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"You ready?" Lola glances at the girl behind her before opening the front door.
As the freezing season is coming to an end, Lola had thought of a plan to take Jocosa out into the forest. There is a special field not too far from the cabin, which the family would occasionally visit once in a while.
An open field to play, perfect for the tense days they have endured.
"Uh-huh!" Jocosa fixes the layers atop her body, protecting her from the cold temperatures that await the two. The girl glances at the waiting hand Lola had placed out just for her. Jocosa giddily accepts as the door unlocks and they rush out excitedly.
"Be careful, you two!" The caring father yells after the duo. But his worries are not heard as they approach the makeshift path.
Making their way down the woody path, Jocosa and Lola are greeted by a grass plain littered with dandelions. Jocosa's jaw lowers as she is amazed by the sight before her.
"Cool, right?" Lola smiles proudly as her goal is accomplished. "Well, come on!" She pulls Jocosa along, encouraging her to run with her. The two lose themselves in the sun-covered field playing with one another. Their smiles grow as they assemble flower-crafted crowns for one another.
Lola playfully shoves Jocosa before jogging away baiting the girl to chase her. Jocosa rolls her eyes but gathers herself and runs after her as the sun begins to lower. But, suddenly, the girl's feet come to a halt as something flashes in her vision and mind.
A brunette boy clasps her hand as they run into a field, just like the one she is standing in now. Jocosa could feel the adoration for the boy spreading throughout her chest. "Robert..." the girl breathlessly mutters as Lola finally turns around, realizing she isn't following her.
"Jocosa, what's wrong?" Lola tilts her head before jogging to her side.
"Oh, nothing. We should head back now it's getting late," she brushes the memory to the side to ponder over it later. Lola agrees taking her hand once again to lead her back.
Their chatter fills the quiet forest around them as they take their time not wanting this peaceful time to come to an end. As they approach the house, multiple knights and horses crowd the entrance.
As the twig breaks under Lola's boot, the blond male swishes his head toward the alerting sound. His hands go limp dropping the portrait of the girl in front of him.