unfair it was to ask this of you, we just weren't sure if you would do it if we asked out right, the information is that you can either find and beat this Legion man who has been stealing the relic's from you or you can set a trap." His eyes landed on Vixen, "You are a trap master are you not." The second oldest questioned.

"I am. But what does that have to do with it?" The eldest chuckled a bit before answering her.

"Trap Masters have the ability to set special traps, if you have the person in mind that it is for, then nothing else will set it off." They thanked them once again and gave them a bow of respect before they left, the group looking at one another, it was such a simple answer. They wondered if they really seemed the types not to help those in need or if it was simply a madder of trust and not knowing them.

"It makes sense, but that is something we wouldn't have known without them." Meekle shrugged, they had got the information that would help them for the next seal.

"I don't know, I mean, Ana could have probably given us that information." Art hoped this statement wouldn't bring on more jokes towards him, this time it didn't.

"Art, we haven't seen Ana in some time, who knows if she is even in town or if we would be able to find her again." Razah had a point, they hadn't seen her in some time. They finished eating and went back to the Inn, their stomachs fool and their bodies heavy as they stripped off the heavy armor and fell into their beds. Nightfall was still hours away and they had slept most of the day, yet they were still wiped from the battle. They hoped this information would prove to be worth it.