chapter 45: the end of yadara kusake pt1

[itami in his office gets a call from yamane]

Itami: hello?.

Yamane: Hey, we have your broadcast set to noon today.

Itami: ok, i'll be there.

Yamane: don't disappoint us with this plan of yours.

[itami laughs]

Itami: trust me, i won't.

Yamane: ok, well I'll see you at noon.

Itami: ok.

[yamane hangs up]

Itami: So at noon huh.

[itami gets up from his desk and walks down the hallway to mitsu and hikimi's room]

Itami: I'll get them ready before I announce what's going on to everyone.

Itami: I hope this plan does not fail like how it did with inaba.

[itami knocks on mitsu and hikimi's door]

Itami: mitsu?, hikimi?, get ready and meet me in my office.

[hikimi opens the door]

Hikimi: ok, give us five minutes and we'll be there.

[itami smiles]

Itami: I like that attitude.

[itami walks down the hallway to his office]

Itami: I wonder what she thinks is going to happen.

Itami: whatever she thinks she must look at it in a positive light.

[hikimi and mitsu in their room]

Hikimi: mitsu, come on, let's get ready. I told the captain that we would be at his office in 5 minutes.

Mitsu: I know, I texted him and told him that it would be 10 minutes.

[hikimi looks at mitsu surprised]

Hikimi: why?, i thought you would be excited about stopping yadara.

Mitsu: I am.

[hikimi puts her hand on mitsu's shoulder]

Hikimi: Come on, what's wrong?.

[mitsu turns around tearing up]

Mitsu: I don't want you to leave.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: I won't leave you no matter what.

Mitsu: ok.

[mitsu hugs hikimi]

Mitsu: I missed you the past few days while you were on your mission.

[hikimi smiles and wraps her arms around mitsu's head]

Hikimi: I missed you too.

Hikimi: Look, whatever happens today I hope you know I love you.

[mitsu crying]

Mitsu: I won't let you go!.

Mitsu: You can't leave me!, i won't allow it!.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: I might not know what's going on but just remember that I love you.

Mitsu: I love you too.

[hikimi gets up from the bed and puts on her suit and mask]

Hikimi: aren't you going to get ready?.

Mitsu: yeah.

[mitsu puts on her white coat and black pants]

Mitsu: Is that better?.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: You look as beautiful as ever.

Mitsu: thank you.

[hikimi and mitsu walk down the hallway to itami's office]

[mitsu knocks on the door]

Mitsu: we're here sir.

Itami: ok, i'll be there in a second.

[itami opens the door]

Itami: Now let me announce the plan for today then we'll leave for the city hall.

Mitsu: ok.

[itami uses the intercom]

Itami: all divisions prepare for a convoy to the city hall.

[itami grabs a stack of papers]

Itami: Now let's go.

Mitsu: ok.

[hikimi,mitsu and itami walk down the hallway to the garage]

Itami: Just remember you two after today we will be heroes.

Hikimi: We will?.

Mitsu: So what do I need to prepare for the broadcasting?.

Itami: nothing, you can support me and hikimi.

[mitsu looks at itami surprised]

Mitsu: ok.

[mitsu,hikimi and itami arrive at the garage]

Itami: Now let's get in the truck and get to the city hall as soon as possible.

Mitsu: ok.

[itami,mitsu and hikimi get in the truck]

Itami: Now let's roll.

[itami turns on the light and sirens]

Hikimi: So when does the broadcasting start?.

Itami: it starts at noon.

Hikimi: ok.

Mitsu: what about the international team?.

Itami: all that's left is Toby and porthos.

[mitsu looks at itami surprised]

Mitsu: What do you mean?.

[itami smiles]

Itami: i mean leo got shot by me and that suicide mission you sent alina on got her killed by yadara..

[mitsu looks at itami surprised]

Mitsu: what?, how?.

Itami: yadara found alina's badge and threw her off of a building.

Mitsu: I can't believe this, I pretty much sent her to die.

Itami: you had to do what you had to do.

Mitsu: But I can't live with this burden.

Itami: I have a lot of burdens but I shrug them off.

Mitsu: I can't do that to an innocent life.

Itami: you'll learn eventually.

[after sometime itami,hikimi and mitsu arrive at the city hall]

Itami: ok let's get set up.

[after sometime divisions 1 through 9 unpack the trucks and get all the equipment set up]

Itami: Now we're set to go.

[itami taps hikimi's shoulder]

Itami: hikimi, it's time to go.

Hikimi: ok.

[itami and hikimi walk towards the city hall but is followed by mitsu]

[itami turns around]

Itami: mitsu, I need you to prepare the international team.

[mitsu looks at itami surprised]

Mitsu: oh, ok.

[itami smiles]

Itami: good.

[itami and hikimi enter the city hall]

Mitsu: I thought he said I was going with them.

[mitsu walks towards the mobile headquarters]

Mitsu: I can't believe that he didn't keep his word.

Mitsu: [sigh] nevermind i need to get Toby and porthos prepared.

[mitsu enters the mobile headquarters]

[porthos and toby look at mitsu surprised]

Toby: So today is the day huh.

Mitsu: [sigh] yes.

Porthos: how could you let that man kill your girlfriend?.

Mitsu: I can't.

Toby: you can stop him you do know that right?.

[mitsu tears up]

Mitsu: I'm no better than the captain. I've killed innocent people since I've been working here and I hate it but I'm afraid to quit because he will kill me since I know too much.

Toby: Well it's either him or hikimi, your pick.

Mitsu: don't make me choose.

[porthos grabs mitsu's shoulder and hands toby the sniper rifle and pistol]

Porthos: here they are.

[porthos looks at mistu with a serious glare]

Porthos: now choose before things get bad do you want him to die or hikimi.

Mitsu: I want him to die.

[toby smiles]

Toby: Good choice, once I'm able to get a shot I'll shoot him.

Mitsu: ok.

[all the screens in the city go black then the broadcasting starts]

Yamane: This is yamane taneyuki here with an important message to yadara kusake from itami tameyori.

[yamane puts his hand on itami's shoulder]

Yamane: go ahead.

Itami: ok.

Itami: yadara kusake, we know you're out there hearing this somewhere but we have important news for you. We have your sister narimo kusake and if you don't meet us at the city hall within 24 hours we will have her executed on live television for protecting a mass murderer.

Amano: Is that all?.

Itami: yes.

Amano: Ok then, the broadcast is finished.

[all the screens go back to normal]

Hikimi: So now what?.

[itami smiles]

Itami: We wait and hope he shows up.

chapter 46 February 20th