Her EQ and IQ drops to zero

Next morning...

Kyra woke up with black circles and eye bags around her eyes. She looked lethargic due to lack of proper sleep.

The reason was her nightmares of course, which she didn't have from a king time.

After drinking a black coffee to reduce her headache, she changed into her jogging outfit.

As expected, Sawyer was at the entrance of the hotel, waiting for her.

They are going for a run and later, if time permits, they decided to spar a little. It's been days since she had a good fighting match...

Sawyer was a athlete turned soldier who at last settled as personal assistant to her brother, Walter who is also a good friend of Sawyer.

He often accompanied her and her brother's for workout sessions like these. So, Sawyer is like a brother to her and he was there from the start, helping her and keeping an eye on her for her own good.

Even though he cared for her like a sister, after he became a personal assistant to her brother, he started addressing her formally.

Although it wasn't necessary, according to him it somehow made him stay attentive. It reminds him that she is the responsibility his best friend/boss entrusted him with.

"Miss, your black circles are too obvious," Sawyer said as they entered a park after parking their car.

"I couldn't sleep properly", she told him as they entered the park .

"Nightmares, miss?" Sawyer asked, worriedly.

His madam, Catherine, Kyra's adopted mother, would surely worry if she heard this. As it has been a while, Kyra had nightmares, it was no coincidence they miraculously resurfaced after she came here.

Something is not right!

"Not particularly nightmares. Bittersweet dream I guess." Kyra answered.

She just remembered that that dream was like a happy fairy tale till it abruptly morphed into a nightmare. And, they are out of random, not at all connected to her.

"We need to inform Madam" Sawyer said, as they stopped at a bench to have some water.

"And make her rush to me? No." Kyra firmly denied.

"We will tell her if they become worse." she added after a few seconds.

"If you don't mind, what is the dream about, miss?", he asked. She should have remembered the outline of the dream at least, right??

"Not about me nor my past, Sawyer. There was a happy family and at the end my dream, that family fell apart," Kyra answered.

"Miss…" Sawyer was about to say something but Kyra stopped him.

"I know.. I know that it is a byproduct of my nightmares. I wanted a happy family but since I met my adopted family I didn't had these kind of nightmares. I have a wonderful family now so, this dream doesn't imply anything. It's just random!" Kyra made an excuse.

"If you will excuse me, I want to run alone," she told him and sped up, leaving worried Sawyer behind.

"What should I do now? Should I tell Collins or not?"Sawyer sighed. After thinking for a while he decided to observe Kyra for a few days and then decided.

Meanwhile, Kyra, who was running, stopped at a bench, taking a long breath.

She doesn't want to admit it but she knows that her dream is related to her past. Yesterday, while she went on a drive in her bike, to scout the place again, she somehow ended up where she once lived with her biological mother and her family.

It brought so many memories back that she could feel her heart getting pricked by thousands of the needles.

Apparently, her mother's family became super rich and moved to the elite society and are no longer staying in that house.

Seven years back, their business was falling apart and that was when she was saved by her mother from trying to commit suicide.

Using and dumping her later has been their plan, all along. Unfortunately, she was a naive girl to realise that. She foolishly fell for their sweet words and fake love.

For two years she stayed with them. And, as soon as she turned eighteen, they made her transfer all the properties her grandmother left for her.

It includes the billion dollar company, shares of many other companies, expensive private estates, lands, buildings and a millions worth mansion at the elite society in which her biological mother is living with her family.

Kyra's blood boiled when she thought about how they are living off her properties now. They sold a few properties to pull their business out of bankruptcy. Then, they took over her grandmother's company and are living luxuriously.

They killed her grandmother and are now living with her money.

How cruel can they be more than this…

While she was remembering alk the details, Kyra increased her speed, investing all her anger in running.

However,distracted by the raging pit on her gut, she didn't see where she was heading.

"Ahh" she grunted out and stopped on her tracks when she knocked herself into another body.

She didn't see another person coming…

"I..I am so-" Kyra stopped apologizing as soon as she saw who it was.


It's Oliver… Oliver Miller.

Her boss!

But, Kyra didn't stop abruptly because he was her boss but because of how handsome and hot he looked in his jogging outfit.

His rock-like muscles are so obvious and with the tiny beads of sweat covering his handsome face, he looked damn sexy that she gulped. Her anger was long gone, now replaced with attraction.

And, she couldn't help but stare at him…. again.

Everytime they encounter each other, her EQ and IQ drops to zero and her mind goes blank. All she could do is stare at him like a pervert and have perverted thoughts which appear out of nowhere and, without her consent.

Meanwhile, Oliver coughed.

Even he is affected.

He has seen her in casual outfit the first day they met and he saw her in hot, office outfit the day they were introduced. He saw her in her scrubs and white coat yesterday. Today was something on another level.

Her face was flushed and the tiny sweat droplets made her skin glisten under the sun.

She is wearing a sports bra, a running capris and she was also wearing a visor cap while her long hair was tied in a high ponytail. And, her perfect, model-like body caught his attention of course.

There are many women here who are looking more fit than her and are trying to get his attention but he was only attracted to Kyra.

To be precise, he got attracted to her because she is Kyra. Not the other way around...

While both of them were busy admiring, their eyes met midways and time froze for them. All they could feel is the depth of each other's eyes.

Strangely both of them felt this situation was similar. And, somehow, it made both of them emotional as well, as if they are some couple meeting after decades.