Let The Meeting Begin

The effects may be different, but the 3rd eye and method of attack was the exact same. That HAD to be an Evil Eye.

9 Flame Queen was having similar thoughts and she couldn't help but feel stiff. All this time she had felt indifferent to Jörma's cultivation that rivalled her own (4th Realm, 6th Stage) because at the end of the day, she was a Beast/Monster hybrid and that gave her an enormous advantage.

On top of that, although her Beast heritage was average, her Monster half was nothing to scoff at. She was not only a Demon King but a Demon King of the Elemental race, arguably the most powerful race of Monsters.

She may have lost dominion over the Elementals but her abilities and raw power had not been taken away at all, instead, they had been empowered when they had been combined with the lava powers that she obtained from her Beast heritage. So it was inevitable that when all of her biological qualifications were calculated together, it resulted in a QOB that became very hard to match.

But she knew about the powers of an Evil Eye, and just look. No words needed to be said. There were a large row of deader than dead statues and they had been created by a single look.

She was starting to think that her actions of overlooking this being were incredibly foolish and that she needed to evaluate the strength of her possible ally.

'What a blunder…' She thought. But truthfully, when was the last time that she had to consider anyone as a rival? The Phoenix race had more control of the West Continent than her own Purgatory Vermillion race, but that was because of the amount of time they had had to occupy the lands in comparison to her race, not to mention that her race was a much newer one. Chad himself was weaker than her and was no rival at all.

She could only think about the Lord of all Monsters, Asura. The Demon King of the Savage Earthen Ogre Tribe who had….… haah~ She didn't even like to think about those times.

The creature known as Envy, who was the progenitor of the Ice Phoenixes before then, was weak when she had first met him, and had only stayed for a few minutes when he became powerful. No other 'rival' had appeared ever since.

As the 9 Flame Queen thoughts drifted to her past, the Moonlit Wasps who had been stunned into silence by the vicious show of power finally reacted with a burst of anger.


Loud chattering sounds could be heard as they kicked up a fuss, their wings beating even faster and some even taking flight. But still, true to their nature, instead of attacking (in vain) which would have no doubt left their Queen unprotected, they squeezed closer to her, trying their best to prevent any harm from coming her way.

They ended up looking like a giant white and silver ball that convulsed strangely- and they made strange noises all the while. Even then, it could still be considered musical, but compared to the previous harmonious sound of before, the sound they were now creating was chaotic and utterly disorderly. It was like multiple songs were playing at once and it was loud; Very unpleasant to hear.

But just before Jörma or even Gaia could interfere, a single voice spoke out.

"Calm down."

It was spoken softly, but it was still heard above the cacophony of cries as if the words had been spoken by a higher being, which of course meant that it had been amplified by Mana. It was something that anyone could do, but the voice immediately vanquished the chaotic sounds of the Moonlit Wasps and even caused them to settle down as if the previous events had never happened, which wasn't something that just anyone could do.

A few people who looked at that were flabbergasted. The way the Wasps were acting, it was as if they would rip out their own wings out of anger at any moment, but within an instant they had suddenly settled down and even started looking around as if they were wondering what everyone was looking at. What was up with these crazy insects?!

"I apologise for the behaviour of my race and hope we haven't jeopardised any opportunities. The next time a gathering like this arises, I will try my best to leave the inessential members of my hive behind, or simply not attend in order to prevent grievances. Will you forgive me?"

The same soft-spoken voice was heard again. At this point, although nobody could see her, they knew who she was. There was only one being who could command the entire Moonlit Wasp race and that was the Queen herself.

And as one could expect of the ruler of the Moonlit Wasps, her voice was very feminine and melodious. But contrary to expectations, although her voice was clear and unwavering, it did not carry the regal quality that most other rulers had.

But that was meaningless. Titania was even surprised by how well-spoken the Wasp Queen was. She herself had the aid of experience and a few inherited memories concerning the topic that let her speak like it was her profession, but the Wasp Queen did not. How did she learn how to talk like that?

Jörma didn't care about any of that and simply gave a nod. "You have been forgiven, but do not let there be a second time." Her eyes returned to normal and she turned her head to look at everyone else.

"We have already wasted enough time. There are 2 groups that are still not here but I no longer wish to wait for them. It is finally time to get to the reason we are all here. The reason why every powerhouse on the continent has been called here today."

She then turned her head to Gaia and gave a small bow, a mere tilt of her head. "goddess of the Dragons, over to you."