(Shi pov)

Actually there's a thing that i forgot to tell hahaha.

And this event is my favorite thing i did.

When we came to sabaody, we meet a Celestial dragon, of course if you meet a Celestial Dragon you need to knee down.

Of course id didn't knee. When the Celestial Dragon saw me, he said that he want me as his slave.

And the idiot guard came closer to me, but they we're shot by Van Augur.

Qfter kiiling the guards i came closer to the Celestial dragon and put a colar on him.

After putting a slave colar from him i start riding him.

It's not what your thinking, i ride him as a horse(like Celestial Dragon riding on kuma)

Of course i enjoyed it, it's once in a life time experience.

We stroll around sabaody.

While riding on the Celestial Dragon i was singing.

(Old town road)

Of course when the world government knew this, they immediately dispatch an admiral(Akainu)but before Akainu arrives at sabaody we already left.

(3rd pov)

"Now I'm not hungry anymore, this shipis gonna be my new starting point and become the strongest man" A man covered in a gold armor said.

"This guy is so loud-tehe. Did you hear what he said!? become the strongest man-tehe!?" A beautiful lady with big bazongas said.

"Stop ending your sentence like that...Is that your thing now!? How embarrassing" Page one said.

"Come on, Pay-tan, your so shy-arinsu!" Ulti said and hug Page one.

"Don't call me Pay-tan!" Page one said.

"How about we make a bet, if we can kill that man woth one flick of finger" Kisame said.

"You think you will win this bet, don't you?" Crocodile said.

"I'm not interested on this childish thing" Van Augur said while cleaning his riffle.

"I'd appreciate if you drop out of this competition" Burgess said while looking at Issho.

"I'm also not interested" Issho said whil eating some noodles.

"Pay-tan, you can't compete, either, right? You'll drop out! you let that fool named Rastaman get away!" Burgess said.

"HEY, YOU! I YOU MESS WITH MY PAY-TAN, I'LL KICK YOUR ASS, BURGESS!!!!" Ulti shouted whil pointing his finger at Burgess.

"Hey, stop it, big sis, we're not in our ship" Page one said.

"Did you say 'Stop' to me!?" Ulti shout.

"Don't get mad at me!" Page one said.

"Dud you say 'Don't get mad' at me!? YOU!" Ultisai and suddenly punch Page one.

"You're annoying me, shitty brats" Zet said while looking at the siblings.

"Ara~ They're kinda of cute ufufufu. Ul-Chan who snaps at everyone is my favorite~" Robin said.

"No matter how many times i tell her to choose she snaps at, she doesn't get it and she is no cute at all" Page one said while fixing his clothes and hat.

"I AM CUTE!!!!!!" Ulti said.

"That's enough..." Rob lucci said.

"Well, why are we here, Captain?" Yamato said while looking at Shi.

"Well, i got some news that the food is delicious" Shi said while waiting at the food that Sanji made.

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT!!!!" Ulti said.

"Oi, that's Captain" Page one said.


"Shishishishi, they're are funny, how about joining my crew" A boy who had a straw hat said to Ulti and Page one.

"Huh? how about i break your skull!" Ulti said.

"OI, I SAID THAT THI SHIP WILL BELONG TO ME!!!" Don krieg shouted and suddenly shoot Burgess.

But suddenly Burgess disappeared and reappeared at front of Don krieg and punch it.

Don krieg lose consciousness and fell to the floor.

When Gin and the others saw this they we're shock, because they know that Don krieg is the second strongest on the entire east blue.

"Let's kill that bastard" A mob from the ship shouted but suddenly the big ship was cut in half.

'So he is here' Shi thought.

In these 3 years they did not encounter Mihawk.

"W-WHAT!?" Random mobs shout.


"Why are you here!?" Random mobs said.

"A-ahh, T-that is Dracule 'Hawk eye' Mihawk" Zoro said whil holding his sword.

"Who is that, Zoro?" Liffy said.

"T-that is the world strongest swordsman, my goal, i finally meet him!!!" Zoro said and immediately approached Mihawk.

"I cam out to the sea to meet you" Zoro said yo Mihawk.

"What is your goal?" Mihawk asked Zoro.

"To become the world strongest swordsman" Zoro said when Mihawk heard this is smirked and said to Zoro "Hmp..How foolish"

"You got some spare time, right? let's fight" Zoro said while pointing his sword to Mihawk.

When Mihawk heard this he got out of his cool fucking boat and draw his small sword.

When Zoro saw this he immediately said "Hey, what's the meaning of that?"

"I'm no beast that goes all out when hunting rabbit, even if you're a swordsman who's earned a bit name from himself, this sea, the east blue, is the weakest among the four sea" Mihawk said and continued "Unfortunately, I don't carry any smaller sharp instrument than this one"

"That's enough making fun of me, ONIGIRI" Zoro said and immediately attacked Mihawk.

But of course Mihawk block it with the small knife and blah blah blah...you know what happend next.

After Zoro lose consciousness on the boat.

"That's a wonderful fight" Shi said while looking at Mihawk.

"Hmm, a big figure like you, what are you doing here" Mihawk.

When Sanji and the others heard this they're was shock.

"Oh, i just came here to eat" Shi said.

"Hmm, the 5th emeperor, came to east blue to eat" Mihawk said.

When Zeff heard this he was shock.

"Old man Zeff, why are you so shock?" Sanji said.

"Yeah what is the 5th emeperor"

"In the grandline or new world, there are five pirates that close to being the pirate king, they called them the emeperor, they are the overlord of the new world" Zeff said.

"How strong they are?"

"I don't know but all of them has a title strongest, like Whitebeard and the current strongest man in the world who has the power to destroy the world, Kaido the strongest creature in the world, Big mom the strongest woman in the world, Akagami no Shanks the strongest haki user and rival of Mihawk, the last is the youngest emeperor, Shi the strongest rookie pirate in the history"

When Luffy and the others heard thi they we're shock and immediately look at Shi.

"T-then t-that man is one of the five emeperor" Random mob said while trembling in fear.

Shi did not bother listening to Zeff and draw his sword.

"Fight?" Mihawk said.

"I just want to see how strong the strongest swordsman in the world" Shi said.

When Mihawk heard this he immediately draw the yoru and pointed at Shi.

Shi rushed towards Mihawk and attack him.

When the two sword collided the sea become chaotic.

"As expected from the 5th emeperor" Mihawk said and put yoru on his back.

Shi also did the same.

Shi look at his crew member and said "Let's go"

When Issho and the others heard this they immediately entered their ship.

Suddenly the ship begin to float and fly inthe sky.

"SOOOO COOOOLLLLLL!!!" Luffy said whil looking at the flying ship.


This chapter is all about flexing hahaha.

Sorry for the bad grammar.