32. Smutty Christmas Sope

Smutty Christmas Sope 😌 🎄🎁

The groceries Hoseok and I lugged back to the dorms was making my arms ache under the weight. We may have gone a tad overboard in our excitement for Christmas Eve. We hurried back to Yoongi who was halfway through cooking up a storm. He still needed a few ingredients before he could finish cooking dinner.

Hoseok and I burst through the front door groceries in hand. Yoongi looked over from the pan he was stirring. "Huh, why do you have so many things?" He questions as we drop everything onto the coffee table centring the main room.

"We picked up a few extra snacks and drinks. It's only Christmas once a year. Might as well enjoy it" Hoseok beamed as he started unpacking the plastic bags.

"How's dinner coming along? It smells so good" I was practically drooling over the delectable scent filling the room. "Shouldn't be long, Hobi, can you pass the chilli?" Yoongi was totally in his element as I watched him chop the chilli and mix it into the pan.

Hoseok went over to the laptop on the table and put some upbeat tunes on and we got busy with helping Yoongi cook and putting everything away.

"I think it's nearly done, Jia, what do you think?" Yoongi asked. I packed the last bottle of Soju in the fridge and went over to him and peered into the pan. He took a spoonful and blew on it a few times before holding it out for me to try.

He watched me intently as I took the spoon in my mouth to taste. It was a spice enthusiasts dream. "This only further confirms my theory" I said as I finally swallowed the morsel.

"And what's that?"

"That you're perfect boyfriend material" I giggled. "Don't change the subject, how's it taste though?" Yoongi rebutted trying to hide any fluster he may have felt. Hoseok just laughed as he came over and took the spoon from Yoongi, he gave me a small wink before he went to try it for himself.

"Yep. It's Perfect. I'll help you serve up". Yoongi looked please with himself as he took the spoon back from Hobi. "I'll get the drinks ready!" I called as I went back over to the fridge.

Hobi set cutlery whilst Yoongi transferred the dishes to the table. I poured the shots and took the seat on the floor cushion beside Hoseok. His charismatic aura had well and truly returned over the holidays and it felt kind of nostalgic being with these two at the dinner table again. Only this time instead of bbq we had a scrumptious looking homemade meal from Yoongi himself.

"Jia, what's with the smile?" Yoongi's question pulled me from my trance. "Huh? Oh… I was just thinking about the time we first met. And how far we've all come" I explained. Hoseok threw a tiny smile my way, I felt him reach over to rub small circles on the side of my leg.

"Don't get all sentimental on me now, we haven't even started drinking yet" Yoongi mused. I took that as my cue to grab my shot and get the night underway.

"Yeah you're right, I'll save it for later" I laughed.

"Cheers!" And just like that the festivities began.

Nothing fills the stomach with joy quite like a home cooked Korean meal. After we were well and truly full we decided on playing some drinking games.

"It's only right we play truth or dare" Hoseok leaned back on one arm, his cheeks slightly flushed but a playful grin on his face. By now I knew he didn't exactly have a strong tolerance to drinks. It was cute though.

"I guess, it could be interesting" Yoongi rubbed at his chin as he mulled it over. Hoseok cocked his head to me and waited for a reply.

"I dono, every time I play this game it ends in chaos" I laughed, fiddling with my empty shot glass on the table in front of me. "Hm? Like what?" Yoongi questioned. I thought back to the time I'd played with Jimin, Tae and Jungkook… I'd ended up making out with all three of them.

"No, no, let's not talk about it!" I quickly shook my head. "I'll play, but you both gotta promise you won't make me do any wild shit" I concurred. "Well, can't exactly promise that now can I" Hoseok hummed before noticing my empty shot glass on the table.

"Yeah, you're either in or out, no compromising" Yoongi added. I glared at them both for a moment, Hoseok just ignored it and took it upon himself to top up my glass.

"Arghh. Fine, you guys win. Who's going first?" I sighed. These two both looked too smug for my liking, I had a feeling I was gonna regret playing but guess there was no turning back now. Besides, it was a Christmas tomorrow, might as well loosen up and enjoy myself.

"Heh. Heh. Yoongi Hyung! You go first" Hobi chuckled evilly. "Ok. Hobi, truth or dare?" He replied.

"Truth". "Hmmm. How many times have you two fucked?" Yoongi asked plainly. "Jesus. You're not even gonna try and ease in to it" I laughed. This boy was going straight for the jugular.

"Twice- no, three times?" Hobi answered, no hesitation whatsoever. "How do you even know this?" I blurted out. Still baffled by the fact he was even privy to that info.

"Yoongi just catches on to stuff easily" Hobi looked to me and shrugged. "It's cause Hobi here kept talking about you all the time. Saying how pretty and cool he thought you were. So I just put two and two together" Yoongi elaborated. "You didn't even deny it when I asked" he went on.

"Fuck, don't remind me. Get this right, I was halfway through telling this guy about a blog I was working on. And out of no where he comes out with 'Hey, are you and Jia sleeping together?'." Hobi explained. Now that I was hearing how it had all apparently come to light it actually didn't surprise me.

"And so let me guess, you just spilled the beans to Yoongi. I guess that makes sense" I shook my head in amusement.

"Basically yeah" Yoongi leaned back, a smug smile settling across his features. "Okay whatever, let's move on. Hobi, your turn." I lightly pushed his thigh.

"Hmm. Jia, truth or dare?" He shot back. Eyes lingering on me to see my response. "Please don't wuss out and pick truth" Yoongi drawled before throwing back a shot.

"I'm not a wuss" I scoffed. Feeling slightly offended. Hoseok giggled at the antics. "Then, don't pick truth" Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he looked at me.

"Fine. Dare." I glared at him. What's the worst Hoseok could do anyways? He was soft for me I knew it, there's no way he's make me do anything that bad.

"Really? Fuck. Okay. I dare you to…" he scanned the room for a moment before stopping and cracking up. "Promise you won't hate me after this?" He glanced back at me before reaching out and grabbing a long thick red ribbon that had been in the corner of the room.

"What? What is it?"

"Wrap yourself in this pretty ribbon and dance sexily for us. Consider it being our sexy little Christmas present, hm?" Hoseok bit at his lip, that lustrous look I knew well glinting in his eyes.

"Fuck! What?! You've got to be kidding me?" I smacked my forehead in credulity. Yoongi just started laughing, he had to wipe small tears from the side of his eyes. "How the hell did you even come up with that Hob?"

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, I sure as hell would tell him to go fuck himself" Yoongi consoled me, small smile plastered on his face looking like he was revelling in the turn of events.

I let out a deep breath before snatching the ribbon from Hoseok who still had it held out towards me in his hand.

"I'll do it. But don't get all butt-hurt when I'm the one who has the last laugh!" I declared before standing up and heading over to their bedroom to change.

If that's how Hoseok wanted to play I'd make him regret it. Besides, this could be fun, shaking my near naked butt in his face, getting him all hot and bothered then leaving him high and dry. When did I become so mischievous? Lol. I took all my clothes off, stood in front of the mirror and tried to wrap the bright red ribbon around me so that I was covering the important parts. I managed to do so, only just but it was enough! To top it off I tied the end as a big bow like a choker around my neck. The ribbon spiralled down from there over my nipples, and then hugged the curve of my hips and down between my thighs. God I half felt stupid but half sexy. It was conflicting but fuck it, I got this.

I cracked open the bedroom door and only stuck my head out. My hair fell to the side as I peeked out.

"You ready?" Hoseok called out from where he was still leaned back and relaxed on his floor cushion. Yoongi also glanced over at me curiously.

"Yeah. Are you going to play the music or what?" I asked. Biting back the residue of annoyance at the predicament I'd gotten myself in.

"Yep. How's this?" Hoseok asked as he fiddled with the laptop, Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt started to play. Omg, just when I thought it couldn't get any more corny. "How the fuck did we even get here" Yoongi laugh sighed to himself and rubbed his forehead before looking back up apprehensively, Hoseok had the biggest cheeky grin on his face and I was determined to wipe it right back off.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door and stepped back into the room, swaying my hips to the beat as I made my way closer to Hoseok.

The cute jingle of the song made it easy for me to play with it, I slowly, as sexily as I could, leant down and pick up my shot and took it. I was going to need it for this next part.

"Holy fuck babe" Hoseok mouthed, his gaze eating up the view of me in front of him in nothing but a ribbon. I stood back up and turned around, slowly grinding my hips out to give him a peek at my ass from behind. His head turned and followed me as I swung past him and walked towards Yoongi who's expression was one I hadn't seen. He bit at his lip, seemingly unable to look away from me.

Okay, time for some revenge. I got down on my knees so that Yoongi and I were at eye level and cupped his cheeks then slowly pushed my chest out inches from his face, I stuck my ass out and threw my head back to see Hoseoks reaction, he looked like he was about to explode. Throw me down right there and then and have his way with me. Had I won yet? I giggled to myself. God this was so satisfying.

I swung around so that I was on my knees, and grinded on Yoongi from behind. I heard a small groan escape his lips. Hoseok watched wide eyes as I grabbed Yoongis hands from behind me and ran them lightly from over my chest and down my sides, by the time I'd glided them over my thighs I felt Yoongi grip on to me of his own accord. It felt so good as he slid his fingers between my legs that I shuddered. A small moan accidentally escaping my lips.

"Such a fuckin tease" he tsked from behind me into my ear. I was NOT expecting him to retaliate like this.

I tried to grab his hand and pull it away from me but he slipped it underneath the ribbon and dipped his finger knuckle deep into me. I quivered at the intrusion, should I stop him? My mind clouded over, I didn't know what to do. I tried to tug at his wrist but it was no use.

"Not so cocky now, are we" Yoongi chuckled smugly to himself. "Baby, you look so good like this." Hoseok shifted closer, got up on his knees and gently attacked my lips with kisses. I was pinned between the two, Yoongi still dipping his fingers in and out of me while Hoseok ravages my mouth. There was no getting out of this.

I melted into the feeling and grind harder against Yoongi who now had gotten on his knees and had my hip I'm his grasp. Hoseok pulled away so I took the chance to reach for his track pants and grope him. He was so hard already, it only made me want him more.

"Hm? Is there something you want? Use your words baby" He cooed. "I- Can I have a taste?" I bit at my lip in anticipation. Had I ever begged him like this before?

"Aren't you missing something? Magic word?" He chuckled. "P- Please Hoseok" I panted between moans, Yoongi had sped up.

"I never imagined you'd be so well behaved" Yoongi said from behind me. "Oh, she's almost too well behaved. That's what makes ruining her so much fun" Hoseok mused as he pulled his hard dick out of his track pants and pumped it few times. I felt Yoongi push me forward and I fell onto my hands, Hoseoks hard cock was right before me. Yoongi spread me open from behind seeing as I was on all fours he probably had quite the view. Hoseok groaned as he grabbed a fist full of my long blonde hair and thrust his cock down my throat.

I spluttered at first but quickly adjusted as he pumped his dick in and out of my throat. Yoongi had moved from fucking me with his fingers to trailing my own juices up and down my slit. It was making my knees shake.

"How's that baby girl? It's been a while hasn't it? Bet you're loving all the attention hm?" Hoseok had a fond happiness to his tone. Suddenly he yanked himself from my mouth and grabbed my chin and wrenched me up so we were face to face. Yoongi pulled away from me for a moment.

"Mm. It's good. I- wasn't expecting it… especially not from you, Yoongi…" I curled my fingers around Hoseoks wrist and turned to look at Yoongi.

"Honestly, neither did I but, the way you were shaking your ass in my face. Ahh." He gave a faint tsk. He looked so sexy right now, face flushed yet his confidence.

"I wanna taste you too Yoongi…" I felt shy as I told him what I wanted. I looked back to Hobi, almost as to ask permission. "Go ahead. While your at it, bend over nice and low for me, okay baby" he gave my ass a firm smack. I gasped. Yoongi held out his hand, I took it and he pulled me closer to him. Our eyes met for a small moment before I bent over, at first I'd thought it was pure lust but, something else lingered, I couldn't pin it and I didn't have time to think as Yoongi pulled out his hard cock in front of my eyes. Fuck it looked so good. As I popped my mouth over his aching tip Hoseok gripped my hips and firmly pushed his entire length in to me. My mouth started to salivate and drip down over his cock. He thrust into me at a steady pace but I was already so worked up I couldn't hold back.

I came, clenching hard around Hoseok but he just kept thrusting in to me. I tried to focus on sucking, my name escaped Yoongi in small groans. It only drove my want for him to spill his load down my throat more.

"I'm coming" He pushed back my hair and grabbed my face, his hips thrusted in a slow rhythm, my mouth was so full already that when his dick twitched and his load spilt out I nearly chocked on it. I swallowed it all, and Yoongi pulled out of me.

"Sit up" Hoseok slowed down when he noticed Yoongi had finished. Yoongi noticed I had lost strength in my arms as I struggled to get up. "Come here Jia" he gripped me under the arms and pulled me to him, turning me over so that I was basically propped up against him. Hoseok came closer and spread my legs apart, getting ready to start fucking me again.

I felt so weak by now that I didn't have the strength to hold myself up. "You okay?" Yoongi whispered as he wrapped his arms around my middle to hold me. "Mm. Yeah, but my legs are so weak, I can't keep them open" I admitted. "That's alright, you've done so well, hold on a little longer baby girl" Hoseok bent forward and kissed me. I moaned into his lips as he drove his cock back into me. His pace picked up fast, I was being pushed into coming again, any second now. I buried my head into Yoongi's neck to stifle my cries from climax. It was only intensified as Hoseok shot hard into me at the exact moment I was tipped over.

I was left panting, desperately trying to catch my breath. "You okay?" Hoseok kissed me on the cheek before standing up. "Mm" I managed to mumble. Yoongi pulled me into him and held me closely. I was so fucked out I could barely move so I just huddled into Yoongi. Hoseok went to the bathroom to clean up. After he came back Yoongi offered to help me clean up too.

"I can't believe that actually just happened" I admitted.

"Me either. It's was fun. You know, you've got talent" Yoongi gave a cheeky smile. "For sucking dick?" I laughed.

"I'm serious, that tongue technique of yours if something else" he mused.

"Why don't you judge me? Do you seriously not think any less of me after that? Sometimes I just feel like I don't get you…"

"What would be the point of judging you?"

"I dono…"

"Exactly. There's no point. That's why I don't. Life isn't always clear cut and easy. I don't think less of you for doing what you want to do. At the end of the day it's your prerogative. Just be happy Jia"


After Yoongi helped me and we both got cleaned up, I changed into my pyjamas and the three of us snuggled up in bed. We talked a little bit but soon fell asleep.

The next morning was filled with excitement as we opened our gifts from each other. Hoseok was completely smitten over the colourful side bag I got him and Yoongi thanked me about 5 times for the headphones.

Hoseok gave me a 'free 50 minute massage' voucher that I could pull anytime I wanted from him and Yoongi gave me a gorgeous crystal studded pink pen. It flowed so smoothly as I wrote something down to try it out. It was undeniably the best Christmas I'd ever had.