Last Stand

"How are you alive?" Bahamut's eye burned and his snout curled in at the sight of Art. The others finally to their feet, five potion bottles left on the ground, one showed a drip of purple and Fenix hand met Arts shoulder as they all stood in front of him.

Art started to glow, a bright light coming from him as the wind rushed around them, they weren't going to give up again, they were going to win, Art on his feet proved that to them all. Vixen started off, shooting every arrow she could, filled with every element she could think off, those were just her distraction as five more flew towards his eyes and exploded, blinding him for a moment.

"Ultimate skill, Soul Sword." The light that came off Art started forming above him into a sword, but he didn't attack, the sword continued to grow.

"Ultimate Wolf Beast, Fenrir." They had been leveling through out the battle, with a full heal they were able to reach new levels of power and Fenix started to transform, his wolf form becoming large as he stood on all fours and came close to matching with Bahamut's size. He rushed him and started biting at his arms and neck.

"Cerberus, come on out." Cerberus came out, larger than he was just a bit ago and grabbed at Bahamut's other side. He let out a roar and flames that came with it, bright blue flames that made the rain that was falling evaporate before it could even hit the ground.

"Goddess Dweller, Isis." A large beam hit the fire and fought it back and slammed it into his face, sending his head back.

"Armored Demon, Secret skill, Vengeance." Meekle started teleporting around Bahamut, releasing powerful energy shots that slammed into the dragon. They had him shocked, he never expected this kind of return from them, they were almost beast, yet he had to stop and gloat.

Now eclipsing the sky was a large sword, Arts Ultimate attack was building up to something much more than even he expected. It was a bright and beautiful sword that filled the sky, he held his hands up, holding it up with magic as he then forced it forward plunging it into Bahamut. He slashed it up and Bahamut struggled to get away, he fought but Cerberus and Fenix gripped tighter, not wanting to let go as Art continued his attack, moves that looked a lot like his combos came from him as the large sword slashed at the boss. He was stuck and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't seem to break free and with Art's final slashed Bahamut's health dipped down low. He was in range of being finished but Arts sword was gone and finally Bahamut got free from their grip, throwing them to each side.

He let out a roar as he started slowly turning back into his human form his breathing labored and sweat dripped from him. He looked around, disgusted by them all, he had ruled as King and was feared through out the wold even a thousand years after his sealing. An Arrow shot into his shoulder from behind and he let out a hiss.

"I will not be defeated." He shot in at Art, he was the weakest of them all still and when he went down the rest went with him, Bahamut was hoping to do the same thing again. He slashed but the sound of metal met him, Art had pulled the only sword he had left, his first sword that he got when they got to this world and used the very last silver of his magic to bring it out. He was knocked to the ground still, but he was not done, his eyes showed something more in them, he wanted to win, he wanted to give his friends the life they wanted and felt bad for ever dragging them into this, this horrible thing that seemed to be unstoppable.

None of them spoke words, not giving Bahamut the satisfaction of getting under their skin with his words and actions. Fenix was the first to rush in and help Art, he may not be able to transform but he still had his speed, his fist grinding against Bahamut's jaw, as he tried to push the fist back, he slashed at Fenix, just barely missing him.

Black smoke formed in his hand and a twin sword to his sisters appeared and he swung down at Art over and over again, the sword Art held started cracking as Meekle tackled Bahamut away from Art. Vixen's iron maiden came crashing into Bahamut and his was closed inside but easily smashed out, his health bar blinking red, he was so close.

"Ultimate combo, finishing rush." Art shouted out as they all charged in, with what ever they had left, they didn't give him a chance to breath as he fought off attack after attack. It wasn't a glorious, powerful attack that would finish him off, it was their will to keep fighting, to show stop him and to end the horrors this world had to face, the pain they all went through.

With each of their final attack's he fell to his knees and screamed out, but this time it was not one that made waves crash and thunder roar, it was that of a human, just like his sister, he had finally fallen, his dark form leaving him as he fell to the ground. He didn't turn into pixels like the rest, he turned into a bright light and faded into the wind like fireflies.

Their bodies were all heavy, they had no energy to cheer, they all fell down, some to their knee, others to their back, some just sat there and tried to keep their eyes open. Vixen rolled a potion on the ground and it hit Art in the side.

"Do us all a favor and drink that before something else bad happens." He let out a light-hearted laugh and grabbed the bottle, taking it down quickly, his health finally going up at least to the half way point.

They watched as the clouds cleared out of the sky and the sun shined down on them, none of them know how long they had been there but they suddenly heard cheering coming from off the side of the palace, the troops that had followed them there all congratulating them, the celebration seemed like it was already starting but they just laid there, smiles on their faces as they thought about how live would be from now on. It had finally ended, the story line was over and even Art was looking forward to some down time, just being a normal person, leaving quietly, at least for now.

Then they heard the sound of steps, the broken stone being kicked out of the way as the sound of boots clanked against the floor. None of them had the energy to lift their head and see who it was, all they could hope for was that it wasn't some secret boss that comes in after the final boss.

"Congratulations on finishing the story line." Ana leaned over Art and looked down at him with a big smile, this had grabbed his attention, she had disappeared some time ago. He sat up with her help and with her was the one who called himself King of Crystalis and his knight.

"Welcome to the club guys." The King threw a dust over all of them, something that made them feel relaxed and able to move once more. The whole group sat up and looked at them, wondering what was happening and how they knew that this was just a story line.

"If you hadn't figured it out, we are players. Me, Kingsly and Grinble." Ana re-introduced them all to the group, they were wearing different cloths, ones much closer to what Art and the rest were wearing but much nicer. Ana had a large staff and Grinble had a great sword, while Kingsly seemed to have some type of floating orb.

"If you are players, then why didn't you help us?" Art seemed confused as did the rest, even Fenix didn't have an answer for this one.

"Well we were in here before you, we had beat the story, it was hard." Ana's head along with the other to turned away in shame a bit, "But this wasn't our story to beat, it was yours. I hope you can understand that. You made the world real, that made us be able to manipulate parts and help you but if we actually jumped in we weren't sure what would have happened, the game could have gotten harder, our levels could have change the game and made it harder." Though some of the group was upset at this, something they couldn't have known for sure, they still tried to understand.

"And how did you--" Meekle was cut off quickly by Kingsly.

"Its illusion magic, I was able to make the knights in the area believe I was the king and that Grinble was the leader of them. As well as making him look like the rat faced man that helped you out." Kingsly winked, they really did just want to help.

"So, now that all of that is out of the way, you guys ready for another adventure?"