57. Three's a charm


Out of nowhere I'm snapped awake by a shaking of the bed. I'm caught totally off guard as I see Hoseok grinning, bouncing at the end of the bed cheekily.

"Morning" he teases, grin only widening. Beside me, a disgruntled Jungkook peers up, scowls and then throws himself back into the pillow with a tired groan. Wait? Why is he naked?! I swear he was wearing pants when we went to sleep.

Jungkook continues to groan, his deep sleep laced voice makes me squirm a bit. In an attempt to distract myself I glance around, only to notice that his pants were on the floor.

"Hobi. What are you doing here? What time is it?" Remembering he was here I sit up and rubbed my eyes. "It's around seven. Jin is cooking us breakfast."

At the mention of food Jungkook propped himself up. The blanket slipped down, now revealing his entire upper half. The fine muscle definition of his body was hard not to stare at. "What's Hyung making?" He asks.

"Get up and find out for yourself." Hobi smirks. I throw the blanket off and stand up, only to be met with a head spin. I wobbled a little at the rushing of blood from my sudden movement.

"Woah. You don't have to get up that quick." Hoseok reaches out, grabbing my waist to steady me.

"Ahhhh. I'm so sleepy." I admit, instantly wanting to crawl back into bed. But, knowing that I didn't really have time.

"Well that's too bad. You have exams today. That's the reason we came over. To make sure you had a nice breakfast and got there on time." Hoseok chuckled, tugging me closer, I stumble into him, gripping his shoulder to stop myself from falling.

"You don't trust I would've made it on time?" I questioned. Jungkook slowly edged over to the side of the bed, peered around until he saw his pants on the floor.

"That's not what I meant" Hoseok gave an awkward laugh before turning his attention to the younger. It seemed like he was confused as he looked at the pants on the floor.

"Jungkook, did you get naked last night? I could've sworn you went to sleep half clothed." I asked him.

"Yeah. Lately I've been waking up naked a lot. I think I strip through the night." He slips his legs into his pants and pushed back his dark hair. Him being covered making it easier to relax.

"It's funny. At home, in the middle of the night we just see pieces of clothing flying off the top bunk." Hoseok seems amused as he recounts the story.

"Really? Is that why you never stay over at my place?" I questioned. Jungkook gave a light sigh before standing.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Instead of answering he grabs me from Hobi's arms and slowly pushes me out of the room with him. Hoseok chuckled as he followed us out in to the kitchen.

As I'm lead by the shoulders down the hall Jin comes in to view. He is absolutely absolved in cooking, so much so, that he almost doesn't notice us. It isn't until I sneak up and wrap my arms around his mid that he jumps in surprise. But, upon seeming me hanging off him, he eases at my embrace.

"So you've finally decided to wake up, have you?" He teases softly.

"You know I wouldn't miss your cooking for anything." I inch up on my tippy toes so that I can give him a little kiss on the cheek before letting go. It was explicitly sweet of him to be here on such an important day.

"Morning Hyung" Jungkook calls, taking a seat across from Hoseok at the table. He seemed to have perked up, no doubt the delicious smell of food having the effect on him.

"Oh? You're here too! Were you two having a little sleep over? How cute." Jin glanced over with a genuine fondness to see that their youngest was present as well.

"Mmm." He hums before suddenly standing up and going to the fridge. "Are you ready for exams?" Hoseok asks, glancing towards me. I take seat beside him.

"I guess." I reply.

"You'll be fine. You're a smart cookie." Jin adds at the sound of my lack of confidence.

"Am I?" I joke. Jin doesn't indulge me any more, instead giving a small eye roll before turning back to turn off the stove.

"Anyone else want a juice box?" Jungkook questions, head poking out of the fridge.

"Sure." I say, Hoseok adding to it.

Jungkook lazily hands the two of us drinks before he sits back down across from us, popping the straw in and taking a long sip. Jin was nearly finished with the egg rolls he'd made. They smelt amazing.

"Jia, after breakfast I can drop you off at school" Hoseok leans back, glancing over to me. I give a small nod, smiling at him. That would be nice.

"Alright. Time to dig in." Jin enthuses, joining us at the table. The stack of egg rolls he sets down before us looks too good to be true. Kook's the first to pick up his chopsticks and lean in to grab one.

"Thankyou." I look to Jin, but he shakes his head. "No need. Just accept this as an apology for not being around much."

He was right… I hadn't seen much of him recently, it was like that a lot of the time… But, more so recently. I slowly reached out, pinching a roll and picking it up.

"It can't be helped… right?" I threw back, meaning it to be light hearted but, it hadn't come out that way at all. The small falter in his smile gave away that it hadn't gone unnoticed by him.

"These have cheese in them, right Hyung?" Jungkook, who had been far too busy eating, piped up. "Of course. Who makes egg rolls without cheese" The oldest rebuts. If he wasn't so amused with the question he may have been mistaken as being offended by it.

The two broke out into light banter over egg rolls but I zoned out as my thoughts were dragged back to Jin. Words I'd recently exchanged with Joon cropping up. I'd disregarded his curiosity at the time, but, now that Jin was here… It hit me like a kind of epiphany. I barely saw him. I didn't know if it was the same for the others because I didn't live with them. I'd just assumed he was always home with them. Maybe I was wrong in my assumption.

"Are you not hungry?" Hoseok's voice pulled me back. Worry held in his gaze as he looked at me.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking about my exams." I gave an awkward laugh, when had I become so good at lying.

"Think fast, square root of 4?" Jin shot from across the table, mouth half full of food. All eyes fixed on me as I panicked.

"Huh? Uhhhh. 2?" I threw back, wait, was it?

"Nice. See, you'll be fine." Jin laughed.

"Hyung" Jungkook bursts in to laughter, eyes crinkled cutely as he smiled.

"Ummm" Hoseok drawls, looking like he didn't know wether he was confused or like he was about to just give up and not say anything.

"Math isn't even a subject I'm taking…" I mumbled, knowing the small details probably didn't even matter.

After the three of us finished eating, I went to have a shower and get ready. Jungkook washed the dishes and cleaned. Jin and Hoseok relaxed at the table, talking about something to do with dance choreography as they waited for us.

While I'd had a shower I felt a little swollen between my legs, no doubt from Jungkook last night… As I got dressed the small ache kept distracting me. I tried to ignore it, pushing the thoughts of him buried deep inside me out of my head.

I managed to keep them at bay, instead focusing on getting my stuff together for exams. I met the others back in the lounge.

As I do Jin is quick to notice me, breaking his conversation with Kookie to call me over.

"Yes?" I ask as I go over. "Before I forget, this is for you." Jin holds out a small fabric bag in his palm. It's a light blue and attached to it is a white thread.

"An Omamori?" I question, feeling my insides soften at the sight of it. What a sweet gesture…

"Goodluck for exams to be specific." He elaborates, I slowly pick it up from his open palm.

"Hyung, I didn't know you were so sentimental. That's a really nice Omamori" Jungkook's bambi gaze falls onto the charm in my hand.

"Having some extra luck doesn't hurt" Jin's words genuine. I carefully slipped it in to my wallet before giving him a hug and thanking him. I appreciated it, him coming to cook for me, giving me Goodluck, and just being here on such an important day.

"We better get going, don't want to be late." Hoseok chimes in upon checking his phone for the time and standing to come over.

"Alright, Jungkook and I still need to do a few things here. We'll catch up with you at the Agency later." Jin tells Hoseok before turning to me and gently running a hand through my hair. "Make sure you behave." I poke my tongue out at him shamelessly, he knew I was always on my best behaviour. What would make him to say such a thing?

"Really?" Jin scoffs, Hoseok laughs. Then, Jungkook slips in front of Jin, attention completely on me.

"Before you go, Goodluck today." He gently reaches behind my head, pushing my lips against his in a chaste kiss. My hands landing on his chest to stop myself falling forward. It was only quick but the feeling on my lips and the taste of him lingered as I followed Hoseok down to the car.

"I'm glad you two aren't acting weird around each other anymore." Hoseok says as we walk down the stairs.

"Me too. Can finally have some peace of mind" I reply. After everything that had transpired between us, was that actually now true?

"Not gonna lie. You two are cute together, ya know. Wouldn't mind sharing you with Jungkook some time." Hoseok teased. I felt a shy wave wash over at his brazen comment.

"Like you did with Yoongi?" I glance at him, now nearly at the back door of the club.

"Yeah. That's if you want to, of course." Hoseok stopped as we reached the door, giving me a little wink before reaching for the handle and holding it open for me to walk out first.

"Hmm. But, you and Jungkook are both so… Dominant. You really think it'd work?" I was curious to see where this conversation would go. At first I'd thought he was teasing but, I remembered back to Christmas with Yoongi and I was immediately reminded that he meant it.

"He can be dominant but, he can also be soft and submissive. You know what I'm talking about, right?" I got in to the car with Hoseok, making sure to put my seatbelt on as we continued the interesting talk we were having.

"Yeah… You mean the soft little bunny smiles and the innocent sparkle he gets in his eyes." I reminisce on a time before Jungkook and I had such a turbulent relationship.

"I remember back when we'd sit in the convini store together chatting and giggling over Raman. He'd been more shy back then… Even blushing once in a while. These days not so much, he's more… assertive" was the word I chose to use.

Hoseok clicked his tongue, eyes focused on the road as we drove towards the campus.

"Yeah. He's still cute and timid, just need to coax it out of him." He mused, licking at the bottom of his lip as he glanced at me.

"Well, you know me. As adventurous as they come. As long as it's between the eight of us I'm happy to try out new things." I'd always been very open with Hoseok and right now was no exception.

"How about I come over tonight? We can relax, get something to eat and talk more about it then." His offer came as we pulled up beside the main campus building.

"Yeah, okay." We exchanged smiles before I leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek. Just as I was about to get out he mentioned to text him when I'd finished and that he would pick me up. I agreed, giving a last wave before closing the door and heading off to find which building my exam was going to held in.

Call it bad luck but all three subjects that I had an exam for had fallen on the same day, all one after the other given an hour or so in between.

The timing of them was well out of my hands though, so I just had to suck it up and make do. And, after all of this was done I'd be on holidays until the start of next year. I could focus on writing and maybe even try and improve on song production. That would be really helpful.

The first exam went by agonisingly slow. But, by the end of it I felt confident that I'd score well. As I check my phone I see a message from Kookie.

JK: How's my baby girl going? ♡

Jia: One down, two to goo 🤗 What's you doing?

JK: Nice👍🏼

Can't tell you, it's top secret TT

Jia: Really? That just makes me wanna know even more… k k

JK: Maybe, when I see u next…h h h

I put my phone away as I go to my next exam, I didn't have enough time to reply right now and it'd have to wait until afterwards.


The second went by much more quickly, when it was finished I went to the cafeteria to get a sandwich for lunch. I sat at a table by myself as I ate, there was hardly anyone around and I couldn't help but to feel like campus was like a ghost town at this time of year.

I remembered the messages I'd been sending and quickly went to grab my phone to check. It felt nice reading the texts from Jungkook… It wasn't often he sent such cute ones and it made me feel giddy. But, to my surprise it wasn't his name I saw on my screen. Jimin?

Jimin: Hope you're exams are going well~ Sending you lots of luck! 💓

Jimin: Also, was thinking of coming to see you tonight☺️ What's you think?

Jia: Thanks Jiminie 😚 I planned to have dinner with Hoseok, I'm sure he'd like it if you came too 😋

Jimin: Haha😏

Okay, I'm already on the way to your place so I'll see you when you get home 😘

Jia: Okaaaay 💕

By the time I'd finished my last exam for the day I was absolutely exhausted. My brain had stopped working about forty minutes ago and my arms and legs felt heavy. It was a relief when Hoseok finally came to pick me up and I slipped into the passenger seat of the car. He had noticed I looked drained and sweetly suggested I lay back and relax, so I did. With my eyes closed I felt the gentle hum of the car. That along with the silent yet comforting presence of Hobi beside me helped take the edge off.

I roused at the grip on my thigh, followed by a soft shake. We passed through the club, ignoring the buzz of people getting ready for opening, and headed upstairs. To my surprise, as we got up to our safe-haven I saw Jimin. The furniture had been moved around, the table we usually ate at was pushed against the wall, my laptop propped on it. And he'd set up the blankets and pillows on the floor in front of it. A Nostalgia rushed over me, it was just like how we used to set up for sleepovers at my old apartment.

As Jimin finished emptying a bag of chips into a bowel he looked up, smiling cutely as he saw us. "You're back!" He ran a hand through his hair as he came over, pulling me with one arm in to him.

"Whoa. What's going on?" Hobi sounded shocked. I squeezed Jimin before pulling away and glancing at Hobi.

"This is our sleepover set up" I laughed, realising this was the first time he'd seen it.

"Yeah. Tae, Jungkookie and I used to go and stay over at Jia's place together." Jimin told him before pulling me by the wrist to sit down with him on the fluffy blanket.

"Cute, why didn't I ever get invited to one of these?" He questioned, sitting down with us.

"I dono… I guess it was just a Maknae thing back then" I offered. Jimin giggles. "Don't worry, we're having a sleep over tonight so it makes up for the ones you missed" he reasons. There's no way Hoseok could be mad at the sweet smile Jimin was giving him right now.

"Aw. This is gonna be so fun, I missed these sleepovers so much. Especially when I was stressed out… Oh! Actually, now that you mention it, should we invite the others? I wouldn't want them to feel left out… Now that you mention it Hob, it does feel like we should probably ask them… " I leaned back on my hands, looking between the two.

"I know Tae and Jungkook both have Vocal lessons tonight so they won't be able to make it" Jimin bites at his lower lip,

"Yeah, Joon and Jin are definitely busy. They always are. Yoongi might be free though" Hoseok perks up. But, at the mention of Yoongi I feel a wave of guilt hit me.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Hoseok noticed my discomfort.

"Well… Yoongi and I had a fight the last time I saw him. We aren't exactly on speaking terms… I don't think? I don't know, it's confusing." I confess. I feel the air in the room get heavier. Not wanting to ruin the mood I decide to push past my feelings.

"You know what, I'll just send him a message anyway! Worst he can do is say no or not reply, right?" I laugh awkwardly before reaching for my phone.

"Um. If it's uncomfortable you don't have to text him" Jimin says carefully.

"Yeah. It's okay. Anyway, let's just relax, have some dinner and put on a movie. That's what sleepovers are about, right?" I smiled.

The three of us settled in and got comfortable together in the cosy space. We'd been nibbling on snacks most of the night so we weren't very hungry, instead, we put on a movie and dimmed the lights down.

The light from the lamp leaves the room with a serene feeling. Jimin's vanilla scent mixed with Hoseok's cinnamon is a dangerously sweet and enticing combination.

I'm sitting between Hoseok's legs, and Jimin is snuggled up between mine, his blonde hair is sprawled across my thigh as he rests his head on it. I can vaguely feel the weight of his head on my pubic bone but it's innocent enough in nature that I don't worry about it. I feel Jimin wrap his arms around my leg and hug it, the hand that's tucked underneath lightly squeezing the back of my thigh. Slowly his gropes get more brazen, higher until he's groping a handful of my ass.

His touch following the crevice until it ghosts between my inner thigh and my folds. I try to stay still, to not give Hoseok any reason to suspect I'm getting fondled while I'm in his arms.

I carefully run my fingers through the soft locks of his hair, gently pulling in hopes that he gets my meaning to stop being so cheeky. But instead, it has the opposite effect and only edges him on. He gently rubs over my folds and this send an obvious shudder right through me. I could feel myself getting wetter, my core now throbbing from the teasing.

Hoseok leans me back against his shoulder to try and get my body to relax, does he know I'm so tense because Jimin decided to be merciless.

The warm of Hoseok's breath prickles at the skin of my neck as he trails slow, soft kisses. It only adds to the arousal, making me squirm.

I give in to the feeling as he finds the hem of my shirt and slides his hands up the skin of my stomach. His breathing becoming heavier in my ear, I can feel my nipples harden in anticipate of his touch. When his hands finally run over the buds I'm so sensitive that i can't hold in my moan.

Jimin tilts his head up, eyes glazing over as he sees Hoseok devouring my neck, hands buried under my shirt.

"Jiminie, Want to see?" He asks.

"Ahh. You might even be worse than me Hyung." Jimin bites at his lip cheekily. Hoseok smirks before lifting my shirt up to expose the handle he has on my nipples, still tenderly rolling them over and pinching them between his fingers. My mind clouds over and I feel like I'm being reduced into a moaning mess under him.

"Hyung, do you think she could cum just from that?" He teases, slowly edging closer. As his hand rubs over my already soaking folds I can't take it anymore, I bury my blushing face into the crevice of Hoseok's neck.

"Jia. Look at me" Jimin's tone heavier, more commanding. I force myself to look back at him. I watch as Jimin hooks the material of my shorts and pulls them off, leaving me in a completely soaked pair of panties.

"He's right you know, it's only polite to look at him while he ruins you." Hoseok chuckles in to my ear.

"S' too much, I'm already so sensitive," I mumble, trying not to roll my head back and instead watch him, eyes blown out, lips plump as he nibbles on them. Spreading my legs and looking like he's about to devour me.

"Come here baby," Hoseok gently pulls me up so I'm sitting on his lap, legs still wide.

Jimin pulls my panties aside, watching me cockily as he licks all the way from bottom to top of my slit. I gasp.

As his tounge massages over my sensitive clit I can feel Hoseok's hard dick throbbing against my ass through the fabric of his pants. He must be holding back so badly right now. Then, Jimin pushes two fingers inside me and my thoughts get totally jumbled.

I whimper between them, Hoseok manages to take down his pants and I feel him reach from underneath, adding two fingers in along with Jimin's, then, rubbing it back towards my ass. He does this a few more times before rubbing the pre cum of his throbbing knob against my ass hole. Playfully pushing it in and out, testing to see how it feels.

"Please, a little deeper" I pant, wanting so badly to feel his cock slowly stretch my other hole.

"If it hurts at any time just tell me to stop, okay baby?" Hoseok places a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"Okay, I will," I breath, still coming undone by Jimin's tantalisingly slow suckles of my clit between his swollen plump lips.

Slowly Hoseok lowers me onto him, every time filling me up more and more until he's completely bottomed out, in my ass.

"Oh, fuck. You're so tight back here babe." He groans.

Jimin sits up and eagerly slips off his clothes, his hard cock popping out and hitting his firm abs.

"Jimin" I bit my lip, feeling so greedy by now, I wanted him inside me too.

Hoseok leans back slightly and I'm laying on his chest now. He stops his gentle thrusts as Jimin leans over me, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him closer. The tip of his hard cock slips easily against my core, then, I feel him push in.

As if having Hoseok already nestled deep in my ass, when Jimin starts pushing his way in as well I feel like I'm about to break but in the best way possible. So full, wet, and trembling. Pinned against Hoseok and Jimin's slender sweaty abs while their cocks are buried so deep that it's hard to breath. Fuck. How did this happen?!

"Such a little slut for us, Huh? Having both of us fill you up like this must be so good, Hm?" Jimin groans, picking up the pace.

"Mm. Please, want you both to fill me up. So bad" I don't even care what I'm babbling at this point, so overwhelmed with arousal. The sensation is incredible as they both move in and out, Hoseok praising me, Jimin watching his thick cock disappear inside of me. But I can't hold out any longer.

"You coming baby?" Hoseok asks, pushing the damp hair back off my forehead. I pant yess and lull my head aside as my orgasm overwhelms me. Jimin quickly moves to rub his thump over my clit and I cum hard. My insides clench around the thickness of them both, Jimin's thumb still rubbing circles into my clit as he rides out my orgasm leaves me trembling.

"Fuck, you're so sexy, when you cum," Hoseok groans.

"Yeah. I'm so close, just hold on a little longer baby," Jimin picked up the pace, I'm so weak that I cling tighter around Jimin's shoulders. They both slide in and out of me with ease because of how much of my juices are dripping out. Hoseok speeds up too as he grips my waist, the rhythm of one going in and the other out has me reeling but as both of their thrusts peak I feel them both blow hard in me at the same time. Grunts and moans from the two who are so close to me.

"Oh my god" I breath, Jimin slowly pulls out first and sits up, his body is covered in a light sweat.

"Hold on, I'll go get something to clean you up with." He carefully stands and goes to the bathroom, leaving me still limp against Hoseok's chest.

"How'd that feel?" He asked, pulling my knees together to close my legs and rolling me to the side, still on him.

"Mm. Best sex I ever had," I mumbled, peering up to him with a small smile. He grins, looking pleased at my answer. Jimin comes back with some wet wipes and a hand towel.

"Okay, open up," he coaxes, Hoseok gently lifts my leg so that Jimin can clean me up. He does so gently which I'm thankful for seeing as how sensitive I am there.

"Jiminie, can you put her in bed while I clean up too," Hoseok asks.

"Yeah. Here, pass her over."

Hoseok carefully hands me to Jimin, who picks me up in his arms and takes me to bed.

"I'll be back, if you're tired don't wait for me, just sleep. Okay?" After gently putting me down he kisses my forehead.

"Okay," I give a small nod and snuggle into the softness of my sheets. Jimin goes back out and I can hear the muffled sound of their voices. They fade away.


Hellooo my lovelies !

Was anyone surprised that it was JiHope? (❛ o ❛⋆) hehe

I dono why I chose them lool I know it's such a random pairing but um,

ples let me know what you think? (๑ •́ω•̀)

Also! I have an announcement:

This story will be 68 chapters long. So, it will be coming to an end soon..

BUT... I'm writing/working on the sequel right now !!

So, the story will continue ~ Just in a new book :D

I have some big things planned hehe

I shall give more details as we get closer to the end of this book,

Until then, take care, okie ? <3