"What are you doing to me?" asked Cleo.

"Hhhmmm... I tie you up. You can't see what I'm doing?"

"I ask not why you tied me up, why did you kidnapped me..."

"Eeemmm... I will tell you," said the man while taking a chair and sitting in front of Cleo.

"How is yes... I have to tell it. I'm really interested in making a masterpiece, and will wasn to a lot of people,"

"Work?" asked Cleo.

"Yes, I want to make something more attractive than them, create works of art from pieces of the human body," said the man with a smile.

Cleo laughed. "You say that works of art?" asked Cleo.

"Yes, let me show you, the work of art that I say," said the man, while turning the seat belongs to Cleo, and now only rotate about 90° Cleo've seen the work that you want to perlihat by Cleo.