Fenrir as bait?

"That bitch wanted to use me as bait?", Fenrir bellowed. His voice echoed all over the room, and it clearly affected the homunculus as well, who was clutching his ears.

"I am right next to you. Give me a warning next time you are going to do that.", Lucas cursed out.

"This is far more serious. That is it. Whether I wanted to join her cause or not, she is going to have to die, just for the offense of trying to use me.", Fenrir said, his rage clear from the tone of his voice.

"Calm down man. We have more immediate things to take care of. Look. There is a man, I mean, a thing right there in front of us that wants to kill us, and your first thought is to take care of some woman who is long gone? Priorities.", Lucas said.

"Who cares about a toy that some human spent a few years trying to develop. It will take only minutes to dismantle it.", Fenrir scoffed.

"Then go ahead. Dismantle it. I will give you the front seat.", Lucas nodded.