Are you feeling hot, Dr. Lopez (Kyra)?

The discussion took an hour and there was so much brainstorming which Kyra enjoyed to her best.

Her dream has come true.

She has seen her idol in action and she must say, she is pretty impressed. No wonder, he is a prominent figure in the neuro world.


Kyra took a long breath as she took a glance at her wrist watch.

Oliver told her to meet her in his office after lunch break, that is at 2:00 pm.

Her heart was beating fast and she could feel the adrenaline pumping up her face. Usually, she is good with her emotions and this is not her first time meeting important and prominent people. Back at home, she used to have one or other encounters with distinguished figures.

"What's wrong? I must admit that you nailed it today back at the meeting. I didn't expect you to be so good", Ron said, as he sat down on the chair next to hers.

They are now having lunch at the hospital cafeteria.

"Umm… thanks. I was just voicing out my opinions" Kyra answered as she took a sip of her broccoli soup.

"So health conscious!" Claire spoke, sitting across Kyra.

"I am," Kyra agreed with a smile. Although she loves food, she is systematic when it comes to her health. She has anxiety issues and a PTSD problem as well, not something a surgeon must have.

However, thanks to her adopted family, she learned how to control these issues. But, it is better to be safe than sorry.

"I think you would be in trouble, Ria." Ron told her in a low voice as he gestured to her to look to her right, with his eyes.

When Kyra followed his eye moments, she noticed Teressa and Lilith shooting daggers at her with their eyes.

"Oh them?" Kyra asked, letting out a slight snicker.

"During the meeting, Dr. Miller said, '' I quote 'Good work, Ms. Lopez'" Claire reminded Kyra.

"So?" Kyra asked, taking a bite of her protein salad.

"Kyra, it's been so long he praised someone in the open meeting, especially fellows. It looks like our rich spoiled princesses there are envious of you. Be careful, okay." Ron said, for which Claire shook her head frantically.

Kyra smiled, sensing their genuine concern.

"I can handle those young ladies.", Kyra said, keeping her words short.

"I wonder what will happen if they find out who took Ria as the fellow under them," Kyra chuckled.

Claire was taken aback and her gaze shifted to Ron, requesting him to clarify once again what she just heard now. Oliver Miller took a fellow under his wing??

When Ron nodded his head, confirming Kyra's words, Claire chuckled.

"I really want to see the look on those spoiled bullies faces. Ah! It will be thrilling and Ria, I will be looking forward to a nice face slapping", Claire said, her voice tinted with anger.

Her best friend was the girl who was in Kyra's position before those bullies forced her to resign. Claire still feels bad for her friend who was really a good doctor. Now, she couldn't find the place which she deserves to work.

"I am not afraid of them." Kyra said, as she stood up to leave. She finished her lunch and she must go to meet her idol/boss/Ex Mr. Pervert.


Exactly at 2:00 pm, Kyra knocked on Oliver's office door.

She is still nervous but not as much as she was before.

'It's okay, Ky. He is a mature man who doesn't care about trivial matters' she murmured to herself, patting her heart. She was comforting herself that he wouldn't care about her staring encounters.

Little did she know that he would tease her endlessly about these encounters after they got together.

With a 'click' Oliver opened the door and when she saw Oliver she almost forgot to breathe. He was not wearing his blazer and his white shirt had it's upper two buttons opened, revealing his muscular chest.

His hair was a little messy, making him look more sexy.

She gulped her saliva and averted her eyes to look at the floor. 'Damn! Why is he showing off his sexiness like this?? Is he planning to embarrass her again?!,

Meanwhile, Oliver scrunched his eyebrows after noticing Kyra's unusual behavior… wait… this is her usual behavior.

Confused, he looked down and then realized his upper buttons were opened.

Oliver couldn't help but curse himself internally. He was taking a short nap as he didn't have much sleep last night. He was doing his pending CEO work and lost the measure of time.

"Please come in, Dr. Lopez," he told Kyra and after she came inside, he closed the door but didn't lock it.

"Please sit. I will be there in five minutes,'' he said as he walked inside the other room, which is his private room.

Exactly after five minutes, he came back, properly dressed and neatly combed hair. He let out a silent chuckle when he saw her red cheeks.

He is sure she must be having some tempting thoughts. She was not blushing when she entered the room so, this blushing thing might have happened while he was in his room, 'dressing'.

"Are you feeling hot, Dr. Lopez? Should I lower the temperature?" he asked, hiding his smile. He doesn't know why he is enjoying teasing her but, oh god! It's really making him happy.

And, who doesn't want to be happy?

"What?", Kyra asked, taken by surprise. She didn't notice that he was back.

She was busy scolding herself for thinking of such a sinful scene. Out of nowhere, her brain started to visualize his toned abs and how they would feel if she touched them.

This time, Oliver couldn't control his smile which is now visible on his handsome face.

She looks cute when she is absent minded.

"I asked, should I lower the AC's temperature," he answered her, controlling his smile.

Kyra felt her blood rushing up to her cheeks again.

Damn! He noticed her blushed cheeks. What could be more embarrassing than this?

Every Time she meets him, she is doing some or other foolish things.