Not going according to plans

"But we don't know where we are. I mean, there are rooms everywhere, and this looks just like an office building. It is going to be hard finding a portal as we did in the previous floor. We have to work. Should we split up?", Eva asked.

"Staying together has worked for us so far. And it is clear that the marquess wanted us to split up. Right now, we are no longer constrained by Lucas going berserk. That means that we can go at our own leisurely pace.", Praneeth said.

"He is right. Together, we make a well balanced team, but separated, only I will probably survive, and that is only because I am good at surviving. If Eva and Angela faced the Minotaur alone, then they would be dead in minutes.", Lucas said.

"Minutes? I highly doubt that. I think that we can put a fight.", Eva retorted.