"Nah ".. this is the situation I like, " Lucas said, crossing his hands and smiling. "You must have understood who I am, right?"ask Lucas to those who were there, nobody said no. Everyone nodded his head, the Omen now knew about Lucas's identity.

Lucas talked about a few things to all of them. There was no refutation at that time. For these few months, they were in the shadow of the young man, distressing them greatly.

Charles was standing in front of Amandia's house in garut, the mountain where Egglear's secret laboratory was seen by them.

Charles dug something out of the stove, as Amandia told him. If the goods deposited by Victor Egglear is in the cooking place.

A small wooden chest is visible, engraved with the name of Victor Egglear. Rainza took the chest, and opened it, all he got was a puzzle and a piece of iron.