Defeating the Sphinx?

"You dare disrespect me?", the Sphinx raged. 

"What are you going to do about it?", Lucas laughed.

The sphinx started moving. She slowly shook her head, but because of the sheer magnitude of her face, it was enough to destabilize Lucas. He quickly jumped off of her head and landed safely on the sand.

The Sphinx was not finished yet. She raised her foot and took it forward to stamp Lucas away. Lucas grinned and he looked up. The foot was so huge that it cast a shadow all around him. He did not have anywhere to move at this point, and he felt a sharp pressure that did not even let him do so.

So, he raised his arms to defend himself. The foot came crashing down, and he was nowhere to be seen.

"See mortal! This is what happens when you go against a god.", the sphinx cackled.

"Now let us see the huge wolf come out for the first time in a thousand years. Let all of this be for reason.", she said.