A ship of the middle of the cruise the middle of the float on the ocean, none of the people who were there, except for a girls silver-haired middle of a sip of whiskey near the parapet of the ship.

He stared into the direction of the sea, which currently surrounds it. Black clothes make the look the girl looks so bold, and sexy at the same time.

Visible from a distance a Helicopter were approaching towards the ship, a little smile on the lips belonging to the girl.

Not waiting for long, he began to assemble his gun. Welcome the guests who came for her was. Weapons must be ready, for the state of emergency.

The helicopter was landing on the runway.

A middle-aged man wearing a suit of black, just down from the Helicopter. A small smile etched on his face.

Hose a few seconds later, a man come out of that Helicopter.