Wants to free herself from her past

"Fine! I will follow your arrangements," Kyra obediently answered after giving it a careful thought.

She also felt bad for her brother because she could tell just from his voice that he is dead worried about her. If his schedule was not filled with important meetings he would have accompanied her still she settle down here.

But, she announced her plan to shift to this city all of a sudden at the eleventh hour and in with such a short notice, her brothers were not able to clear their busy schedules. Afterall, they are very busy people whose time is very precious either for their respective companies or country. Yet, they decided to adjust their busy schedules but Kyra insisted on not doing it.

She wanted to go on this trip alone.

She wants to free herself from the past that's still holding her behind from reaching the highest pinnacle of her life.

And, of course, the main objective to come here is to search for someone very important in her life.

And, yeah, she also has a secret mission to help her friends with.

"I will really be fine, guys!! My biological mother and her so-called family are not worthy of my time. As I said, I am here to search for my savior, nothing else" Kyra lied to both the men when she was answered with nothing but a long silence from them.

As Walter and Matthew couldn't debate with a stubborn person like her, they could only cave in to her request.

They know Kyra is quite different from the Kyra who she was seven years back.

She, who was naive, gullible and shy has turned herself into a new leaf who is persistent, stubborn and bossy.

She is no longer easy to manipulate.

"So, you will come back after you find your savior, right Ky?" Matthew asked, for which Kyra hummed in affirmation.

Yes, her prime objective of this trip is to find the man who helped her seven years back.

He asked her to find him when she was strong and powerful enough. He told her he has something to tell her…

Kyra was waiting for that moment for a very long time. Her savior meant so much to her that she could not even describe it.

She simply couldn't wait to meet him and find out what connection they share but she could tell that she still had some things to do before she deem herself as emotionally strong.

To do that she has to free herself from the shackles of her past.

For that she has to dig deep into her past and for that she has to cross paths with her mother's family.

She hates revenge as she believes that it's useless to cry over a spilled milk. But if it is what will free her from her traumas and make her meet her savior, she is ready to do it.

But she didn't tell her new family and friends about that because she knows how overprotective they are.

They would turn this world upside down if something happens to her and this thought warmed her heart up. It reminded her that she is no longer someone whose absence and struggles are turned blind eye to.

She is not some street dog which everyone ignores.

She is now a person with a strong background and connections.

A little scratch on her and that person who caused it can bid goodbye to his/her good days.

"All right. But keep your promise, sis! Be careful no matter what you do and call any of us if you want any help. Matthew will always be available to you" Walter, her brother told her after a long sigh.

"Yes, Kyra. Just give me a call, okay? Whatever you want, I will be there" Matthew said. His voice filled with love, which Kyra pretended to ignore.

Although she has a very good impression on Matthew, she never felt like that towards him.

"I will." Kyra sincerely answered with a smile and after a few minutes of talk, she ended the call. Later, she fished out another phone, an untraceable one and swiftly sent a message.