19. Lullaby


During class today I got a text from Joon inviting me to an underground concert he was doing on the weekend. Apparently Joon, Yoongi and Hoseok would all be performing there. I'd heard of the place it was going to be, it was a well-known local hip hop club. It sounded like a good time so I decided I'd go and check it out.

Aside from that, classes flew by quickly. I headed home to drop off my things and nibbled on a salad before I got to work.

As soon as I got there I entered the back room to start getting ready. Rina poked her head in and looked around the room. Her eyes lit up as she saw me.

"Thank God I found you! Yoona asked me to call you to her office." She came in and stopped by the dressing table. I quickly put my things away in my locker and turned around to face her.

"Oh really? Do you know why? Am I in trouble or something?" I questioned but she just shook her head. The beautiful long brown locks of her curled princess hair bounced as she did.

"I'm not sure, she didn't say.. But don't worry it should be okay. I can't think of anything you've done wrong so.." her light voice trailed off in thought.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll go and see her now."

Rina gave a small smile before she continued on her way. I left all my belongings in my locker and headed down to Yoona's office straight away. As I passed the lounge and headed down the hallway, I imagined what it might be.

I knocked lightly, her voice immediately beckoned for me to come in. I shut the door behind me and approached her desk.

"Rina said you called for me?" I asked, trying to hide any worry I had. Yoona gave a small nod before she gestured towards the chair across from her desk. I sat down and waited for her to speak.

"Jia, I just wanted to praise you for your efforts the other night when you helped at Ceces' table. You did well" she leaned back in her chair, lip curled up into a faint smile.

"Oh.. Thank you. Cece is good at what she does, so it made things easier on my part".

"You don't need to be modest. Look. I was thinking, it's about time you started doing client rotation. That's if, you're ready for it?" Yoona waited as I digested her words.

"Really? You mean it? I.. would love to!" Excitement at the thought of the new opportunity started to bubble. If I could join in on welcoming rotations it meant that I could get clients of my own and I could make more money. This was a terrific thing.

"Great, glad to hear it. Well then, if it's alright with you, tonight I want you to join Wyniee and Mimi. They can take you through it and show you the ropes." She flipped through some papers that were on her table. She read the two names off them before looking back up at me.

"Okay. Sounds good. Thanks for the opportunity Yoona." I beamed. Yoona just waved it off as not a big deal before dismissing me. I got back to the dressing room and started hair and makeup. Afterwards I wandered off to found the two girls that I was going to be working with tonight.

Mimi had mid length black hair and seemed to be slightly more mature and dignified in the way she carried herself. And as for Wyniee, she had short blonde hair and seemed to be playful and a bit more outgoing. Possibly even rough around the edges. But they were both super keen to work with me and were looking forward to jumping right in. I had to admit they were both much more inviting than I initially thought they would be. Mimi placed 6th and Wyniee 7th so I assumed they didn't have as many regulars as the higher ranked girls. Or, they just don't spend as much as some of the other regulars.

As the girls talked about annoying habits some of their regulars had my attention was caught by a girl I'd only gotten a glimpse of on the odd occasion. It was when I was sitting with Luna at the time I began working here. Even then, I'd only glimpsed her in passing.

The girl in question was next level pretty and you just couldn't help but to look in her direction when she was around. Luna had told me the girls' name was Serina and she was number 1 at the moment. I hadn't spoken to her yet but she looked extremely delicate and innocent. Her long black naturally curly hair swayed behind her, as though almost floating. The epitome of 'Natural Beauty'.

Wyniee and Mimi noticed I was totally distracted by something and nudged me.

"Hey, what're you looking at?" Wyniee asked.

"Yeah, sorry, she's just so.. I dono" I looked back at the girls sheepishly. They both noticed Serina as well.

"Hmm. To be honest. She looks pretty but it's better to avoid her. She's not a nice person" Mimi lowered her voice slightly as she spoke.

"That's true. 'Not nice' is kinda an understatement. She's straight up conniving and evil. Steer clear, trust me" wyniee added in a low tone. Our attention was then pulled over to the lobby host, Jun, who had just seated a new prospective client.

"Okay, let's get busy. Wynnie you sit beside him. Jia and I across." Mimi gloated as though she'd just gotten out of an annoying chore.

"Yeah sure. But you'll have to sit beside the next one anyway" Wynnie just giggled. Mimi rolled her eyes before grabbing my hand and leading me over to the table with Wynnie also in tow.

We all greeted the new client and took our seats. Wynnie who was right beside him helped him order off the menu. For first time customers there were special drink sets they could order from, seeing as the first visit was only priced at about 30 dollars for the induction. But after that he'd have to choose one of the girls he'd met to be his main.

The girls were both laughing and making light fun of the conversation. The guy in front of us was probably mid 30s, a typical salary man by the looks of it. But, the girls put in their best efforts regardless.

We weren't there for long before the next group of girls rotated over to that table and we moved along to the next. By the end of the night I hadn't had to drink much. I didn't get picked by anyone either but that was okay. Taking the backseat and watching the other two at work would probably prove to be more productive the first time round. Next time I won't hold back though. Come to think of it, Jin had said he wanted to come visit me at work so I made a mental note to text him the good news.

I made my way home and had a shower. I'd only just changed into something more comfortable when my phone starts to ring. As I glance at the screen I see Tae written across it. The tone continues to play as I stare at it. Was this the first time he'd actually called me?

I pressed the green answer button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" His voice was almost melodic.

"Hey Tae, everything okay?" I questioned. He gave a small hum in response

"Yeah, kinda. Are you busy tonight?"

"Not really, just staying home. Why? What's up? You're acting kinda sus" I teased but he sucked in a sharp breath as though conflicted.

"Can I.. Come stay at your place tonight?" How did he manage to ask that so innocently? Did he really just ask that?

"Umm… Yeah, of course" I wasn't going to say no. My innate curiosity may have played a part in my decision. Tae instantly sounded happier when I agreed. He said he'd be over soon and hung up. I cleaned up a little while I waited for him to get here. When he arrived I buzzed him up and hugged him up. I casually slipped in the question of why he suddenly wanted to stay over.

He was already in what looked like pyjamas, a pair of loosely fitted track pants and a baggy T hung off him. He plopped down on the couch beside me.

"I.. sorta wanted to get away from the dorms for a night.. I live with six other guys and sometimes it gets stuffy. I wanted to see you too of course" he began to explain.

"Oh.." I bit my lip at the thought of it. "That's a lot of people. So you share a room with someone?" I asked. Tae pouted shaking his head. "We.. All sleep in one room." Wait what?

"Huh?! One?! No… really??" I was shocked. Like? How did they ever have any privacy?!

"Yeah. I'm closest with Jiminie but lately he's been practising a lot and he's hardly home. Tae ruffled the front of his curly brown hair before sighing and leaning into the back of the couch lazily. I pulled my knees up and hugged them closely to my chest then turned to fully face him on the couch.

"I get why you wanted to come here for a night then."

Tae lulled his head to the side and looked at me. His expression was sullen and it was making me sad.

"Tae.." I called his name softly. I wanted to cheer him up but.. what could I say? His dark brown eyes lingered on me but his lips pressed together, he didn't say a thing. I slowly crawled up onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I pressed up against him, holding him in a hug. Would he feel my sincerity? Feel the warmth I wanted to give him.. Perhaps he'd be able to. Words don't always need to be used. After a moment I felt his arms encase me.

"I'm sure things will work out eventually.. Just try to hang in there.. And if you need somewhere quiet where you can clear your head you can always come to my place.. We're best friends, you know".

I spoke softly in to his ear seeing as it was right where my face was nestled. I felt a small warmth from his breath and movement from a nod against the skin of my neck. It tickled when he buried his face a little more into me.

I could make out a muffled 'Thanks' from Tae. He rubbed my back gently, comfortingly. The way we were entangled together right now made me feel close to him. We stayed like that for a little while. After realising how late it was getting we decided we should probably get ready for bed.

"I have a spare toothbrush in the draw under the sink" I called out to Tae from the bathroom. He lazily walked in after me.

"Just for me?" He smirked, rubbing at the back of his head before bending down to pull open the draw and grab the packet.

"Maybe" I teased before shoving my own brush into my mouth. Tae glanced over, almost examining me periodically as he opened the packet and ran some water over the thistles.

"Wait, you brush too quickly. You gotta do it slower" he raised a brow, then lowered his brush and came a little closer.

"Weally?" I mumbled, mouth full of peppermint foam.

"Yeah, here let me do it," I hesitated for a moment, but the overwhelmingly cute look in his eyes as he waited, hand out stretched made me give in so I handed him my toothbrush. He grinned instantly.

"Say Ahh" I felt kinda like a baby as I opened up. He seemed to be really enjoying taking his time as he brushed my teeth one by one. But, the look on his face and just the ridiculousness of this situation, now that I think about it, gave me the sudden urge to laugh.

"Mgmggm!" I pushed his hand away and quickly spit into the sink. I tried my hardest to hold in giggles but just couldn't.

"Hey! What's so funny! I wasn't finished! Cavities are no joke?!" Tae proclaimed, waving my toothbrush around in the air comically as he did.

"Okay okay" I did my best to keep my composure as we carried on, him grinning the entire time did nothing to help. On top of that, he'd hit me on the head every time I was on the verge of laughing. This only made it harder to not laugh or wanna protest just for the fun of it.

Eventually, our little saga had ended and I got changed into some shorts and a singlet to sleep in. I turned on the dim lamp on my side table. It emitted the just-right amount of light to fall asleep peacefully in. Having Tae with me was pure comfort.

We both crawled into bed together and Tae pulled up the blanket over the two of us so we were cozy and snug. He rolled over to face me then pulled me in closer to him by the waist so that we were now spooning. His body pressed against mine radiated a warmth that gathered in my chest as I relaxed.

"You sleepy?" His sultry voice resonated in my ear. It was tingle inducing, so soothing.

"A little bit, I dono if I can sleep yet.." I whispered back. This closeness felt different to the last time we were huddled together. Was it because it was only Tae and I?

I was pulled from my thoughts as a smooth tone filled my senses. Tae sang softly, gently. I completely lost myself in it. If there was a heaven, this is what I'd imagine it to be.

The tune he hummed wasn't something that I recognised but it was so beautiful. I was encased under his leg as it rested on my hip. It was his body and melody that overtook me, safely tucked away. I tried to stay awake, I tried to fight my tired eyelids that were closing so that I could keep listing. Keep indulging in him, but it was no use. I had already passed the point of no return.