The Mission

Lucas' face darkened. He looked at the cat in front of him with a serious gaze.

"Phrase your sentences properly next time. How dare you ask of something like that. Do you think that the bond that Fenrir and I have is so easy to break? He is literally living within me. Taking him out of me will take years of seals, or someone would have to kill me! Fenrir isn't going to come out of me just yet. Maybe after the siege of Asgard is over, someone could help extract him out. Until then, you are stuck with me." Lucas spat.

"That is unfortunate. But I trust Utgard's judgment. After all, he has more riding on this than I do. If he fails, he is going to die. But for us brothers, we will get chained for another thousand years at most. There is not a god strong enough to kill us. So let us just hope that you will be enough in this mortal shell." Ouroboros sighed.