
Hello there ruhal

How are you doing doing today.

First of my birthday is February 4 1989.

As for my abduction I was autopsied by alien and put back where I was found.  I remember them probing my face as if to pierce it.  And strange lights.   Around me.  Then I was dumped where the found me and I chills up and down my spine for weeks the my mental heal worked did not believe me but my parents did believe me after I yelled "I ain't talking silly!"

I also have had the pleasure of seeing and smelling ghosts and angels.  I can smell my grandmothers perfume from when she was alive when ever I have I bad day. 

As for the judge mental people you don't have to feel sorry for me about that we're not the one that's judge mental it happens all the time with me but I it has been tapering down since I've been getting older I remember one time in high school saying to my mother I don't give a darn about the bullies or their existence and their opinions.  Santa I let other people's judgement either bug me a little or not bugging me at all and I just give them the the hairy eye ..... a dirty look.

Do you want I can show you some of my artwork pretty soon after I'm done this ladder I'll show you my artwork I would like your opinion on it I'm glad that you were saying that me being a nail artist and hairdresser would be a good idea that is very good of you. I just woke up this morning so I'm a little groggy.

Hope to hear from you soon
