Truth to be told, he is here exclusively for Kyra

"She is also a fellow. Her name is Claire" Ron introduced a girl who just entered the office room, exhausted.

Every fellow has their own desk and bed here as they need to stay overnight sometimes.

Claire just got out after her night shift and is drained out.

"Claire, she is our new colleague, Ria" he introduced Kyra to Claire.

They exchanged smiles but Kyra didn't talk much. She still feels a little uncomfortable with new people.

Trust issues and the fear of getting hurt because of her close ones still haunts her. So, she avoids getting close to others at any rate.

However, the main reason she kept her interaction short is because she could see how exhausted Claire is.

As soon as they exchanged a few words, Claire climbed up to her bed and fell asleep. She would have gone back to her home but there is an important meeting.

"She is one of the good ones here. You can trust her" Ron whispered to Kyra as if he knew what was going on in her mind.

Kyra was momentarily shocked at how he was sure what was going on in her mind but the sound of the door being opened made her look at the person who came in.

"She is one of the good ones here. You can trust her" Ron whispered to Kyra as if he knew what was going on in her mind.

Kyra was momentarily shocked at how he was sure what was going on in her mind but the sound of the door being opened made her look at the person who came in.

"New resident??" that girl who entered asked as soon as she saw Kyra. There is a tinge of arrogance and pride in her voice.

"No, Teressa. She is the new fellow." Ron answered, annoyed.

"Oh! Another nerd" Teressa sneered and sat down at her table, totally ignoring Kyra.

Kyra wore specs, to give the vibe of nerds.

She also tied her hair in a simple bun and wore simple clothes, keeping it as plain as possible.

Her long, lustrous and silky hair is one of her main sources of beauty. If she leaves them freely, bundled up on her shoulders, it's hard to ignore her beauty. She will look beautiful without making an effort.

With her hair tied up, she could at least make an effort to look normal.

And, as of her eyes, they are like magnets. She could attract and stun the people with those hazel eyes. If she doesn't wear specs, it will make her look very alluring and sometimes it will make her look sexy like hell.

As she also works out regularly, she has a perfect figure akin to model. Even wearing the simple clothes make her look appealing.

But Kyra doesn't want that type of attention so, this is perfect disguise.

"Yes. Another nerd!" another voice came up, making Kyra sigh.

The hospital is extremely huge and they have the biggest neuro department. There are many fellows and residents working here.

"Ignore them.", Ron said.

'They are the girls I was talking about earlier," he added.

Kyra nodded her head and after meeting the few others who would be working with her closely, Kyra settled down at her table as well.

After mingling with others, she had a gut feeling that Claire and Ron are decent people. So, she decided to stick with them.

As long as they don't do things behind her back and interfere in her personal matters, they can get along with her with no problem.

Kyra opened her calendar and her morning schedule was filled with some meetings about a surgery. It's more like a discussion between doctors to come up with an effective method to treat the patient with complicated issues.

If there are any complex surgeries, these types of meetings take place. Residents and the fellows can also participate but the prime intention is to teach them and give them exposure.

"I forgot to tell you. You are asked to go to the meeting room at the farthest right." Ron told Kyra immediately.

He is in unofficial charge of helping and managing the affairs related to fellows and residents. So, if there is any new person in the team, he must guide them.

Kyra nodded her head.

She knows what this is.

As she is a fellow, she will be allocated to the attending physician. So, it is either they select her or she gets to select.

With a knock, Kyra entered. The meeting room

She quickly scanned the room and sighed in relief when she noticed that Oliver was not present.

She is scared that she will get distracted in his presence and make a fool out of herself infront of all these doctors.

But, her relief vanished as soon as she saw Oliver and another man walk in.

That man is none other than president of the Hospital.

And, she knows him very well. He is her first brother's dead wife's father, in short her uncle. He was the one who suggested she become a fellow.

Meanwhile, Oliver stiffened when he saw Kyra standing in front of the other doctors. Usually, he doesn't attend these meetings as he doesn't take any fellow's or resident's under him.

But their president asked him to come with him. Oliver simply followed, not aware of what trap he was walking into.

Meanwhile, all the other doctor's were surprised to see their president and director/head of department standing at the door.

This is simply an introductory meeting with the new fellow. The higher authority like them don't attend these meetings as they are trivial matters to them

"We are simply making visits to all the departments as I am here early," the president lied as he could decipher what's going on in their minds.

Truth to be told, he is here exclusively for Kyra.

His son in law, Kyra's first brother, Andrew, asked him to look after Kyra in hospital. And, he is also aware of how protective Collins' family is when it comes to Kyra. They entrusted her with him, so he is adamant to look after her with his best efforts.