(That's a little freaky...)

Chapter ten:

Taya Kyle was stunned for several seconds before she organized her thoughts enough to ask the question that was burning in her mind the most. At the same time, she finally put on her thoughts to voice instead of relying on Jack's ability to read her surface thoughts.

"I can visit your multiverse? Taya Kyle asked him.

A pleased and proud feeling emanated from Jack. He thought to himself. "Good, good, good. Talking this soon is suspicious. I wasn't mistaken. This time will be different. Tying his thoughts up there, he moved to answer Taya's question.

"Yes. Of course you can. Did you think that because we are now the same kind of entity that you could no longer come back to your home universe or any of the other universe's that I have created? Replied Jack Kirby.

Taya Kyle chuckled. "Well, it's possible. You could also wait, but you created different Primordial gods than I did, so nothing will be the same. It may be a Marvel multiverse at all. So if you want to meet your heroes or even date some of them you would have to visit one of my universe's, or many of them. Said Jack Kirby.

Surprised. Taya Kyle quickly asked. "What do you mean, not a Marvel multiverse? Taya Kyle asked him.

"What I mean is that you've created more likely will end being something completely new. The only way it could be the same is if you forced to be. Take it from me though, forcing fate can lead to instabilities in yourself as well as in the multiverse, to collapse and for you to have start over from scratch. And that, is a very painful thing to go through. Replied Jack Kirby.

"I see... Taya Kyle started to wonder what sort of universe her first would be like. Would there be super heroes and supervillains or something else. Those Wuxia novels were pretty awesome, but she doubted they'd be possible. Most of those characters end up becoming beings close to something like her and she didn't know how that would work. Maybe they'd grow into being another Primordial? Nah. She wouldn't like that. She would rather have superheroes, giant robot's, aliens, and supervillains... Speaking of universe's though.

"How would I travel to your multiverse? Taya Kyle asked him.

"Easy. Jump in. You won't be able to maintain the same form you have out here, and you won't be able to consume anymore of the Primordial chaos until you exit. Though it should be a problem, you're already rather full, and depending on how your Primordial gods do, it should last a few million years at least and a few billion at the most. If you don't create any more god's, you should have enough to create two or three universe's. As for your form, you'll look like how you did just now when you talked to your son's and daughters. Not the dog head, nice one by the way, but when you were interacting with them. Said Jack Kirby.

"Alright. Sounds good. But I have a few more questions before I think about that. What sort of abilities will I have? You mentioned that I would be as weak as the Incredible Hulk, but that's not everything is it? Replied Taya Kyle.

"Ah, I thought you ask deeper questions, but this is fine too. Jack looks up to the distance. Best to spread the heavy stuff around, I find. Especially in a story. If you tackle all the hard stuff at once than the rest of the story becomes superfluous and weak in my options. Said Jack Kirby.

As Jack started his mini rant it felt as if he was talking to someone who wasn't there. Taya Kyle thought about it, but it felt rather crazy for it to be even possible. Is she breaking the fourth wall? Is there a fourth wall? That'd be insane. Or maybe... she's insane. She started backing away, thinking that her mentor was a bit off the rocker and might not be safe.

"Anyway, you were asking about the abilities you'd... What are you doing way over there? Replied Jack Kirby.

Kelsey Impicciche froze. "Uh, nothing just thought I could listen better at a distance. Nothing to worry about. Haha... Said Taya Kyle.

"You know of the infinity stones right? Jack asked her.

"Of course. Replied Taya Kyle.

"Well, in my multiverse you'll have the same abilities, just extremely watered down. You can manipulate time in a localized area, just reverse, slow someone's relative time, as well as speed up your own, see into the future or past by a few minutes.

You'll be able to see a person's aura, how they're feeling, what sort of personality they have, and all of that will be in your visible spectrum. You'll also be able to intuit when people are destined to die, and I don't mean death due to accidents or murder, I mean when their bodies are hardwired to die. It'll be something immutable and unable to change.

You'll have sort range teleportation and decent sense of the space around you. The ability to connect to someone telepathically as well as read people's surface thoughts. You can alter reality a bit, make illusions, summon temporary construct's, that sort of thing. And of course you can at least give Hulk a good fight with strength and endurance. Said Jack Kirby.

"Yeah I know, it's a step down from what you're used to now. But as you and your son's and daughters create more you'll become stronger. Each universe you create is qualitative leap in strength. You create a universe, not only does it increase your power. Think of each universe as a focus point, your power passes through it and it gets channeled and amplified while simultaneously your powers are what makes the universe function. Symbiotic relationship. Anyway, the more universe's made, the stronger the channeling and amplification. Replied Jack Kirby.

And as Taya Kyle was going to ask how to create a universe. Jack raised his hand and stopped her.