chapter 43: the plan we used in the past

[mitsu meets up with porthos outside of headquarters]

Mitsu: porthos, me and itami are planning on having a meeting with you today to confirm how we will eliminate yadara.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: why me?, is it because i'm the only one with ways to get my hands on equipment to get the job done.

[mitsu looks at porthos surprised]

Mitsu: Well, yes.

Pothos: Well it's good that you tell the truth, unlike your captain.

[mitsu looks at porthos in shock]

Mitsu: how could you say that?.

Porthos: if you were there to hear what your captain said you would know what im talking about.

Mitsu: Look, I know he killed Leo but he really is a good guy.

[porthos laughs]

Porthos: is that what women call a good guy, someone who is planning on killing the innocent just to make a little bit of money?.

[pothos smiles]

Porthos: or the fact that he's planning on using your girlfriend as a sacrifice to get yadara right where he wants him.

[mitsu looks at porthos surprised]

Mitsu: he wouldn't do that.

Porthos: ok, you're the director so you'll be there to see it when it happens.

Mitsu: the captain would never use someone as a sacrifice.

[porthos laughs]

Porthos: hikimi or known as narimo is yadaras sister correct?.

[mitsu looks at porthos surprised]

Mitsu: Well yes she is yadaras sister.

Porthos: how do you think we will get yadara to meet up with us.

[mitsu tears up]

Mitsu: by using his sister as bait.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: you finally caught on, your captain is the real villain here.

[Porthos looks at the sky]

Porthos: if you think of it yadara is the hero of this whole thing because he's just getting revenge for what you and your captain did to his sister.

[mitsu looks at porthos surprised]

Mitsu: I've had enough of your crap, we have a meeting in 5 minutes. You can either be there or have a flight back to France, whichever one is your choice.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: oh, I'll be there.

Mitsu: good.

[mitsu walks inside headquarters]

Mitsu: [sigh] I know what we are doing is wrong but it shouldn't matter since we're saving the city, right?.

[mitsu gets a call from itami]

Mitsu: hello?.

Itami: Mitsu, you and Porthos are late, where are you two?.

Mitsu: Well I'm at the entrance and Porthos is somewhere around here.

Itami: Well, porthos just got here, we're actually waiting on you now.

Mitsu: I'll be there right away.

Itami: good.

[itami hangs up]

Itami: porthos, how do you think we should eliminate yadara?.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: Well, I think we should go with the same plan you were going to use to stop inaba.

[itami looks at porthos surprised]

Itami: But that plan failed, Inaba ended up escaping and hiding in the prison and we weren't able to stop him like how we wanted.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: Well you do plan on using his sister as bait right?.

Itami: Well, yes.

Porthos: Well you can broadcast to the whole city telling yadara that if he doesn't meet us at the city hall we will execute his sister.

[itami smiles]

Itami: That's a good plan, but what if yadara doesn't see it?.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: He'll see it, the city has so many advertisement screens and tv's that it's basically impossible to not know whats going on.

Itami: you're right, we can broadcast it once we're prepared to take yadara down.

Porthos: Well we need to hurry because I have a feeling yadara is planning something big and it won't end well.

Itami: I'll have to inform the government so they allow us to use the screens.

Porthos: ok.

[after sometime mitsu arrives at itamis office]

Mitsu: I'm sorry I'm late for the meeting.

Itami: It's ok, just don't let it happen again.

Mitsu: I won't.

Itami: mitsu, to catch you up on everything me and porthos figured out a plan to get yadara right where we want him.

[mitsu looks at itami surprised]

Mitsu: ok and how will we do it?.

Itami: we will broadcast a message to yadara saying if he doesn't meet us at the city hall we will kill his sister once we have him at the city hall we will kill him on the spot.

Mitsu: [sigh] will hikimi be affected by it?.

Itami: Maybe or maybe not I'm not sure how she will react to it.

Mitsu: [sigh] ok.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: Also, I have something to tell you two.

[mitsu and itami look at porthos surprised]

Itami: What do you have to tell us?.

Porthos: Well if it wasn't for me joining this team i would have already killed yadara 17 times.

[itami looks at porthos surprised]

Itami: and how would you have done it?.

Porthos: Once I saw that someone put a bounty on yadaras head i had a sniper rifle specially made to kill him instantly.

Itami: how much was the bounty?.

[porthos smiles]

Porthos: 1 billion yen.

[itami looks at porthos surprised]

Itami: how could someone have that much money?.

Porthos: I'm not sure all I knew was I was going to get that money.

[itami smiles]

Itami: Well, tomorrow i will talk to the government about the broadcasting then we will start to set up for yadaras final days.

Porthos: ok.

chapter 44 February 10th