Staring Competition.

She looked familiar strangely. However, he is sure that he has never seen her before. There was something about her that weirdly drew his attention towards her.

Oliver cleared his throat, embarrassed by how he was staring at her as if she was candy .

Thank God! No one saw him eying a girl…

Otherwise, it would have ruined his reputation as a cold, indifferent, gentle man!

Oliver immediately averted his eyes and stared at his coffee but when she lifted her arms up, her top slightly moved up, exposing a small part of her fair waist. And, before he could realize he was staring at her again.

God! He doesn't know what's happening to him. He was never attracted to any woman like this.


A sudden cough out of nowhere almost startled him and it was only when Oliver got out of his trance. Subconsciously, he looked at the source of that sound, and his cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

Dammit! He was caught red handed in this shameful act!!

He was always attentive but somehow, his mind went blank and this is the first time it happened to him...

While Oliver was staring at her, Kyra was tying her hair in a ponytail. But she happened to realize that someone was looking at her.

She instinctively reached for the gun in her coat which was now lying on the platform of the wall and when she looked around, trying to locate the possible danger, she saw an extremely handsome man in a casual T shirt and jeans, staring at her waist!! Her waist!!

Not knowing what to do, she slightly coughed, to get his attention away from her waist, although it is covered fully now.

She never came across a situation like this, never!! So, she didn't know what to do...

Meanwhile, even her eyes darted to admire his well toned body. But before she could get caught in her own shameful act, she controlled herself.

While both of them were busy averting their own eyes, their eyes met midway and they both felt a sudden spark.

They couldn't help but stare into each other's eyes.

"Pervert", Kyra muttered after a few seconds, shifting her gaze away from looking into his bottomless, deep blue eyes. But she must admit, his eyes are really like magnets, tempting her to look more into them.

"What did you say?" Oliver asked, unable to believe that she just said that, loud and clear.

He didn't think such an innocent, kind looking girl would be this daring and bold.

But, he liked a bold attitude and this beautiful, alluring woman seems to be the one.

He would have been impressed if it was not him on the other side of the stick.

"You were staring at me, sir, like a pervert," Kyra said, for a second forgetting that she stared at his body as well. Technically, she wouldn't be calling it as staring but taking a quick peek, which most of the people do when they come across such a finest piece like this man.

'Damn, Kyra! What are you even saying' Kyra scolded herself inside. She was always in her best behavior but now, it seems like she just couldn't control herself anymore. Her eyes were darting around without her consent. Her mouth seems to speak whatever came into her mind.

"And, you stared at me as well, miss." Oliver said with a lopsided smile on his lips.

For a second, Kyra fell in trance looking at his smile.

God! He looks so charming and his smile, uhh, it's so seducing that, subconsciously a scenario of kissing that lips flashed in her mind. As soon as she registered what's going on in her mind, Kyra's cheeks reddened at her sinful thoughts. Why is her brain not coordinating with her today???

She never had such perverted thoughts before.

"You are staring at me again. I know I am handsome but please," Oliver said with a grin, making Kyra flabbergasted.

Such a narcissist!!

Flustered, Kyra stormed towards the elevator and Oliver chuckled at her cute reaction. It amused him how much he enjoyed this conversation because he never liked having a company of strangers, more importantly a girl!!

On the bright side, he evaded the awkward situation skilfully.

She should be the one with the upper hand but he somehow turned the tables and stopped her from making it any more embarrassing for him.

'Although you look interesting, I hope we don't cross paths', Oliver thought. It's not because he stared at her waist. Come on! It's not a crime to admire the beauty but it was first for him. He never gave a damn about appearances before because he was never attracted to a woman. No woman has ever managed to get his attention.

This woman is first and somehow he could tell that she has a tendency to attract him and it worried him.

He was not supposed to fall in love...

Yes, it's early to worry about such a situation but it surprisingly flashed in his mind. He never thought about falling in love but this time, this small incident popped that thought in his mind.

Another proof that this woman is not a passing cloud in his life but someone very significant.