Ch 15.2

.Demon King Army Chief of Staff, Make a Promise to Go Out Part 2

Without Milla's suggestions, I never imagined that I would ask her out like this.

And then, she suddenly averted her gaze.

「Did it fail?!」

I think, as my heart is about to crumble.

Top ArticlesNanana's Buried Treasure Volume 3Chapter 6.3

I notice her ears turning red and the bat wings on her head, which are now exposed after she had removed her hat, are trembling.

Then she starts mumbling embarrassingly.

「…yes, I would very much like that.」

For an instant, I didn't understand what she just said. But then I did understand and I was so surprised that my emotions started immediately going wild. No, not surprised. I was too happy. Anyway, this is bad. I want to run around the area screaming 「Yahoo!」and dance wildly. Three things were stopping me from doing exactly that, my force of will that was cultivated by many years of training, not wanting to do something so embarrassing in front of Cashew and not wanting to miss even a moment of Milla covering her face with both hands out of sheer embarrassment.


Cashew's heart-breaking voice brought me back to my senses.

Cashew, who was seriously gripping my Registration Card with her tiny hands, was looking at me with an air of utter loneliness.

That's right, didn't I already make a promise with her not too long ago?

「Of course I didn't forget about the promise I made to take a stroll with you. Why don't you ask Milla if there are any shops around that have sweets and we'll go there.」


For a brief moment, she made a happy face but it soon looked down again.

「…W-will it just be the two of us?」

She says, anxiously.

We need Milla to guide us. I don't know the area very well.

However, I understand Cashew's childish desires.

If I were to go out with Milla…then what about her?

「If it's alright with you, sure. Just me and you.」

This time, she returned to her usual self.

「Yeah, just the two of us! …Ah, but Milla might not like that.」

「No, it's quite alright, Cashew. I know that area quite well already.」

Perhaps because Cashew is just a child, Milla spoke with a gentle voice different from the time she was warning me about affiliating with other women.

In a short span of time, I made a promise to go out with, not one, but two women. One of them being Cashew, so it's not really a date but more of a reason to go out but still, this is something my past self would have thought impossible.

Is it really so unlucky to be a Black Sorcerer in the Adventurer Business?

I made that decision myself but if I think about it, there are worse things.

「Oh one more thing, Lem」

Milla, who had regained her composure, puts her lips close to my ear.

「I know how kind you are. However, please don't say those words from moments ago to another vampire. If you do, fufufu…Anyway, I look forward to working with you, yes?」


I nod my head nervously as if there were a knife pressed against my neck.

I shivered in fear as if icicles were being thrust into my very core.

That feeling stayed with me throughout our journey.

Before long, we arrived in a room where a row of Recording Stones were lined up.

Cashew was in high spirits and I, too, thought it was a magnificent sight.

Just how many rooms were there? Dungeons are truly wondrous things.

「This way, please.」

Milla stands in front of one of the Recording Stones.

Fitted atop a dark brown pedestal was a fist-sized blue gem.

「Kindly designate the destination as the Second Playing Field. I shall go first. I'll be waiting for you.」

Milla holds up her Registration Card towards the Recording Stone and her figure disappears. Cashew was surprised.

「Let's go, Cashew.」

Cashew holds out the Registration Card, but after some thought, she shakes her head.

「Go on, Cashew. Give it a try.」

「Huh…? But…」

「It's alright. There's nothing to be afraid of.」

I put my hands under her arms and lifted her closer to the Recording Stone.

「Eek! Wha-, but-, uu…alright…」

Cashew timidly brings the Registration Card closer towards the Recording Stone.

「She mentioned where to go earlier, right? Where, oh where was it, again?」[2. TL Note: Lem is just messing with Cashew.]

「It's the Second Playing Field, silly~!」

Cashew giggled while answering me. Ah, looks like her nervousness has started to go away. In response to Cashew's answer, the scenery changes completely before our eyes.

「Whoa, wha-?!」

Cashew was shocked and started to wriggle but breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that I was still holding her up.

「Good, well done, Cashew」

After complimenting her, she gets all bashful.

I put her down then she looked up at me, expecting something. She sways her lower body and inches the top of her head closer to me.

Oh, I see.

「Good girl.」

I stroke her head, and she makes a happy sound.

Just having Cashew here is very therapeutic for me.

「Does Lem prefer to spoil or be spoiled? Oh no, I'm merely checking. 」

Says Milla who was standing just nearby.

We were transported beside a vast playing field.

There were Werewolves, who had already changed into their wolf form, earnestly running around.

Among them was a werewolf with a larger physique and was clearly the Floor Boss Marchosias.

「RUN! Run with all you have, brothers and sisters! If we can at least move even after getting hit by that fearsome Black Magic, we will prevail! If we double our speed, we'll be able to run at normal speed when it's halved, right?! GAHAHA!」

…that is some amazing reasoning.

Even more amazing was that every single one of them replied to that ridiculous reasoning with a resounding 「YEAH!」.


As they get close to us, Milla calls him out.

Cashew was intimidated by Marchosias' size and clung to me.

The neck-sprainingly large body turns to face us.

「Oh, Miss Milla! Is it that time already? …Hm?」

He notices me.

Then he opened his wolf mouth wide and laughed joyfully.

「Well! If it isn't Mr. Black Sorcerer! To think that you truly have joined our Demon King Army!」

It appears that I am being welcomed.

As one would expect from Milla. She prioritized this meeting knowing full well that it would turn out like this.

「I look forward to working together. My name is Lem…Lemegeton.」

「Ah, using your dungeon name. You'll get used to calling yourself that soon. I look forward to working with you too, Mr. Lemegeton.」

We exchange greetings.

「I'm curious about that little girl but first, I'm glad you came! Man, you guys really got us last time! Especially you and that man…Flame Hero? He was intense.」

Those who were directly affected by my black magic will know about their effects. I am grateful that they do not doubt my abilities.

「That guy is a little too strong, right?」

I was a little happy when he praised my best friend but my expression unintentionally loosened.

「What are you saying?! For that Hero to be able to play his role like that and reach me while preserving his magical power, that was because of your Black Magic! Truthfully, I wasn't going to just let him walk up to me like that!」

Ah, that's right. That time when the werewolves were descending upon us from 3 separate lanes in an intersection, I was thinking「How are we gonna get outta this?」.

I actually overdid it a little by casting Speed Down on all of them and I ended up making Fenix use his magical power.

「Still, I thought the Flame Hero was supposed to be a brilliant warrior. What is he thinking? You are a one of a kind Black Sorcerer. If I were on the Adventurer side, I'd treat you like our most valuable asset.」

「It was actually due to a few private matters within the group. The Flame Hero wasn't the one that drove me out.」

「Hmm. Is that so? It's still a mystery that no one around you noticed your abilities in the first place…Oh well, people have their reasons. But that aside! I! Am! Glad!」

He shouts while clapping me in the back. I get that he's happy and I realize that he adjusted the strength of the claps for me, but it still hurts a little.

「I've never seen anyone who has honed their magic to such an extent! To have achieved it at your age, just how much training did you have to endure? What an admirable and honorable lad! Now, Mr. Black Sorcerer, I would like to discuss something with you.」


「Yes, it is regrettable that I was defeated by your party. Whether or not we can do a rematch of the Dungeon Clear is a different matter, but if we can't then there is no other way for me to have a rematch.」

With the exception of the Big Four, it is decided that a Floor Boss that has already been defeated once cannot appear again as the Floor Boss of another stratum.

「I heard that you're gathering 72 allies! If that's the case, I elect myself! Would you form a contract with me, the Werewolf Marchosias!」