Chapter 2: It's better than winning a lottery

Sophie had two friends; Dan and Mu Yue. They became friends since childhood. They were always together. Now, they were in the same university and in the same major. Although San's family and Mu Yue's family were not as rich as Sophie's family , Sophie doesn't have the mind that differentiate the standards.

They entered joyfully. There were many audience especially girls around the same age of Sophie who were waiting to see Superstar Yi Bo. That night, Sophie wore a limited edition high heel. It was very beautiful. As soon as they entered, a group of girls started mocking her.

Among them, Aura was the worst.

Aura clapped her hands and said " Hey look at her. The two beside her are beautiful. But look at that girl in the middle of them. With a such huge body, she is wearing the beautiful high heel. I'm so sad for that high heel. That kind of high heel is worthy for only me."

"You're right Aura. That high heel should be yours."One of Aura's friends added.

San and Mu Yue also noticed that Aura was jealous about Sophie.

"Sophie you see that wicked girl,Aura. I think she is envying you now " said San.

"Envy me?" Sophie asked surprisingly.

"Yeah . Tonight, you are wearing a limited edition high heel from V Brand. For her, it is too expensive and she can't afford it "said Mu Yue.

"This is limited edition! I didn't know it. I just found it in the shoeshelf and I thought it is suitable for tonight." said Sophie suprisingly.

"So you didn't buy it on purpose?" asked Mu Yue.

"Of course. I didn't." Sophie replied.

At that time, the presenter had already arrived on the stage and then they stopped their talkings.

"Hello Everyone!"

The presenter greeted the audience.

"Tonight we will see the most popular Superstar Yi Bo. And he is also here now. Let's welcome him by giving claps for Yi Bo."

The audience gave claps loudly and then Yi Bo also arrived on the stage .

"Hello. I'm glad to see you all tonight. I'm Yi Bo." He greeted and introduced himself.

After he said the audience especially girls screamed loudly.

"Well Yi Bo. Before you sing, please don't mind. We would like to interview you a little bit." The presenter requested.

"It's ok." Yi Bo allowed it.

"We heard that you are in a relationship with Za Yan. Is that news true?" asked the presenter.

"No, she is just a coworker. There is nothing between us. If I have a girlfriend, I will let my Fans know about it." He answered smily.

"So, Yi Bo whar is the ideal type of your future girlfriend? I think the girls at this show also want to know about this."

"Am I right? " He asked the audience.

"Yeah. You're right!" The auidence shouted in unison.

"Actually I don't limit the ideal type. Anyone who can understand and accept the real me can be my girlfriend."

As soon as the girls heard about that they shouted aloud with enjoyment.

Sophie also shouted " Yi Bo is the best!"

Her voice reached into Aura's ears. Aura told her friends loudly

" Come and look at this fatty. Without being shamed of her fat body, she not only even wears Black dress that makes her like a tab but also wears the high heels that can't lift her piggy body.

Now, she's even day dreaming about to be Yi Bo's girlfriend. What a shame!"

At that time, Yi Bo had already started singing.

Because of Aura's words, Sophie started angry. Her both sides of chubby cheeks started changing into red colour. She moved near her and aimed to slap Aura's face. But before she reached near her, one of Aura's friends put her leg on her way. Sophie didn't notice it and collided it. She couldn't make stable her balance and then she fell down.

On the stage, Yi Bo saw what was happening in the audience under the stage. As soon as he saw the girl fell down, he stopped dinging and jumped down from the stage and went towards her.

"Are you Ok?" He asked with a soft voice.

Sophie didn't look anywhere and she was only looking at the floor because she didn't want to face Aura.

But when she heard the voice ,she thought " How sweet the voice is! My heart will melt soon."

Then she looked at the place where the voice came. Then at there, she saw Yi Bo.

She was stunned gazing his face.

In Sophie's mind, she felt better than winning a lottery.

"Am I dreaming now? The Superstar Yi Bo is caring about me. He is talking me. I've never thought Yi Bo talks me. It's the best in my life."

Yi Bo shook her hands because Sophie didn't response at all and she really looked like a statue.

"He shook my hands. So this is not a dream! This is really happening! Oh my God!!!" She was shouting in her thoughts.

Then he asked her again" Are you Ok?"

This time Sophie was in a normal mood. But she couldn't cover her smiling face that because of Yi Bo.

"Ye..s. I O...K.."

She even couldn't speak well. She was very happy then. At that time,her chubby cheeks turned into pink.

Yi Bo smiled at her and said " Take care of yourself. Don't get hurt." Then he went onto the stage.