Complete Failure

When Lucas opened his eyes, the room that he was within was completely dark. He struggled a little but got up. He looked around to see where he was. 

He was in the same room that he was once in, recuperating from the wound that brought him to this place. He was in Michael's lair, in Michael's bedroom. It was the exact same situation just a few weeks ago, and now, it happened once again.

"Deja vu.", Lucas chuckled.

He moved slightly as he got off the bed.

"Oh my god, how is my body still aching?", Lucas cried out with pain.

He barely got on his feet. He staggered as he moved forward. His legs were shaking as he took strides towards the door.

"Why am I struggling to walk? This isn't right. Why is my body so weak?", Lucas wondered as he continued walking towards the door.

He opened it. The light outside shone. Lucas could hear a few people talking.