Chapter Ten - Unknown Invaders

We were in that restaurant over two Heris, eating and chatting, until Annie said: "Okay, Dorian. I think we can go to that place I wanted to take you to. What do you say?" I just finished the few last pieces of my own food, then looked at her: "Yeah, okay. I kinda wonder where are you taking me."

"Stop rambling, man. I know you'll like it there." I've given up, nodded in agreement and got up to pay for our food. I've picked up an empty credit chip and filled it with twenty thousand Credits, thinking about how expensive some food is. Then I've placed it on the bartender's table with simple 'thanks' and headed back to our table.

"Shall we go, then? I guess there is no need to stay here, unless something happens." Annie looked at me, agreeing with me and taking my hand in hers. "Yes, definitely. We can go now." Then she got up and we left the restaurant, holding hands.

We went to our landing point, where I've docked my fighter, to leave the planet. It was docked at their military dock for other warships, and it was quite alive, filled with the Sarias people and their ships.

However, as I suspected, there would be something happening nearby, as we saw the SpecOps Commander, Sheila, running towards us.

It seemed like she was in a rush, as she almost sprinted towards us. "Dorian, we have a problem! There is a fleet incoming. We are unable to confirm if they're hostile or not. I wanted to ask you for your aid. Will you help us, please?"

Both me and Annie have got our faces filled with anger, as some stupid fleet interrupted our plans. However, we kinda anticipated that there will be another battle right on our heels. Annie looked at me with little signs of fear and spoke to me: "I hope there won't be a situation like last time. I don't even have any battle gear. It was probably better idea to go to your friend and get me some."

"I'll make sure nothing happens to you this time. We will go together, wherever that battle will take us."

I pointed at the commander with my index finger: "Better grab your squad. We're leaving. And if the fleet is hostile, I don't want to wait for them to arrive, guns blazing. I give you five Mis before we go."

She grabbed her comm link and started shouting some orders to her squad mates. Around four Mis later, that squad showed up in a heavily armed tank. It was hovering slightly above the ground, probably being powered by some fusion reactor supplying the graviton field, which kept it above ground.

"That is a nice tank, commander Sheila. With a few tweaks to its main gun, it will be very powerful." She looked at me, also with anger in her eyes, like she was interrupted by the fleet arrival while doing something important to her, too.

"It may come in handy. Do you have anything to grab it with?" I just turned around and pointed to my fighter: "Will that suffice?" She turned to the direction where I was pointing at. Then she whistled in admiration, probably because she never saw a fighter filled with so heavy firepower, that it can destroy a battleship in a single salvo.

"That is some serious firepower on that thing. Are all your ships like this?"

Me and Annie boarded our fighter, and I've sat myself it the pilot's chair while Annie took the seat of the co-pilot. We started the systems, checked up comms and lifted up. Then we stopped right above their tank, and hooked it up with our own graviton field.

The SpecOps squad was already inside of that tank, ready for battle. "Wait until you see Alyss, my ship. This fighter doesn't even compare to her power." I said to Sheila through the comms.

"How does a ship have a name of a girl? It is not your typical warship, is it? Does she have an AI?" Sheila responded through the comms. "Just wait and see." I've navigated us to the orbit of the first of their three moons. "Alyss, disengage cloaking systems." I ordered.