Chapter 6- The Shadows

I yawn.

"Wasn't aware that I was enrolling myself in a criminal training with someone who probably can't even spell the the word restaurant."

Wilder stares at me blankly.


I start laughing, grabbing onto his arm to keep myself from falling.

"Is that not right?!"

"You just proved my point! What would you know about robbing banks?! You forgot the U, sweetheart."

"That's only one letter, sweetheart. You're really making me want to choke you out."

I smile.

"Homicidal much?"

"Says someone who probably kills others for fun."

I ignore him, stopping at a vent.

I crouch down, lifting up the top of it and throwing it next to me.

"I'll be waiting down outside for you, sugar plum. Have fun."

"No, Wilder, you have fun standing in place while I do the work."

He chuckles before vanishing, and I slide into the vent with a noise of pain when I bang my knee on the inside.

Why am I actually doing this?!

And why the hell did he think my ass would fit in here?!

He must be dumber than I thought.

I military crawl all the way to a change in the vent, realizing it's indeed a door.


I push it open, grimacing at the loud squeak and smack of it falling.

I freeze when I hear voices, but then shake my head.

Wilder said no one was here.

I try my best to turn around, sliding my legs out first before letting myself fall out, landing on my feet.

I brush off my clothes, looking up.

Oh fuck.

At least ten bankers all stare at me in shock, and I smile at them as I realize that son of a bitch set me up.

I'll kill him.

"Hello, my dears."

One holds a phone to their ear, and I shake my head lightly.

"I wouldn't do that. Drop the phone."

The woman shakes her head, and my smile grows.

"I'm afraid it wasn't a yes or no question. Drop it. You make it seem like I'm talking to a disobedient dog. Perhaps that's what you are."

"Stay away from us! We will call security! They're on their way already! The cops! You can't just break into our bank!"

No powers...but...I really, really want to turn her into ashes.

"What's your name?"

The woman looks at me strangely.

"Love Stein..."

"How sweet. Well, Love, I want you and the rest of your little bank friends to go over there behind that desk while I do my business."

I hear a man's voice and my smile drops.

"We aren't letting you rob us you—"

Screams bounce off the walls when I turn around slightly and shoot him in the head, rotating back to the other people.

"Now that the nuisance is quiet, will you guys do what i said? And Love, what's the code to that vault?"

She shakes her head and I tilt my mine to the side.

"Sweetheart, you saw what I did to your little friend, right? Do you want me to stab my knife through your neck?"

Love sighs.

"It's 473973, okay?!"

I smile.

"Thank you."

I then pick up my gun, loading it and shooting all of them.

I stand there for a moment, staring at the blood soaking the floors, spattered on the wall, on my clothes.

It's everywhere.

I feel bad for the janitors.

I turn around, going over to the vault and punching in the code that Love gave to me.

It opens slowly, revealing a great deal of cash.

I didn't even need Wilder.

I just needed a gun.

I turn around, frowning.

Wish the police would've came would be more fun and action packed.


I'll go get Wilder.

I turn around, stepping over someone's body and grabbing their keys before going to the main entrance.

I unlock the door, seeing him a few feet away against the wall.


He turns around when he hears the door, grinning.

"Ravey baby! Did you kill them?"

I stay standing at the door, face emotionless.

"I did. Thank you for having people there when you said it was empty. I could've ruined my boots. Next time you do something as absurd as that I'm decapitating you."

"I find it very funny when you threaten me, Raven. You're just so cute and mini."

"Mini? You act as if you're that much taller than me. I'm 5'10, not 5'2, Wilder."

He rolls his eyes. 

"I'm 6'4! Taller enough than you!"

I step by to let him through, rolling my eyes.

"What did you even make me do this for?! Why do you need all this cash?"

"The thing is I don't, Asher. I just wanted you to prove your loyalty. As said before. But you know what sounds great right now?"

I cross my arms.


Wilder grins, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"A make out session."

I reach my hand up to his wrist, pulling his hand down with a smile.

"I'd rather kiss a corpse, Felix."

His cheeky grin drops and he rolls his eyes.

"Sure you would. You're lucky I even offered. I don't give make out sessions to anyone. You are special, Raven. I feel insulted."

"Stay upset. I know I'm special, Wilder. You should be the one feeling lucky I kissed you in the first place that other night. I regret it with my life."

The grin pops back on his face.

"You're entertaining. But we should probably go before the police get here. Don't know why they haven't yet. I'll take some of the money anyways. You need any?"

"Don't think so."

He shrugs.

"Suit yourself. You coming back with me?"

"I shouldn't. Wouldn't want my cotton candy to be worried."

His face fills with confusion.


"Rose Hollows. The detective. She doesn't stop worrying about me. It's like I'm her child."

Wilder starts laughing and I blink.

"I'm leaving now, have fun with this shit, Felix. I'll see you tomorrow at the bar. 7. Bring your little friends too. I believe we should have a better meet."

"Does this mean you like me now?"

"No it doesn't. It means I may be interested in actually associating myself with you."

He begins walking backwards towards the vault, eyebrows raised.

"That sounds a whole lot like you like me, Raven. Dress sexy for me tomorrow, will ya? The pants and that shirt don't do you justice."

I cock my head to the side.

"If I dress sexy it's not for you, Wilder. I don't even have access to that type of clothing anymore. This is all that I've been provided with."

Wilder smiles.

"I'll take you clothes shopping since we're besties, Raven. See you tomorrow."


I turn around, walking out the door and throwing my knife and gun into the trash can next to it.

I stuff my hands in my pockets, grimacing when a pain shoots through my back.

What the hell...?

I continue walking, hearing footsteps behind me.

I stop, staring straight ahead of me.

The footsteps stop too.

"Whoever's there, stop following me before I lash out on you and burn holes in your eye sockets."

I hear a small laugh, face paling.

"Raven Asher, long time no see..."

I turn around, seeing nothing but darkness.

"Who is talking to me?! Am I going mad?!"

I feel a breath against my neck, turning around again.

No one.

"I'm right here, Raven."

I turn to the left.


My heart drops to my stomach.

It's a shadow person.

I can't go against them.

My only weakness.

"Come out of the darkness. I can't hurt you, sweetie."

"Why is that?"

I see eyes in front of me, a bright yellow.

"Don't reveal your weaknesses to them."

I remember what I was told in prison, what the nurses said.

I shake my head.

"You'll have to figure it out for yourself."

The person laughs again, and I roll my eyes.

"If you're done being annoying I'll get on with my night, dude."


I take a step back when the darkness fades around them, revealing the man.

My eyes widen.


He smiles.

"You remembered me this time! It's nice to see you, Raven, darling."

I glare at him.

"It's not nice to see you. You were the little bitch that got me rotting in prison!"

Slade frowns.

"I'm so hurt. I think you should come with me, Raven. Before things get messy. I know shadow people are your only weaknesses, which makes me very happy considering I am one! I could easily kill you. But I don't want to. So don't make me."

I narrow my eyes.

"Do it. I'd rather die than go with you, Slade. Knowing you you're going to just get me right back into trouble."

He grins again.

"Don't act so tough, birdie."

I take another step back when he steps closer, stiffening when he grabs my face, other hand in mine.

I look down at my hand, eyes tracking it as it comes right in front of me.

He releases it, then turns it so my palm is facing me.

My eyes snap on his.

"What do you want me to see?!"

"Your hands, princess. You see those lines?! The little black ones? The burns?! Your powers are slowly killing you, Raven. The more you use them and do nothing about it the weaker you'll get, making you susceptible to all types of supernaturals. And all types of weapons. Your powers will weaken too as you slowly deteriorate. But I know how to fix it, Asher. I know how to fix all of it and make you good as new."

I look at his hand on my face, then closer at my own.

He's right.

The veins in my hand have gone completely black, and burns litter the surface of them.

I look back at Slade, frowning.

"What do you know?!"


I shake my head, and remove his hand from my face with an eye roll.

"I shouldn't trust you. You framed me for murder."

"Just come with me, Asher. I'm not gonna hurt you unless you give me a reason."

I stare at him.

"N. O. No."

I then turn around, walking back the way I was going when I let out a yelp, jumping backwards when Slade appears in front of me.

"What the fuck?! Go away, dude! I don't want your help!"

"Sure you don't, sugar."

"I'm sure."

He grabs my wrist and I scream, trying to yank it back when an agonizing pain shoots through my arm.

"Let go of me!"

Black ribbons snake up my arm, and I stare into his eyes.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Arm!"

"I'm afraid I can't, Raven."

He raises his hand to my face once again, forcing me to look deep into his irises that begin to glow and radiate yellow.

I feel my knees weaken underneath me, collapsing unconscious on the concrete when he releases my arm.

"Sorry, Rav. If you had just listened I wouldn't have to hurt you."


My eyes jolt open, and I'm sitting in a dark room. Again.

What is with me getting kidnapped nowadays?!


I hear male and female voices, standing up.

Not tied down this time.

I walk over to the door, sticking my head out.

I see Slade and a woman, who has black hair and bright green eyes.

Her eyes move in my direction and I quickly slide back into the door, their voices stopping.

"What is it?"

"I thought I saw someone. You said no one was here, Slade?"

"I don't think there is."

"I'll go look, okay?"

He doesn't say anything else, and I hear her footsteps coming towards the door.

I have an idea.

She pushes it open, and as soon as she steps inside I slam her into the opposite wall, hands around her neck.

"Who are you?!"

"What?! W-Who are you?!"

Slade comes in, and he rolls his eyes.

"Raven! Get off of her!"

"I'll get off of her once you tell me what the hell is going on!"

I then look back into her green eyes, dropping her onto the floor.

"You guys bore me. Who is she?!"

"Carson Angelo."

I look down at her, making a face.

"Why do you hang out with him?! Who even are you, Carson?"

Her eyes expand in some emotion, shock or realization.

"You're Raven Asher?!"

"I am..."

She stands up, raising her hand to her neck before grabbing my shoulders.

"I've been looking for you—for the four—do you know them?! Do you know where they are?! They are the only chance I have to—"

I suddenly get a shock of realization, and I stare at her.


I blink a few times.

"Before I answer anything...why in the world are you with Slade?! How do we know each other?!"

She sighs.

"It's a long story. But long story short. He's helping me get revenge."