Chapter 3- Eleonora

7:34 AM.


I jolt up with a gasp, my head pounding with a pain so excruciating I feel like I'm gonna explode.

I grimace, standing up out of bed when I double over in pain.

I hit the ground with a small thunk, lifting my hand up to my head.


I switch my eyes to the door which opens, and Hardin looks at me strangely.

"Why are you on floor?"

"I tried to walk but I..." I let out a loud cough and he jumps slightly, eyes widening.

"I collapsed. My head hurts really bad. I think...I think someone's in trouble."


"I can sense when people are in danger, remember?"

"Alex and Wilder are sleeping, I'm not in any danger, who is it?!"

I shake my head.

"The hell I know. I haven't contacted anyone outside of you three in ages. Since we went "missing"."

Hardin makes a face, before coming to my side and lifting me back up onto a chair.

He sits across from me, brows furrowed.

"You must know someone else..."

"Well...there's Slade...but only God knows where he went."


I give him a look from the corner of my eye and he nods.

"Oh. That Slade. Well, Nor, I don't know how to help you."

I lay my head on Hardin's shoulder, flicking his cheek.

He glares at me and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. You know? Maybe it's—"

I pause when I hear a familiar high-pitched voice, sitting up.


"Nora?! Hardin?! Come!"

I stand up, rushing to the door and into the living room, where I now see her and Wilder sitting.

He looks half asleep.

"Is it an emergency?! What happened?!"

Wilder's light eyes move to mine and he gives me a bored look.

"She's freaking out over something on the news."

"What is it, Ali?"

I sit down next to her as Hardin comes out, standing behind all of us.

Alex flips the channel to the mainstream news, where I see many cameras and news reporters at a prison.

A supernatural prison.

"This is Estella Goodwin from Channel 75 News here to report to you that murderer Raven Asher is being released from prison early! What are they thinking?! She can easily kill more civilians, yet they're letting her out?! Apparently this was all orchestrated by certified detective Rose Hollows, who insisted Asher was no longer a threat to society and is to work with them. Do you agree with this?! Do you think Raven Asher is meant to get out of prison sixteen years early? I think I already hear people protesting...but that's it for me! Once again, this is Estella Goodwin from Channel 75 News, and onto Luke!"

I watch as the camera unfocuses from the pretty green eyed lady, zooming in on the entrance to the prison where a pale and dark haired woman comes out with multiple muscly men around her, another blue haired woman walking ahead of them.

She must be Rose Hollows.

Which means the other one must be Raven Asher.

Raven distances herself from the bodyguards, turning around and grinning at the camera.

Her white eyes seem to go right through my soul, and she cocks her head to the side as she waves.

People seem to go wild in the background, and someone grabs her cuffed wrist, dragging her along.

The camera cuts as it switches to a different news anchors' perspective of a random hailstorm in another city, and Alex shuts off the TV.

She turns to look at us.

"What did you want me to see?"

Wilder says, and her gold eyes move to his.


"What about her? Sure, she's sexy, but—"


His eyes widen and I burst out laughing.

Hardin shakes his head and he gives him a look.

"What?! She's hot you can't lie..."

Alex grits her teeth.

"Sleaze. What I was trying to say is that we need her."

"For what?"

I say, and it's my turn to have her eyes boring into mine.

"You've seen what she's done...does she not seem like the perfect person to be on our side? And besides, W. She's one of us."

He raises an eyebrow, but then grins.

"Alexandra, sweetheart, did you not catch when the girl said she's working with the FBI?"

She glares at Wilder and Hardin makes a face.

"We could use her help actually. She would be great use to us, that Raven girl."


Alex rolls her eyes.

"Just because she's "working" with the FBI doesn't mean we can't get her on our side! It won't be that hard to find her, trust me. Nora?"

I cock my head to the side.


"You should be the first one to talk to her."

"Why me?!"

She smiles at me.

"You have a way with your words, Nora."


9:12 AM.


I sit outside once again, watching the small ripples in the lake as the cool breeze hits my face.

Something in me is really trying to keep me from getting to them, but I don't know what it is.

And why it's happening.

I stand up from my chair as soon as I realize something.

I can do this. I can get them.

I go back inside, going upstairs and putting on a jacket and my sneakers before going back outside.

I pull the hoodie over my head, looking around before disappearing down a gravel pathway.

As I walk down the trail I realize I have no idea where I'm going.

I don't even know where the city is?! I haven't left this little spot in so long.

I soon begin to hear cars, realizing I'm nearing the start of the highway.

I start to speed walk, emerging from the trees into a busy street with people and cars everywhere.

I haven't seen this many people in a long time...

I stuff my hands in my pockets, waiting until there's a red light before running across the road to the other side.

I see another hooded figure sitting under a shade, that has a sign with a bus on it next to it.

Must be a bus stop.

I approach the person, clearing my throat.

"Excuse me?"

They turn around, and dark eyes meet mine.

He pulls something from his ear, blinking.

"How can I help you?"

"Hi, uhm...I was just wondering if you knew the way to the FBI HQ? If that's what you call it?"

His lips stretch in a grin.

"Why? Are you in trouble, doll? Should I call the police on you?"

I shake my head.

"No, no. I haven't done anything. I just need to ask them a question."

You're such a bad liar.

He cocks his head to the side and I awkwardly shift on my feet.

"Must be important. But I'll take you."

"Oh no, I can go myself. I wouldn't want to be a burden."

He smiles as he stands up, stretching high above me.

The hood falls off his head, revealing bright blonde hair.

"I'm just sitting here I have nothing to do. It's this way."

He turns around and I shrug, jogging to catch up to him.

"My name's Carson, by the way."

I spit out, and he looks down at me.

"What a cute name. I'm Slade. Nice to meet you, Carson."

I give him a small smile.

"Likewise, Slade."


We approach the large staircase that leads to the equally as large building, and I turn to look at him.

"Thank you. For taking me here and being this kind. I haven't met someone new in ages..."

Slade grins at me.

"What, have you been being kept captive in some middle aged man's basement?"

I shake my head, laughing.

"No I haven't, as much as it seems I have. I'll talk to you again soon?"

He nods.

"How about we meet tomorrow at noon? Same bus stop. I'll be seeing you, doll."

Slade disappears, and my eyes widen.

He didn't just—

He just—

He disappeared into thin hair.

I blink a few times, before quickly turning and making my way up the steps.

I don't actually know what I'm doing. But I'll figure it out.


12:27 PM.


One of the meaty body guards opens the door, and I'm let into an office with multiple windows that lets a shit ton of light in.

I spin around in a circle, grinning.

"Wow...haven't seen something like this in a good four years! Nice office. Are there cameras in here? Would people see me if I decided to strip naked right now?"

Rose looks at me as she enters the office as well, the men sitting on a sofa in the corner while she has a seat at her desk.

"The windows are quite large, dearest. You'd give everyone a show. And yes there are."

She points at two corners on the ceiling, where I see a blinking red light of a camera.

I smile.

"Even better. I might as well start with the top. It still has that guy's blood on it."

"No, no. Don't do that here. Have these."

She hands me a shirt and a pair of pants, which I stare at blankly.


I turn back around to the four bodyguards.

"Which one of you wants to show me to the restroom?"

They all look at each other than me, and one of them stands up.

"I'll take you, miss."

"Don't call me miss,"

I grab his shirt, bringing him closer so I can read his name tag.

"Noah. You can call me Raven. I don't know how many people I'm gonna have to tell my name isn't poisonous."

I release him, smiling.

"Come on now, N."

"This way, Raven."

I follow him down the hall, and he points to a door with a figure of a woman on it.

"Here's the bathroom."

"Thank you!"

I fake pout at him.

"Are you not gonna come help me take this off?"

Noah's eyes widen significantly and I grin.

"I'm only kidding. Unless you don't want me to be kidding. I'd make out with you."

I pat his shoulder before disappearing into the rest room, locking myself in a stall and changing into the shirt and pants before going back out to him.

"How do I look? Fabulous?"

"You look so fabulous, Raven."

I give him a bored look.

"I know you're lying to me, bastard. This is ugly! But whatever, it means a lot coming from you."

I turn around, walking back to Rose's office without another word.


"So here's how this is gonna work."

I stare blankly at her, arms crossed.

"I don't like how I can't decide what I'm gonna do, Rosie. I didn't agree to come here with your toothpaste hair ass to be bossed around."

She sighs.

"I'm not trying to boss you around, Raven. All I need is your cooperation. I would love to help you out, but for me to help you, you need to help me. Would you be fine going in for some tests?"


Rose nods, and I make a face.


"Thank you. We just need to know exactly what you can do. With your powers and all. You can help us catch these four wanted people. They're also supposedly "missing". No one believes it except their family members."

"Who? Who's supposedly missing?!"

She grabs a stack of files, pushing them towards me.

"Alexandra Burch, Wilder Felix, Hardin Bryant, and Eleonora Walker."

I open them all up, picking up a photo of a woman with golden eyes.

I then pick up one of a woman with hazel and white eyes, then a man with grey eyes and a man with brown eyes.

They seem so familiar. Maybe I do know who these people are.

I drop their photos, smiling.

"What in the hell do they do?"

"They're like you. Supernaturals. We need to capture them because four the past three years at least they've been terrorizing people."

I smirk.

"They sound like fun."

Rose slaps her forehead.

"No. Raven. Not fun. They kill people. And their on a mission. The FBI is their last stop and we need to get them before they get to us. With you here it will be useful. They go by The Hybrids."

I shake my head.

"Still not getting why you can't do it yourself, sweetheart."

"It's a lot more complicated than you think. I'll explain more later. Now you should go get your tests done."

I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. If I'm going to do this testing, you're allowing me out of this building. I've slept here, ate here, done everything here, and I'm tired of it! I saw a bar down the road on the way here. I'll go there."

"Raven, you do realize the only reason you're stuck inside this building is because people want to kill you?! You killed some of their people, and now they want to slaughter you."

I lean over her desk, grinning as I lower my voice to a whisper.

"I've killed many people before, Hollows, what makes you think I cant do it again? If they try to touch me I'll burn their hands off."

I lean backwards into the chair, and Rose stares at me.

"Don't kill anymore people, Asher. That's all I'm asking of you."

I stand up, walking towards the door.

"I'll go do my testing now. But there's no promises from me, Rose."


I sit in an armchair, staring at a vial that slowly fills of my own blood from the needle stuck in my arm.

"How much do you need?"

The doctor moves her eyes to mine.

"Two vials, Raven."

"Jeez. By the time you're done I'm gonna have no blood left."

She laughs.

"Aren't you silly. You have far more than two vials of blood in your body."

"What are you even testing me for? I'm lost. I have no idea what's going on."

She looks at me again.

"We're testing you to see what powers you have. Like pyrokinesis...air...telepathy...they just want to know what you have."


She shuts the vial, carefully plucking the needle out of my skin and putting a bandage over it.

"You can stay here while I bring these away to the testers. I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

I nod as she leaves, looking down at the bandage that slowly becomes more and more red from my blood.


I lift my finger to my mouth, biting it.

It gets punctured by my fang, and I watch as it bleeds.

I let the blood drip onto my pants, before standing up and walking down a different hallway.

I see people working in little cubicles, others bustling around.

How boring.

I look down at my finger again to see there's no longer a wound.

It healed itself.

I continue walking around, staring at all the things littering the walls.


I turn around, and the doctor comes running over to me.

"I thought I'd lost you. I would've gotten in a shit ton of trouble."

I grin.

"That'd be funny. This place is quite hideous. Just to let you know."

She blinks a few times.

"Oh okay. But come now. We have to bring you back to Miss Hollows so we can look at the results."

I nod.

"Sure thing, Jessica."

She makes a face at me, and I roll my eyes.

"I may be a little slow but I'm not that stupid! I can read your name tag."

"Whatever, Raven."


I'm now back sitting in the horribly uncomfortable chair across from Rose who seems far too surprised at what turned out on my results.

I have no fucking clue why they're so interested...

Jessica is talking to Rose about them, and I basically tune them out until I hear Rose call my name.



"You ready to hear this?"


I switch my eyes to hers and she pushes the document towards me.

I pick it up, scanning the words.

Raven Asher.


Pyrokinesis, self-healing.


Fire Class F.






Manipulation, fighting, seduction.


Shadow People.



I cock my head to the side, before grinning.

"Oh, I don't think you understand how happy this makes me. You read that?! Danger level 98 out of 100. I could probably blow this whole place up and kill everyone. I won't though! Promise!"

They both stare at me and I slide the paper back towards them, standing up again.

"I'm going to that bar now. The deal isn't off. Had fun with you today, Rosie, and thank you, Jessica honey, for the test results! You two have a lovely rest of your night and I'll be back here in a few hours!"

I walk out the door, rolling my eyes.

Tired of them. And the FBI.

Who knew they were so boring?

I walk outside, and down the unnecessarily large flight of stairs.

I cross the street to the bar, making a face.

How terrible looking.

"Look! That's her! Raven Asher!"

I turn around, seeing a group of people with their phones yelling and laughing.

What are they laughing about?

Someone's trying to get burnt.

I smile at them, coughing before yelling back.

"Hey, honeys! How are you guys feeling today?! Great I assume? I'm doing great as well! It's much nicer out here than in a cell, you know? I hope you get good pictures of me! If you post them on instagram use hashtag Ravenishotashell!"

I blow them a kiss before turning around again, seeing a couple sitting on a bench outside the bar staring at me wide eyed.

"Do you two need a drink? You're looking a little down."

They shake their heads and I pat the woman's shoulder.

"Alright then. Make sweet love, my children."

I open the door, getting hit with the whiff of cigarette smoke, alcohol, sweat, and old men.

I approach the bar, sitting down next to a random old looking guy smoking a cigar.

He turns to look at me with a grin.

"You want a cig, sweetheart?"

I turn my head towards him, smiling.

"Aren't you a sweet grandpa. Sure."

I take the cigar from his hand, taking a drag from it before handing it back.

"Haven't done that in a while."

"Now you're gonna have to give me a reward..."

I look at his gap toothed smile then his eyes with an odd look.

"You offered. I didn't ask. What could you possibly—"

He grabs my wrist, and I look down at it then him.

"I gave you a drag from my cigar, sweetheart, doesn't that mean I should get something in return? Your lips are looking sugar sweet..."

I smile.

"Oh really? You trying to make out with someone who could be your grandchild? I would say I'm in, but you're not really my type, sweetheart."

"I don't want to have to hurt you, girlie."

"What're you gonna do?! Murder me in a fucking bar? Now I suggest you let go of my wrist before I do something I won't regret."

"You can't hurt me, sweetheart."

I fake pout at him.

"Aw...are you Superman?"

"For you I'll be—"

My eyes widen slightly when he falls backwards onto the ground with a forceful smack, and my eyes shoot to a black haired, multicolored irised woman who looks bored.

Her eyes snap on mine.

"You good?"

I smile.

"Usually in the books it's the man who saves the woman. Now it's woman who saves woman? wanna make out or something? You could've just asked. And trust me, kitty, I could've burnt his ass alive."

She laughs.

"Of course you could've. I recognize you. From the news. Raven Asher? They make you seem like a monster out there."

I cock my head to the side.

"What if I was?"

She shakes her head.

"You couldn't be. But why don't you come with me? We can hang out out back."

I smirk.

"That was fast. But I love someone forward. That describes you my sweet."

"I'm glad to have pleased you, Raven."

I stand up, brushing off my pants with a yawn.

"Before i risk my life to get murdered by you, kitty, what's your name?"

She smiles.

"My name is Eleonora."