Chapter Two: Without You

It's been already a week of school and I already barely see Jude anymore. He is either hanging out with Sabrina or playing football. I really hope she's not replacing me as his best friend. I don't know how I'm going to survive high school without him, he's been with me through everything when I had my first kiss, first boyfriend, first heartbreak, and when my mom died. He's helped me through a lot and I'd like to think I've helped him too.

Other than seeing him at breakfast and walking to school, I just see him when he passes through the hallway ... with Sabrina. I've basically been eating alone during lunch except for Thursday and today when Luke asked me to join him and his friends. They were cool, I believe their names were Luis, Danny, and Tony. It was a little odd eating with just guys, but I could see them being close friends, they were really nice and funny.

It's the last period of the day and I intend on making one new friend, who is a girl and a freshman. Haven't really had a girl best friend since I was in 2nd grade maybe. Too much drama.

Luckily for me, today in Science we need to find lab partners. I looked around for a bit until I found someone who was also trying to find someone to sit with. I believe she's in my art class too ... what's her name? Jessica? No ... Joyce? No ... "Jordyn!" Frick frack, I said that really loud.

She walked over to me "Alyanna right?" She said with a small laugh.

"Yeah, sorry for calling out your name. That was an accident. I was trying to remember your name and it just slipped out." I laughed as I finished that sentence, and Jordyn did as well.

"Would you like to be lab partners?" She asked me.

"Uhh, no ..." I trailed off and she laughed.

"Shut up!" She gets me already, I think we can be great friends.

After class, we exchanged numbers, Instagrams, and snapchats. At least I know I have a friend other than Jude, who so happens to be spending his time with Sabrina 24/7 and it irritates me to be completely honest.

After school, I went to the park and climbed up a tree. The tree is where Jude and I use to climb up together and talk about anything and it would never leave that spot. I never went up here alone until now, I just feel like I need to clear my head from everything that has happened.

It was almost 5 when I heard someone climb the tree. When I looked down I saw Jude climbing up. He sat down right next to me and waited for me to say something. So he just sighed.

"Can I help you?" I finally said.

"Ouch. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Answer me this question Jude, do I look okay?" I said with a little attitude in my voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Well ya see, if I were to have my best friend around, they would know what's wrong."

"What are you trying to say Aly? I'm here now." He says as if it makes it any better.

"Jude, you're never around anymore, you never talk to me, we don't hang out. You literally come to my house to eat breakfast and walk to school and then you don't even say a word while we walk because you're always texting on your damn phone!" I don't know how long I've been holding that in. I think like a week.

"Geez, I didn't know you felt that way. Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Are you freaking kidding me? Did you not just hear a word I said? You. Never. Talk. To. Me." I said that last part slowly.

"I'm sorry, but high school is so much bigger with so many people –"

"And what? You don't wanna be friends anymore? Are you dropping me?"

"Of course not! I could never forget about my best friend!" He said with sincerity and embraced me in a hug then kissed my forehead. God how much I missed this. I missed him. I missed his hugs. And kisses.

"Glad to hear you say that," we pulled apart from the hug, "because I don't know what I'd do without you. I need you in my life." He pulled me in for another hug and I just laid in his shoulder with his arm around me still up on the tree.

We stayed up there just talking about everything like we use to for an hour. It was going great until, "What do you think of Sabrina?" I've been trying to avoid the topic of Sabrina.

"What about her?"

"I mean, what do you think of her as my girlfriend?" I just wanted to cry then and there when I heard him say that.

"She's your g-g-girlfriend?" I stuttered and forwarded my eyebrows.

"Yeah, I asked her today. I forgot to tell you, but I –"

I cut him off, "I just remembered my dad is cooking and I have to be home by 6:30, so I should go. I will talk to you later." I said and then climbed down the tree and walked home with tears slowly falling down my face.

When I opened the door, my dad was just sitting on the couch reading a book. I was a mess, my cheeks were stained with the tears that fell from my eyes.

"Aly? What's wrong?" I let more tears fall.

"Nothing dad, I'll be fine." Now I was balling.

"Aly, sit and tell me what happened." He said with a soft voice. I sat down right next to him.

"Its Jude." Is all I said and he knew what had happened.

"He's with that girl he met, isn't he." I nodded. "And you love him don't you, and not just as a best friend." I just let out my tears and rested my head against my dad's shoulder as he rubbed my other shoulder.

"Everything is going to be okay, in the end it will all work itself out." He comforted me. I hope he was right, I'm in love with Jude, and I just lost him to someone he just met. What will I do without him.