
"You want me to say that I am actually interested in their offer and that I will join them? How will the communication part of all of this work then? How will I be able to get any information to any of you when tons of all powerful gods are going to be lurking around?" Lucas asked.

"All of that is mere details. I am sure that a circumstance shall come when I will be able to glean that information from you. All that you have to do is get in there and become a key part of their plan. I just need you to understand what they hope to achieve, and the how of all of that. That is all that I need you to do. That is enough for someone like you." Odin said.

"And in the final war, what is going to happen then? I will miraculously join your side?" Lucas asked.

"That is right. And you will be able to backstab a few people in the process." Odin said.