Chapter Eighteen - Jaina and Alyss

When we entered the solar system, where Alyss was docked at, Jaina whistled in admiration, as she looked at Alyss: "I've never seen such a huge ship. It's far, far bigger than any Alliance warship. How do you fly that thing alone?"

"First. Alyss's not a thing. She has a personality of her own. It's not your typical warship. Second. She's been built specifically for me to fly her alone. Third. I'm no longer alone, right, Annie?"

I looked first at Jaina, while I responded to her statement and then at Annie for an agreement. Annie looked at Jaina, nodding: "Yeah, he's not alone. And Alyss is very funny to play with. You're going to love her." She giggled, as she exactly knew what's going to happen to Jaina, after we took her aboard.

When we landed on the Sarias docking station, there was Sheila and her task force, standing in the hangar, waiting for us. When we left our fighter, she waved at us, calling us over to her. She seemed a bit shocked to see Jaina here, though.

The commando lifted their guns and pointed them at us. I've immediately grabbed my own PAC, and the girls got their own weapons ready. "Now, why is this even necessary? Put down your weapons, guys." I told the commando. Sheila looked at us, and pointed to Jaina: "She is not friendly. Why is she with you two?"

While we put away our armaments, the commando didn't. They looked at us with newfound hostility. "Calm down. All of you. I can explain." I said to them. I've started to move closer to the squad, as they pointed their guns at me. They surely knew it would have no effect on me at all, but they've done it anyway.

"Ladies, please. I've made her an agreement that she wasn't able to resist. And I can make sure she doesn't steal anything." I told the commando squad. Sheila seemed a bit reassured, as she ordered her squad to put their guns away.

"Well, that was quite unpleasant, Sheila. Please, never do this again. To anyone, who is associated with me. I don't want to go against the Alliance." I said to Sheila, with an ordering tone in my voice.

I'm glad that I've successfully avoided a special kind of a diplomatic issue and gestured Annie and Jaina to follow me. I've waved goodbye to the commando standing behind us and walked past them. "Dorian! Make sure she is not going to stab your back! She's been a pirate so far." Sheila shouted to my back as I went towards the corridor to my ship.

"Don't worry. She's not going to do that. Right, Jaina?" I've turned back to Sheila, then at Jaina for her to agree with me. Then i waved my hand to say bye to them and continued walking. Jaina just nodded at me and walked quietly next to me.

We've walked for an Heri, nearing quite a lot of the Sarias people, their ships, mechs and such before we entered a long corridor, which was leading to the portside airlocks of my Alyss. We stopped in front of one of such doors, where there stood four Sarias guards. They saluted to us, and stepped aside. The doors opened, and we entered Alyss once more.

"Hi Dorian. How have you been?" Alyss said to me, welcoming me back. "Status report, Alyss." How are the systems going? And did they repair you properly?" I've responded to her.

Jaina switched her looks between me, Annie and some blank space aboard my ship. She seemed confused like never before as she tried to locate the source of the young girl's voice. "Why does the ship talk like a girl? Is she an AI?" she asked us all.

"Yes, she's an AI. Fully evolved one. She's trying to behave as a normal life form. Even though she's a ship." I've told Jaina as she looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"Welcome aboard. Please, don't break anything here." We both said, me and Alyss alike. "I'll take you to your room now. Follow me, Jaina." I told her, gesturing her to follow me.

Annie turned around and moved to our own room, as I walked Jaina to the honorary guest's room. "Why you took me with you, do you have any plans for me?" Jaina told me, while we stopped in front of the door to the guest room.

"You can say that. I sense that you have strong affinity for dark magic. I know someone, who can train you well. And if said person doesn't have time, I can act as a substitute for a trainer instead."

"Now we're headed for another of my acquaintances, to upgrade our arsenal. You'll also need a new staff."

I've entered the guest room, with Jaina behind me. "You can enjoy whatever this room has to offer. You can also enter the combat arena, dinning hall, and the CIC. Every primary system room is locked to you, for now." I've instructed her, as she examined the room by herself, curiosity plastered all over her face.

"Feel free to ask me or Alyss, if you need anything, Jaina. If you think that there's a problem, go ahead and tell me." I said as I was leaving the room.

"Hold, it there, Dorian. You seem you really know a lot. So i have to ask. How do you intend to train me, if that acquaintance of yours doesn't have the time to do so?" Jaina told me, as I was almost out of the room.

I stopped, thinking a little, about how I'm going to answer her. "Let's put it like this. I have some skills, which you'll probably call a cheat. I can teach you anything if you prove yourself to be trusted and I'll be sure that you won't betray me." After that, I turned out to leave the room to head for the CIC.