Mother returns.

"I need to ask you something, Ms. Lopez. Somewhere private if you don't mind" Oliver whispered and Kyra nodded her head.

As Kyra and Oliver made their way out of the dancing floor, her brother's looked at her worriedly.

They didn't want her out of their sight but Kyra gestured them not to worry and then followed Oliver into the beach garden. But for safety, her second brother Walter signalled her bodyguards to follow her.

As soon as Oliver and Kyra were out of the sight of everyone, Oliver turned to look at Kyra.

"Mr. Miller,"

Before they could start talking, they heard a female voice and Kyra froze immediately. She can recognize that voice even in her deep slumber as that voice alone was enough to bring all the bad memories back into her peaceful life.

It is none other than her mother... her biological mother who ruthlessly killed her own mother (Kyra's grandmother) just to inherit the wealth. It was the same woman who sold her own biological daughter to human trafficking for the same wealth.

As expected, every single detail that could make her trauma resurface, flooded into Kyra's mind. And, within no time, her fingers started to tremble and she felt the energy drain out of her body.

Her face turned pale as well and she felt her head throb with pain as her screams and helpless whimpers reverberated in her mind. Those three days of that vulnerable confinement, that dark and suffocating room, that monstrous laughter of her mother and others came back to her, flooding her heart with panic and anxiety.

If not for Oliver who was holding her now, she would have collapsed.

Meanwhile, the sudden change in Kyra didn't escape Oliver's hawk-like eyes. He right away inferred that this woman here is the reason for Kyra's sudden change.

And, before he could even register what he was doing, he already pulled Kyra into a protective hug. His protective instincts kicked in subconsciously and he was doing everything as if he already knew what to do.

He pressed one side of Kyra's face to his chest while he placed his warm palm on her other ear, so she wouldn't be able to hear even if that woman speaks anything more.

With his other hand he held her face gently, holding her close to his body so that Kyra wouldn't be able to see that woman if she appeared in front of them.

Everything happened in a matter of a few seconds that Kyra's biological mother Andrea could barely notice the sudden change in Oliver's attitude.

With a huge smile on her lips, she dragged her elder daughter Melissa towards Oliver.

She wanted to introduce her daughter Melissa to Oliver so badly that she didn't care that he already had a date with him.

"Mr. Miller, nic-", before Andrea could approach Oliver, her daughter Mellisa stopped her and gestured to look at Oliver's position.

He was hugging his date so intimately that they could barely see her face. The girl in his arms had her arms hung around his waist as well.

They were hugging so intimately and wouldn't it be inappropriate to butt in?

However, Andrea just ignored her daughter and was about to approach Oliver again but Oliver had already gestured to Kyra's bodyguards to stop them from approaching Kyra. It was just like a mother - hen protecting her precious babies.

At first, he didn't understand why Kyra's brother's insisted on having her bodyguards present at the event but now he understood the reason.

It is something related to Kyra's past and it seems to be more personal and serious than he imagined.

"Do you know who I am?! I am Chairwoman of -", Andrea was about to push her weight but the bodyguards were not some ordinary men either.

Each of them are handpicked by these five over protective brother's for their little sister's safety.

"I am doing my job, ma'am. Please leave the premises. This garden is a private property and no one except the people with platinum cards are allowed here. If you have that card please show it and you may pass," the first bodyguard told her in an indifferent tone.

Others have already formed a protective barrier to stop Andrea from looking at Kyra and Oliver.

Andrea could only narrow her eyes and glare at the bodyguard but she knew she couldn't do anything more. It has been six years since she and her family got into the upper social circle but they are still not in the inner circle of these elites.

Not even close! So, she doesn't have the platinum card the bodyguard asked for.

Andrea rolled her eyes and she was about to ask Oliver for permission but when she managed to look around, it was only when she noticed that he was long gone.

Probably, he went away as soon as bodyguard appeared.

"Who are these security people? I have never seen them enter charity events." Andrea, Kyra's biological mother, fumed in rage as they turned back in defeat.

"They might be here because of the Collins family. They are very important people to be left with no security around them", her daughter Melissa answered.

"But why are they stopping us from talking to Oliver!", Andrea asked, frustrated with the treatment she got.

"Who knows, mom? I told you it is not a good idea to sneak into this private garden. See now, we got humiliated by a mere bodyguard!! How embarrassing will it be if someone finds out?" Mellisa snapped at her mother.

"Oh, please!! I am doing all these for you and here you are, complaining! Can't you be obedient and listen to me?" Andrea snapped back.

"I am not like your dead daughter Kyra. Nevertheless, Oliver has a girlfriend already. Didn't we just witness it?" Melissa grumbled.

"So what if he has a girlfriend, darling? I am sure my daughter can manage this situation. You are my daughter and I am sure you won't let me down!"Andrea said.

Andrea and Melissa were about to enter the building but the manager of the hotel stopped them. He received an order from the higher ups not to allow this mother - daughter pair to enter the hotel.

"Now what???"Andrea scoffed.