Private Flight

The limo screeched to a halt after a thirty minute ride. Lucas got off the car and looked around. It was a windy place, with nothing in sight except for tar and concrete.

And straight in front of them, a huge plane, a full fifteen meters, towered in front of them. Angela got off the car as well, and she clutched her dress as she walked aside Lucas.

"You forgot your suitcase.", she said.

"The man will bring it. All I need is the briefcase anyways. That is all that matters.", Lucas chuckled. He then walked towards the plane. A man was standing guard, and he stopped them.

"You are?", he asked.

"The ones who own this plane. If you move, we can board now.", Angela said as she walked forward. She flashed something on her phone. The man looked at it and nodded.

"Welcome back, Ms. Romero. The seats are ready, and the breakfast menu will be served shortly.", the man bowed down as he moved away.