Chapter Twelve - The Alliance

A few Ris later, we were docked at another planet of the Sarias Collective. More accurately, on their orbital dock, which was built for big military warships, such as Alyss.

She needed to recharge her shields, capacitors and needed full system check. Also, she was undergoing some heavy repairs, as she had her plating breached all over.

Right before we left for the surface, I've concealed the two shining Shards on my neck. While were blocked from fast, long distance travels for over a week, we were forced to use my fighter instead, so both me and Annie we're headed for the Alliance Command to discuss the new enemy that surfaced a while ago.

When we got there, there already were representatives from all Alliance races, including our friend Sheila, as she was highly ranked officer in their military. There were also the Thorus, which looked like some kind of dragon humanoids. Growing horns from their heads, three fingers instead of the usual five, and armed with heavy rifles.

Their representative, Goreas, looked fairly angry with the news that there is now new enemy, which wants to harvest other beings and make them their own soldiers. His race was already at war with the Voids, as pretty much everyone else in the Alliance.

There were also humans. They were not humans from the planet Earth, but from other parts of the galaxy. These humans, however were far more advanced than their Earth counterparts.

Then there were the Rex Empire, as they called their faction. Reptilian-like beings with claws instead of hands, and big eyes, that took almost a third of their faces. They were known for their technological experience and their special ways of science. Their representative, Morris, had his look moving between me, Annie and Sheila as by checking up our equipment and such for his strange scientific experiments.

They all were arguing about the newly found enemy. I was there with Annie as the Collective's guest of honor, because we helped them repel their first encounter with the Harbingers.

Goreas was first to say something that was probably the first useful piece of intel: "These Harbingers. They were also spotted near our homeworld. They probably sent only scouts to test our own fleets. My guess would be that they can adapt to a situation, that's been given for them to solve."

Sheila responded to Goreas with a scary look in her face: "So if they're trying to see our fleets in action, then we're better not to engage with their scouts..? I think it's not the best course of action, to let the enemy scout our planets, however. So we should develop something that won't reveal our military strength to them while dealing with the scouts."

The human's representative, Davidson added into the conversation: "It would be better to use automated defense systems to destroy these scouts, so they cannot confirm our fleet power directly. That would be best for our Rex friend here to help us out with, building solid defense, which will be automated, while hiding and expanding our forces to deal with them later."

Morris, obviously surprised by that he was talked to, looked away from my weapons to face Davidson. "I guess that is something the empire can help out with. It will cost you credits, however. As you probably know, nothing is for free."

I also needed some technical improvements to my ship and weapons, but I knew where I was supposed to get all these things. My old friend, Helius, was known for making special weapons based on personal requests. He was quite skilled, and mortals often referred to him as the God of Weaponcraft. There was no weapon that he can't make, given the right price for such an effort.

"I know someone who can create powerful weapons, but it's going to be very expensive. If you have the money for that, I can tell him that you all are looking for him. I'm planning to visit him soon anyway." I told the Alliance council, after thinking for a while.

Sheila turned to me, question in her eyebrows. "And who is that friend of yours, Dorian? If I may ask, though."

I was thinking if I'm allowed to tell that here. I probably weren't, however, so I've decided to keep his identity a secret, at this moment.

"I'm not allowed to say who he is. However, if you all have common gods, then you probably know."

"Now, if you guys don't mind, we're leaving now. I have things to do." I turned my back to them, taking Annie's hand, and left the council meeting.

I was able to hear them arguing about my last statement, as they tried to figure out the identity of Helius. I laughed quietly as we walked through the building we were in, holding hands.

When we left the Alliance Command, Annie said to me: "They are a funny bunch. But I think that when the need arises, they will fight together." I nodded with agreement, and we both headed towards the military docks to leave the planet in our fighter.

"I guess it's time to pay Helius a visit. I really need my arsenal to be improved, and you need an armor yourself, dear." I told Annie. I stopped right before the main entrance to the docks and kissed her, just because I wanted to do it. "Yes, I think I need an armor. I cannot fight all the time in my dress or my sportswear only. It's kinda lame. And after we're done re-arming ourselves, I'll finally take you to that place I wanted you to see."

"Agreed. I hope that place is really nice. Also, let's hope that Helius is at his home. I think we're to do some bounty hunting to grab a few more credits to pay for our upgrades."

With that, we entered our fighter, and prepared for liftoff.