This Care Is For Her

Felixa didn't want to make him wait. She got the chalice from his hand, holding the stem of the chalice. It was heavy and she reflexively placed her other hand at the foot of the chalice.

She felt a warmth covering her hand as his fingers covered her hand holding the chalice. With a slight tremble that originated involuntarily, she lifted the corner of her lips meeting his eyes.

"You are not used to drinking wine, aren't you?" he asked and she nodded gingerly.

"Take a small sip. Otherwise, you won't feel good in the morning," he spoke softly as his other hand brushed a lock of her hair falling on her cheek.

Cautiously, she lifted the chalice and his hand that was wrapped around hers didn't leave her. She took a small sip as he advised. It had a sweet, fruity flavor and it made her want more, but she wondered if she should take one more sip.

As if he understood her dilemma, he started to speak. "You can slowly get used to drinking wine. But for now, just stop here…" his voice was gentle.

She nodded and held out her hand to pass the chalice back. But he leaned closer, and with her hands still holding the chalice, he finished the rest of the wine.

He then got the chalice from her hand and placed it on the table. She watched him walk like a majestic steed. For some reason, she found it hard to stop leering at him.

He took large gulps of the wine and it was glistening on his lips. Without even realizing she had stared at him for long, she had stared at him for long.

Only when his glistening lips got awfully closer to her, did she come out of her reverie. She felt his hands sinking on the bed right next to her thighs and then came his mesmerizing voice.

"If you want more of it, you can lick them all you want," with a slight smirk, he thrust his face in front of her.

She felt a shiver passing through her.

"No..." Felixa scooted back. "Thanks."

He laughed once more seeing her petrified face. But soon his laughter stopped and he sat beside her with a somber expression.

"Do you want to dress warmly?" he asked placing his hand on her hand.

Felixa thought for a moment. "Yes, I do feel cold," she said and he nodded and walked to the armchair by the window and brought her a silk robe.

She got down from the bed to accept that robe but he wrapped it around her shoulders and helped her wear it.

It probably is his robe and it covered her entirely. But it was warm and had a soothing minty fragrance.

"Felixa," he cupped her cheeks. "Forgive me for not coming to you earlier..." he said.

His voice shook and she felt the tips of his fingers turning cold.

"Had I known you were getting abused here, I'd have..."

His Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped and pressed his forehead on hers.

Maximus didn't expect that she'd be suffering physical abuse in this place. When he last met her, she appeared to be a pampered daughter of the duke. He thought she'd be living a pretty peaceful life and didn't want to include her in his intricate lifestyle yet.

Felixa placed her hand on his exposed chest. She could feel his heart beating in a rampant manner.

[Ah... so all his care and gentleness are for Wispy... But he doesn't know that I am replacing Wispy...]

A sharp pain struck her heart.

This uncertainty of not entirely sure of who she is or why she is here... this burden of getting stuck somewhere you cannot escape from... the guilt of taking someone else's place...

It all weighed her down. Her throat started to feel heavy and she started to feel that suffocating pain in her chest.

[No! I have to survive!]

Gritting her teeth, she composed herself.

Wispy gets into trouble every time she leaves her in charge. So she cannot do that. She promised Wispy that she will find that black-haired boy and now she is married to him.

Now all that is left to do is to find out why she got stuck here and find a way to leave. For that, she still needs this body. She cannot lose hope now.

[All I can do now is to live my life as Felixa until I figure everything. If I maintain a good relationship with this Brute, my quest will be easier. Staying with him will give me access to truths and a way out.]

[I am sorry, Wispy... I will have to use your body. But I won't ruin your relationship with him. Trust me.]

"Please don't get upset..." She said placing his hand over his heart. She felt the loud thumping of his heart and it gave an odd feeling.

"You're here now and that is enough."

He pulled back and met her eyes. He said nothing but she saw the rims of his eyes turning red. His thin lips parted as if they needed to convey something to her. In his eyes, she saw dismay along with other emotions.

[Did I make him mad?]

But he said nothing and started to tie the robe properly. All his actions were gentle and precise although his heart seemed turbulent.

"Go to bed," he said rubbing her cheek. "It's getting late."

"Okay..." she didn't want to linger around him either.

At one moment he seemed like the gentle breeze and the next he seems like a raging hurricane. She decided to maintain a safe distance from him in the future.

Just closer enough to not antagonize him and not too distant for him to forget her.

She sat at the corner of the bed and lied on her back. She could hear him move around and she observed him with half eyes closed.

When he picked up a dagger lying on the table and walked towards her, she found her heart starting to thump loudly.

But she decided to wait to see what he does before starting to panic.

Holding the hilt of the dagger he stood by her feet. He took a glance at her. She opened her eyes as she knew that he knows that she is not asleep yet.

No one can fall asleep this soon!

"What is it?" she asked, a little wary of the dagger.

"Nothing," he shook his head.

"Why?" she screamed and sat up, seeing him cutting his palm with the cutting edge of the dagger.

Drip! Drip!

His blood dripped on the white sheets of the bed.

"Sleep," he walked to her and patted her head. "If anyone asks, tell them that it is your blood. Don't elaborate any further," he said and she nodded gingerly.

He covered her with the duvet and sat by her side. She thought she didn't be able to fall asleep but she did pretty easily.

And she had a dream. In that dream, she was running behind that blonde-haired knight she saw before in a wheat field.

"Stop, Tubby!" she shouted but the distance between them kept on increasing.

The sun was bright, the sky was blue, her heart was racing, and her voice was that of a woman's.