Screams that filled the room

Eva shuddered again. "I don't need to know what you will do to him.", she said as she got up and scurried off.

Lucas did not even glance at her. His gaze was locked on Peter.

"What what are you going to do?", Peter stuttered.

"You tell me. Look at you now. You are in a much better state than you were before I arrived. You would have died if I was even ten minutes late. Yet here I am, showing you mercy. You are alive! You don't have that filthy poison within you.", Lucas said.

"I know what you want to do. You want to torture me, don't you. Well, you are not the only person who can control parts of his transformation. So can I.", Peter said as he suddenly stood up. The chain that was tying him up was broken as it fell onto the ground.

"You want a fight?", Lucas laughed.

"How powerful can you possibly be? You took thirty minutes to take care of those assholes from Rairel. You made a huge mistake healing me.", Peter said.