S: This is just my work journal to keep track of whatever I've been working on. This is also to see motivate me to write every day >.> I mean... If you wanna read it... feel free lol. It will have spoilers for the projects that I am currently working on if you really wanna read it.
I am a Cursed Item
RE:2 Redfield's True Route
Also I will be posting random 1 shots that I thought of working on but dropped cause my hands are full. Maybe I will work on the 1-shots later as full proj-
O: S, you need to stop procrastinating using the Abstract as an excuse. Get back to work.
S: I am working-
*O drags S by the neck and throws S into another realm.*
O: I am sorry for dragging this Abstract so long. I shall end it here. Good bye.