Episode 1: The Misery

It's 6:00 on Friday morning. Francheskha softly groaned as she rolled over her bed, searching for her phone.

She dimly looked at the time while rubbing her eyes with her other hand. Her eyes went wide. She jumped out of the bed after she saw the time.

"No, no, no. I still have to look for a job!"

Leaving her bed in its condition---messy, she rushed to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and ransacked through her closet. Fortunately, Francheskha found the clothes in no time.

Her clothes were tangled and really needed to be ironed, but there was no time for that!

She wore her clothes, tied her hair in a simple ponytail, then grabbed her sling bag, together with her papers.

"I have to make sure that I will get a job today."

-- At the Zienso Company --

Zienso Company, the most well-known and successful company.

The top one in industry.

A company with the best employees. The perfect public image.

Francheskha was standing in front of the Zienso building. Zienso building is her second to the last choice company to apply for a job.

She sighed, took one step, and then stopped again. She was too nervous to even enter the building-- afraid that she might fail the interview again.

To calm herself. Francheskha turned around and walked away from the building to buy a hot coffee. She didn't stay at the cafeteria and went to the building with the coffee in her hand.

Francheskha's holding her papers in one of her hands. And her coffee in her other hand and finally entered the building.

"Ma'am, where will the interview be held?" Francheskha asked the assistant.

'Are you here for the interview?"

Francheskha nodded while pressing her lips together.

"May I know your name?" Francheskha started to worry about the assistant's question.

"F-Francheskha Ruquiel." She stammered.

"They have already called your name earlier, but you didn't come. I'm afraid...you can't--"

"Which room is it?" Francheskha asked, holding her papers tightly.

"This way, Ma'am."

The assistant showed her the way to the room. They're walking down the hallway, passing many doors of different rooms.

"This room, Ma'am. I can't wait here with you as I still have to acknowledge some of the people out there." The assistant bowed to her politely and left. Francheskha was left alone, standing in front of the door.

She didn't want to fail. Not because she needs money to survive in life, but because she worries about her age. She's getting older and older, yet she doesn't have anything to do that's productive in life.

Francheskha drank her coffee and held the door knob but couldn't open the door. Hesitating to enter.

She was too close to the door that she could hear the judges laughing. She was confused...why would they laugh when they're interviewing someone?

Francheskha leaned to the door to listen to them

"I can't believe you're from a very wealthy family, yet you're planning to work here in our company. You're too good to be here."

"Actually, I have my reasons why I want to work here. So, please, I hope you'd accept me as your employee in Zienso Company."

"Well, let's see for the results later. Thank you."

The door suddenly opened from inside. There Francheskha saw a young lady with a perfect wine glass body figure. Her hair was blonde. Her eyebrows were thin and narrow. With her high heels, she was standing in front of Francheskha, staring at her, raising one eyebrow.

Francheskha was frozen and couldn't move an inch. She's just staring into the lady's eyes.

"Isn't that a bad thing to do? Overhearing someone's conversation?" The lady said to Francheskha and went outside.

Francheskha, the name tag of the young lady, was pinned to her coat.

"A name tag? Claveria?" She said confusedly in her mind.

Francheskha was still staring at her while she was walking away. She was about to enter the room when suddenly she saw the assistant running all the way towards her.

"Ma'am! Ma'am! Your name tag!"

Francheskha didn't want the assistant to tire herself from running with her high heels. She walked towards the assistant to get her name tag. Though the time was ticking, she still cared for the assistant.

The assistant could see her struggling with the stuff Francheskha's holding. A coffee, her papers, and a sling bag.

"I'll put it on your coat for you, Ma'am." The assistant offered.

They went to the side to not block the way.

"There. All done. I'm rooting for you, Ma'am!" The assistant cheered for Francheskha after pinning her name tag on her coat.

Francheskha felt happy and gained a little of her confidence. She smiled at the assistant and bowed.

"Thank you. I'll do my best. Let's look forward to working with each other!"

Soon as the assistant left, Francheskha turned around to walk back to the room.

But as soon as she turned around, she bumped into someone's chest.

Her coffee cup was all crumpled. Her papers were wet because of the coffee. Her resumé could no longer be read, and even her clothes were stained with coffee. Her day was completely ruined!

"Why are you so careless!? I'm already on the side so that you guys can have the way!" Francheskha raised her voice, looking down at her coat, wiping off the stain.

She expected a response from the person she bumped into, but the hallway was wrapped with silence.

Francheskha had to raise her head and see the face who she bumped into.

A guy standing in front of her slowly removed his sunglasses.

His dazzling eyes with wonder stared into her. His face featuring his blue eyes, constantly round and darted. His long eyelashes and crescent-of-moon eyebrows. His prominent cheekbones carved down his flinty jaw complemented his greek nose and sharp lips. His black hair, broad shoulders, and long legs give a derring-do outlook.

Francheskha was annoyed by the way he looked at her. Of course, Francheskha thinks he owes her an apology.

"Excuse me, don't you have something to say!?" She said while continuously cleaning her coat.

The guy just chuckled and smirked with his head bowed down, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

"Of course, I do."

Francheskha was awestricken with his hoarse voice. She needed to pull herself together and avoid being stung by every detail of this guy.

Francheskha cleared her throat and stood straight.

"You owe me an apology, Miss pretty."

For some reason, his deep voice saying those words made Francheskha nervous.

She was like a tree rooted in her place-- unable to move. Francheskha was lost for words.

"Mister Zienso! What happened to your suit!?"

Three men with two women were standing behind Zienso, the guy Francheskha bumped into.

The other man was passionately wiping off the coffee from Mister Zienso's suit.

"Hey! You're not allowed to touch him!" The other man said.

Mister Zienso turned around to see the five persons behind him.

"It's alright. Are you done with the interview?"

They all bowed down to him. "Yes, Mister Zienso. We just finished a minute ago."

"Good. Get back to work, then."

They were about to leave when suddenly Francheskha started to speak.

"I'm sorry, but did you say the interview is already done?" Francheskha asked.

They all looked at her from head to toe, judging her from inside and out.

"Well, yes. We'll get going now, Mister Zienso."

"Wait! Please, can I still give you my resumé? I was informed you already called for me, but please, I really need this job." Francheskha begged them desperately, showing them her resumé.

"May I ask... who's child are you?" One of the women asked her.

Francheskha remembered the conversation she heard from the room where the interview happened.

Oh, right. Your image is the most important one when it comes to a job.

"I'm not from a wealthy family, but I'll surely give my best if you let me work here with you."

They all sighed and crossed their arms.

"Sorry, but everyone was given one chance. We have to be fair, at least."

"But, Ma'am, Sir..."

Francheskha was left dumbfounded. She remained alone again, standing in front of Mister Zienso. Who's been staring at her the whole time.

"You...are the worst!" Francheskha shouted, pointing her finger to Mister Zienso.

She walked out while holding back her tears.

The assistant was waiting for her. As soon as she saw Francheskha, she went near her.

"How did it--" She saw Francheskha's face could not be drawn. It was evident that something didn't go well.




At Mister Zienso's office -

Tristan Zienso, the CEO of Zienso Company. 22 years old, a very hard-working guy. He doesn't care about anything other than to make sure that his family's company is in good hands and has a good image. The only child of Alphonse and Cora Zienso.

He prefers paperwork rather than going to the bar.

He prefers sleeping rather than drinking.

He prefers cars rather than ladies.

Tristan was inside his office, busy with all the papers piled on top of his desk.

He's in deep thoughts, with a pen between his fingers.

*loud knocking on the door*

"Come in."

His secretary, Shem Collins, rushed towards his boss, holding his tablet in his hands.

"Sir! Have you read the article!?"

"What article?" Tristan answered, unbothered and calm."

"Mister Zienso! You should learn how to look upon social media! You're trending again and again and again and--"

"What is it? Is it the company's name again?"

"No! It's your name, Mister Zienso. Your name!"

Secretary Shem walked closer to him and showed him the tablet.

"I am really tired of cleaning your parent's mess, Mister Zienso. I resign!" Shem said with his angry face.

Tristan didn't take his words seriously and just giggled.

He started reading the article

"CEO of Zienso Company, soon to get married?" Tristan had read the title of the article. But still, he stayed calm and was just smiling.

"Your parents talked to Reporter Kim and paid her to publish that article saying that you are soon to get married, but you have no plans to introduce your future wife to the public. They really are desperate to get you married."

"Shem, I have some work for you."

"What!? I said I will resign!"

"The coffee girl." Tristan kept ignoring Shem's resignation and was focusing on something.

"What, coffee girl? I'm leaving. You can handle everything, right? You're the legend, Tristan Zienso." Shem turned around and was about to get on his tracks when suddenly, Tristan offered him something.

"You can have my car. In exchange, you have to stay.

Tristan saw Shem standing. And couldn't take another step.

"Forget it. I don't want your car." Shem walked towards the door

"My credit card."

"Right! That issue...I can clean that in no time. I'll be back!"

"No. Actually, you will leave the article."


Tristan stood on his feet and removed his reading glasses. He loosened his bowtie and grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

"I want you to gather her information and give it to me tomorrow.", Tristan said while showing his phone screen to Shem, hiding his motives through his cold smile.

Shem slowly looked down to check his phone. Curious about what his boss wants him to do, his clueless face looked through Tristan's phone.

He could see a photo of a young lady, furious, wearing her coat with a stain.

"She's...the young lady earlier!"

Shem raised his head and looked into Tristan's eyes.

Tristan nodded and narrowed his eyes.

"But, what does she have to do with you?" Shem started to form plenty of questions in his mind as his boss seemed too odd for him.

For the very first time, his boss was interested in a lady.

"A lot. I want to have something to do with her."

"What are you trying to say? You heard what she said earlier. She's not from a wealthy family. Jeez, what are you planning now, Mister Zienso?"

"I want her to clean this article. In a very unique way. Ready the contract, Secretary Shem."