16. Don't Judge Me


The sun rays creeping through the curtains is the first thing I see as I open my eyes. It caused me to squint. Then, the next thing that came rushing to my mind was what had happened last night. I rolled over and laid my head against Hoseok's bare chest. He gave a small sleepy groan before wrapping his arm around me.

"You okay baby? You cold?" He asked, I felt him lift the blanket to cover my back more, his palm encasing my shoulder before pushing me in closer to him.

"I'm alright, you're really warm. I'm just. I dono," I mumbled against the skin of his chest. Everything from yesterday had seemed like a dream but, the fact that we were both naked and huddled together on my couch like this... It was real.

"Confused.." was the only word that I could manage.

"Talk to me, what's on your mind?" He asked, a small movement from him caused me to look up, he seemed a little worried.

"Just this, us- is it really alright?" I questioned. He relaxed and the warmth from where he'd been holding me shifted to a light sensation that ran down my side gently. A calm washed over me at his soft touches.

"Jia, I'll be straight up with you. I felt a connection with you from the moment we met. I get it. I was worried too but, the way I see it, if I hid my heart I would've regretted it" his smile was still laced with sleepiness. It was healing. Washing away my worries.

"Hoseok.." I took in a deep breath unintentionally getting a good dose of his scent which only added to the sentiment of this moment. His confession just now was making my heart race again, just like I'd remembered it'd done last night. Hoseok nuzzled his face into my hair and as he spoke I could feel the warmth of his breath on my head.

"Point is, I'm hella attracted to you. But, if you're worried about it making stuff complicated I'm happy to keep it between the two of us." I thought about it... I liked whatever was unfolding between us right now. And if it was going to be as simple as he seemed to think it would be then...

"It would make things easier. I need to be honest with you about something though" I hesitated for a moment but knew I needed to be as straightforwardly as he was being with me right now because other things were going on for me too. He deserved to know. Here goes nothing.

"Joon kissed me the other day," I admitted.

"I had a feeling he liked you. I'm not surprised" Hobi said plainly.

"Wha, how'd you know? Did he tell you?"

"Nah, he didn't say anything, I just picked up on it because of the way he's been acting lately" he chuckled lightly, taking a peek down at me for a moment.

"Oh.. that makes me feel even worse now" I buried my face into his chest. Would Joon be hurt if he knew I'd just slept with his friend?

"Don't. You know, Joon's an open-minded guy. He's also into this new aged polyamorous way of thinking so... If he was to find out he might not react the way you think he will" His deep voice resided closely in my ear. His words were reassuring. I wanted to believe in them.

"Hmm. I guess that makes me feel better. I do care about him a lot but, we spoke about it and the main thing that came up was this whole Idol thing" I began to explain.

"Yeah, it goes without saying. Dating ain't an option if we get big. It'll only put you in danger. If we do debut we'll have to bury our pasts like our lives depend on it. It's brutal." Hoseok didn't bother to sugarcoat the facts. And it was something we had also both just acknowledged.. where exactly did that leave us then?

I let out a long sigh. Hobi knew exactly what was up. Even though we didn't exactly have all the answers, being able to talk to him like this was comforting.

"Anyway, don't stress yourself too much, let's just take it easy, okay?" Hobi placed a soft kiss on my forehead. It radiated a warmth that was hard to put into words. I nuzzles into his chest a bit more and hummed in agreement.

We stayed cuddled up for a bit longer before Hobi got up and had a quick shower then headed home. He had a big day of practice ahead. Before he left he mentioned that if I needed anything to call him. He was there for me whenever I needed it. He kissed my lips softly and closed the door behind him as he left my place. Hints of excitement mixed with anxiety remained.

I took a hot shower which seemed to wash away any worries for the moment. Afterwards, I went to check my phone. There was a message from Jimin and Tae. They both sent me their sections for the report so all I had to do was add mine and submit it. I went over to my laptop and finalised it all and sent it off. It was about a week early but I guess better that than late.

I bummed around at home until it was about time to get ready for work.

When I got there I was asked to help out at the number 2 girls table tonight. Apparently, Mimi who usually helped on that table was suddenly sick which left a bit of a problem.

Cece, the girl who was number 2 hadn't arrived yet so I still had some time to get the table and drinks ready. Rina seemed worried as she mentioned that the client Cece had scheduled for tonight was a big spender and that it wouldn't be an easy night for me seeing as I was still fairly new.

I told her not to fuss over me and that I'd manage, she gave me a sympathetic smile before going off to get ready for her own client who was coming soon. I pushed any doubts I had aside and started to prepare. After Cece arrived she quickly went into hair and makeup then came straight up to me and introduced herself. She had this cheeky sassy air about her but she was still really nice. Her long straight black hair was mesmerising as it swayed behind her and the jewels on her dress sparkled beautifully.

She was frank with me. Adamant that if it became too much she'd drink in my place to save me from having to do more than I could handle. It put me at ease, the instant bestie 'I got you' vibes she emitted were cool.

In a way, It was what made me want to rise to the occasion even more. I wanted to prove myself and genuinely help Cece at the same time. As the night unfolded she started taking a lot of the drinks herself. I started to realise she had a better tolerance than I initially thought. Eventually, her client started getting rowdy so in good taste she convinced him that it was better he called it a night.

After she saw him out she came back to check on me and see if I was alright. I was drunk but not so much that I couldn't walk so- she hugged me and thanked me, she was drunk too. We both had finished for the night so we went and got changed together.

We said our byes and went our separate ways. I was rugged up in my long coat as I left the club. I stumbled a bit onto the road as I started to try and walk home but then I heard a loud beep sound.

As I looked up I saw a scooter swerve as to not hit me. Oh my god was I actually that drunk right now? I stumbled back and took a breath. The next thing I know a delivery guy is rushing up towards me, it must be the same one that nearly hit me. As he got closer I saw that it was Yoongi. Oh shit, I'm so screwed.

"Are you okay?.. Wait? Jia? Is that you?" Yoongi put his hand on my shoulder to steady me a bit and peered into my face. His deep voice was so distinguishable. There was no mistaking it.

"Yoongi.." I looked up at him only to be met with his eyes slightly squinted at me in confusion.

"What are you…" he began to ask but as his attention shifted from me towards the building I'd just come from it must have dawned on him.

"I um.. just finished work.." I mumbled. Not wanting to be in this situation, but also not having a clear enough mind to try and make up some bullshit to try and hide anything. His arm dropped to his side and he bit his lip for a second. An uncomfortable silence followed.

"What about you? I didn't know you had a side job?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh.. about that.." he began to say, faltering slightly "I guess we both have secrets.." a natural rasp to his voice as he spoke lowly.

"You know, we can always keep it a secret" I stumbled again a little, standing right now was getting harder and harder.

"Jia, be careful" Yoongi was quick to grab me and lead me over to the street bench beside us.

His grip around my waist gently guided me to sit down, he filled the space next to me. That gaze of his was steady. What was he thinking? That poker face made it so hard to tell. He let out a small groan of defeat. "I won't tell anyone where you're working but- Why the fuck are you so drunk?"

"It's complicated.. don't judge me okay?"

"I'm not. It's not like I'm in a position to do that" Yoongi finally looked away as he went on "I just.. It's worrying ok" his attention averted off elsewhere. Was he.. shy?

"I'll be okay, it's not as bad as you probably think it is.. besides. I need the money Yoongi" I levelled with him. A small moment passed as my last words still floated in the air between us.

"You're not the only one. So I get where you're coming from.. But still..". Another small awkward moment of silence passed before he suddenly rubbed his face vigorously as to wake himself up and come to terms with stuff. I sat there still feeling awkward and confused but then he stood up and looked back at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're way too drunk to get home. Let me take you" He held out his hand to me.

"Thanks, Yoongi" I reached out for his hand and he carefully pulled me up onto my feet and slipped his fingers between mine as he lead me over to his scooter.

"Oh~ nice ride" I joked, he just pinched my nose cutely and told me to shut up and get on his bike so I did. He shoved a helmet on my head before putting it on his own. The way it smooshed his cheeks together was so cute, it made him look like a dumpling.

Yoongi sat down on the scooter and guided my arms so that I was clinging to him from around the waist. The fabric of his shift was soft to the touch, underneath It he felt solid though. I was pulled from my thoughts as he told me to hold on tight so I hugged around him more closely and held on as we took off.

The drive was fuzzy, all I could focus on was holding him. Maybe accidentally running into him was for the best, if I had to get home by myself it might have been dangerous. All the more to think it was a blessing in disguise.

We came to a halt. Yoongi helped me get off seeing as I was still a bit wobbly it was a miracle of sorts that I hadn't fallen off on the way back. He'd just taken one look at the state of me and wasn't having it.

"You're something else, C'mon, I'm taking you up" he didn't leave any room for argument as he grabbed me by the hand and lead me up to the apartment entrance. I didn't argue, I was having a hard enough time trying to not fall over. As we got to the door I tried to pull out my keys from my handbag but miserably failed. Yoongi just chuckled and took my bag from me and slung it around him so he could find my keys with his free hand.

In a mere few seconds, he'd found it and opened the door. An arm wrapped around my waist firmly as we walked into the elevator and up to my door.

"Yoongi, I'm really okay, you can leave me here" My argument may have seemed feeble. He just ignored me and opened up my apartment door and led me inside. "I'd rather just make sure you're in bed safely before I go. If anything happens to you between the front door and your bed it'll be my fault".

"Seriously? That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard.." did it amuse him? The faint smile as he led me over to my bed made me so curious. Then, he gently pushed me down onto my bed. I landed softly on my sheets, bouncing slightly at the impact.

"Go to sleep. Make sure you drink lots of water and eat some tangerines in the morning". I didn't know if it was my imagination but Yoongis gaze seemed to be slowly taking all of me in. He turned to leave but, I didn't want him to go yet. Why did he rouse such a curiosity in me?

"Wait. Yoongi" I forced myself to push aside my drunken fuzziness for a moment.


"Thanks for looking out for me. I promise I won't tell anyone about the delivery thing. I understand you have your reasons and I respect that" I watched as he gave a curt nod.

"Okay, thanks Jia."

I heard the click of the door lock behind him as he left and then surrendered to my tiredness.