6. Night Market Confessions

Friday was finally here! I had the day to myself so I decided to catch up on all of my school work so I could enjoy my weekend without worrying about it. I made myself lunch and went for a run too. By the time I got back home it was around 4pm so I started getting ready for my date with Jin tonight.

I decided on wearing a short teal pencil skirt with a pink cropped jumped and pink slip ons. Definitely wanted something cute seeing as the meeting location was the night market. I hadn't been there since I was young so I was really excited.

By the time I left my apartment night had fallen. It was perfect weather, not windy or cold but not warm either. I could see the colourful lights reflecting on surrounding buildings and hear the lively chatter as I approached the market front.

I felt my phone buzz, knowing that it meant Jin was nearby. It didn't take long for me to spot him out in the crowd, he was indeed tall. His eyes connected with mine as he noticed me, I watched as he casually slipped through the crowd and made his way to me.

"What a lucky guy I am, having such a sweet girl waiting for me" Jin smiled lightly. "Im pretty sure it's the other way around." I laughed.

Jin tutted before offered me his arm. "Shall we?" He asked. I hesitated only for a second, the chivalry was just so sweet. I gently held on to his arm and we set off down the market isles together.

There was so many different kinds of stalls, hats, bags, cute jewellery, different kinds of foods, souvenirs and clothing. I was so pre-occupied trying to take in everything. When I felt his hand rub my own that was clinging to him it pulled my attention back to him. Jin pointed to a Tteokbokki stall eagerly.

"This looks delicious, let's go there" he suggested giddily. Sharing his excitement I agreed with his choice. We ordered a spicy serving of Tteokbokki and took a seat at an empty table in front of the stall.

"So Jia, what's new with you?" Jin asked as he popped opened the container and handed me a pair of chopsticks. "Mostly uni work, even though this semesters just started I feel like I've been busy every day" I sighed. Jin took it upon himself to pick up a piece of rice cake and blew on it to cool it down.

"Ahh, that's uni life I suppose. My advice, just embrace it" he said before offering me the first piece. I accepted his gesture, carefully chewing before the taste hit me.

"I always eat the most delicious food when I'm with you" I laughed. The spices leaving a delightfully warm feeling in my mouth. Jin's expression melted as he tried some too. "Then, spend every day with me from now on." he replied playfully before laughing at his own wittily flirty remark. I blushed. Spending every day with him.. what would that be like..?

"Or maybe food just tastes better when I'm with you. Come to think of it, isn't there some kinda saying .. Something along the lines of 'Great food and great company is one of life's best pleasures'.."

"Best pleasures hm? Pretty sure there's one more you forgot to mention" Jin teased more. Even though he joked around a lot he was actually such a sweetie at heart. And, it just left me feeling curious. Wanting to know more.

"Honestly, you really intrigue me. And It's not about superficial things.. I really want to know more about you" I confessed. Jin seemed a little taken aback but, broke into a small smile.

"Then, What do you want to know? How can I appease your curiousness?" Jin scratched his head momentarily before continuing "I was born into a well-off family, blessed with good looks and money. I was inspired by watching a certain someone on T.V so I decided to peruse acting. It wasn't until recently that I was approached by an agency who wanted me to join them. I couldn't sing or dance, turns out the only reason they asked me was because of my looks". I listened attentively. "Telling you what kind of person I am doesn't quite do it justice, showing you who I am over time is a better idea".

I knew what he meant, he could tell me about his past and situation but the only way to get to know someone properly was over time.

"Then, I want to do the same thing, let me show you who I am too." I said. Jin smiled lightly "that'd be nice. I'll look forward to the day we don't have to wear our masks in front of each other.. Jia".

We both finished up eating so we continued to explore the stalls. As we passed a certain stall my eyes caught sight of a beautiful pink and purple hair pin. Jin had noticed my interest and went to pick it up.

"Do you like this one Jia? I think it suits you" he says as he holds it up to inspect it more closely.

"Yess, It's really pretty" I answered as I watched it glistening between his fingers. "Then, I'll take this one please" Jin announced as he handed it to the stall clerk, I didn't know if I should decline but it all happened so fast that I didn't have a chance. I accepted the beautiful pin and thanked him graciously. How could someone this sweet exist.. I found myself beginning to ask this in my head.

As we left the stall Jin glanced back as though he had seen something. Then I felt his arm around my waist suddenly pulling me to duck around a corner.

"What happened?" I quickly asked, still feeling surprised by his sudden movement. "Sorry, it's just.. " he began to say as he peered back around the corner. "This is going to sound bad but uh, I have a stalker and I just saw her" he explained.

I was so confused but before I had time to ask questions Jin took my hand firmly in his. "She's coming this way, I'm so sorry but we need to run, right now" the urgency of the matter becoming more apparent in his voice. Not waiting for a response I felt him tug on my hand and we both broke out into a run. We reached the end of the isle and kept running out of the market and across the road towards a small park.

Neither of us were too out of breath as we reached a halt, we were now in the middle of a park playground. It was quiet and lit dimly by street lamps, not a person in sight. Jin let out a sigh of relief as he plonked down onto one of the swings.

"I'm so sorry I had to put you through that, it's just, I couldn't risk her seeing me" Jin dropped his head into his hands looking slightly frustrated.

"You don't have to be sorry, that's was.. kinda fun actually" I laughed as I sat down in the swing next to him and pushed myself lightly. Jin looked back up at me before breaking out into a small smile.

"I knew I liked you for a good reason. Any other girl would have probably been mad as hell" Jin admitted.

"Well, lucky I'm not just some other girl.. besides, if she's your stalker then what other choice did you have?" I offered, causing Jin to sigh. "I know I joke about being handsome all the time but stalkers are a serious problem.. " he didn't seem like himself as he spoke. A small moment of silence lingered as I contemplated my next words.

"I know what you mean." I admitted. "I've had things happen to me too.. When I was in high school I had boys approach me a lot. But, I soon realised it wasn't cause they were interested in me. They just tried to pursue me because I looked a certain way". I didn't usually talk about my past but, this seemed like the right time to share some of my own experiences so I went on.

"People can be vain, superficial and cruel. I know this well, so.. Whenever someone comments on my looks I only take it at face value. I think you also know this well.. it might be one of the reasons I feel like I can understand you".

I laid out my thoughts plainly for him. As I focused in his direction from beside me his eyes fixed on to mine. His expression unreadable for a moment as though in thought. Suddenly he stood up and walked behind me, I felt him push lightly against my back and as he did I gained some momentum on the swing.

"You're a sweet girl Jia, I hope you know I really mean it. Not just because you're pretty" Jin finally voicing his thoughts. I hadn't intended of accusing him of being one of those people..

"That's .." I began to say, only to have Jin finish my sentence... "not what you meant?" I held back as I listened to his voice drift from behind me. The air hitting my face lightly as he continued to push me on the swing.

"I know this was only meant to be a superficial arrangement, but, how can I not catch feelings for you when you start showing me these glimpses of how pure your real heart is?" His words were softly spoken and it stirred up something deep inside me.

It was bittersweet, and if I was honest with myself, I didn't trust my own judgment at times. After having being toyed with so many times.. it was my internal conflict. I couldn't bring myself to let anyone too close.

"Jin please, let's .. change the subject.. I.. " my voice trembled. Jin caught my swing stopping me in it's tracks. I felt his hand grab my own, he pulled me up onto my feet.

"Think that's enough for you, my turn" Jin sat down where I was only moments ago. It took a second for it to register.

"You want me to push you instead?" I laughed. "Yeah, why not? You got a turn don't be selfish" Jin exclaimed playfully. "Ahhh what is this foolery? Shesh, okay I'll try but you're seriously not light!" Surrendering was easier so I started to try and push him. It was a pathetic effort on my part and it just made Jin laugh more.

"Cmon, that's all you got? You really need to workout more and build some muscle" Jin contemplated. "Yeah yeah, maybe you just shouldn't guilt delicate girls into pushing your grown ass on a swing!" I bantered back.

Jin just laughed and nagged me to push harder, it must have been a sight to see but it was just Jin and I in that park that night. There was something brewing between us, I didn't know exactly what, or how serious it was. It scared me but excited me at the same time. It was..

"C'mon Jia, let me take you home" Jin's voice was sweet, enticing. I nodded. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me closely as we slowly made our way home. Jin told me that his schedule was going to be busier from now on so we decided to swap Kakaos. Even though it was against the dating agency's rules I didn't mind and neither did he.

He gave me a small kiss on the cheek followed by a sweet goodnight. I felt a bit dazed as we parted. I found my way into bed but my mind was so full that sleep didn't come so easily tonight.