Let It Be Known

Maximus fisted his hands. Closing his eyes he then relaxed his hand and placed it on his heart that is hurting.

The first feeling he has hearing that news is the feeling of loss. This is not the first time he is feeling this way. He had the same feeling before. But he didn't understand what it was before. Now he does.

«I will fight for you this time, my love…»

"If he was here… then…" Theodus asked seeing Maximus' face getting cleared of the sad feeling.

"He must have opened the portal. And that means…" Maximus looked at Theodus.

It means that Arioch got this help from the dark lord. He always wanted to get help from the dark side as he believed that those with no morals and those with nothing to lose would be the strongest. Alexandra usually would agree with whatever he says but, in this issue, she voiced her opposition.