He remembers every moment they spent a few years back

The next day…

It was almost ten in the morning when Kyra and others started.

They are heading to the private camping site that is four hours away from the city. They will be staying overnight and will be returning the next morning. Though Kyra didn't want her uncle to show partiality towards her, she made it an exception only for once and took a day off the next day.

Twins wanted her to spend some more time, so she couldn't say no.

"Am I driving?" Kyra asked when no one except twins boarded her car.

"Yes. For two hours you will be driving and the next two hours Oliver will be driving.", her first brother said.

"What??", Kyra asked, shocked. She didn't know that Oliver would be joining them.

"Aunt Ky, we invited him. If you don't want…" twins said at the same time, showing their sweet pouts and blinking their innocent and cute eyes.

"No.. not a problem, pumpkins.", Kyra right away gave in. Who could resist the cute children? Well, she can't.

Twins smiled at each other in triumph.

For now, their only and top most quest is to matchmake their favorite aunt and uncle.

Kyra felt her heart beat erratically as soon as she realized that she would be driving in the same car as Oliver for four long hours. She doesn't have a problem with the arrangement and in fact, she felt giddy and excited but she also felt nervous.

She drove to Oliver's apartment which is a penthouse in a skyscraper by following the GPS and by the time she reached, he was waiting outside with a hiking backpack. He is wearing a turtleneck, full sleeve T-shirt and nylon hiking pants. He was holding his jacket in his hands and was having his sunglasses on.

He looked so handsome and charming that Kyra was stunned for a second but she quickly managed to regain her composure and alighted the car.

"Hi.", she greeted and she clicked a button to open the trunk of the car.

Meanwhile, just like always, Oliver was affected as well. It seems like no matter how Kyra get dressed, he would be affected by it.

"Hi.", Oliver responded and placed his bag inside.

After that they boarded the car at the same time.

"Hi, little fellas. Just like you asked, I am here so don't be angry anymore. Got it?" he asked them in a gentle tone.

"We are not angry." the little boy said.

"You came uncle Oli. You are forgiven", the little girl added.

Kyra chuckled seeing their interaction. It looks like the twins have the almighty Oliver wrapped around their little fingers as well.

"They are spoiled", Kyra whispered to him, looking at the twins from the mirror.

"That's true. But they deserve it.", Oliver responded in a faint tone, looking at the twins who are looking at Oliver and Kyra with sheer concentration.

"Uncle Oli, Aunt Ky you are wearing matching outfits.", the girl noticed.

"Yes. Just like mom and dad wore during our hikings.", the boy said, hiding his sadness as he remembered his deceased mother.

Only when the boy spoke, did Kyra and Oliver notice it.

"A coincidence again," Kyra said with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Oliver chuckled in response as he looked into her hazel eyes. Kyra was soon attracted by his magnetic blue eyes and she couldn't avert her eyes as well.

Meanwhile, the twins smiled in victory.

However, their happiness was short-lived as Matthew knocked on their window.

Twins furrowed their eyebrows in disappointment while Kyra broke her eye contact and hurried to look at who it was.

When Oliver noticed that it was his arch enemy Matthew, he narrowed his eyes.

"Matt?" Kyra looked at Matthew with a questioning gaze.

"I just wanted to tell you that you could swap the cars with Walter if you feel uncomfortable." Matthew told. All he wanted was to travel alone with Kyra.

"No, aunt Ky. You have to travel with us," the twins interjected.

Kyra pursed her lips and gave an apologizing smile. Oliver smirked at him. Twins blinked innocently at him.

Matt was left speechless. Seeing these four people, he felt more and more like they are family.

"OK then. Meet you all in four hours." he said and went back to his car in defeat.

The more he wanted to separate Oliver and Kyra, the more they were bonding up. He couldn't help but feel helpless and frustrated.

Why should Oliver compete with him in each and every thing??


The four hours passed and they soon reached a beautiful mountainside. It is a private hiking spot exclusively for the people who own the mountainside villas there.

As Oliver has one and so does Kyra's first brother, they selected this spot. There will be no crowd and the twins can enjoy nature in peace.

Oliver stopped at the security terminal to show the access card. Kyra was peacefully sleeping with her head leaning on the window. Even twins are asleep leaning on each other.

After showing the access card and getting the access, Oliver looked at Kyra helplessly. He wanted to wake her up as they reached the destination but looking at her beautiful face, he didn't have the heart to do it.

She had a serene smile on her lips and her long eyelashes were gleaming under the warm sunlight. She is radiating with tranquility that he felt content looking at her. She gave him the feeling of calmness and bliss he was missing from a long time.

A carefree smile reached his lips and subconsciously he tucked the strands of her hair behind her ear. His grey, stormy eyes turned gentle and he slightly caressed her cheek.

Suddenly, he felt a vague memory but it disappeared as soon as it appeared.

He was about to try to remember but Kyra woke up, still groggy. Oliver immediately retrieved his hand and pretended as if he did nothing.

"We reached?" Kyra asked in her sleepy voice.

Her voice was raspy and sexy that Oliver was taken off guard. He felt like he had heard the same line and same voice somewhere at sometime. But he is sure he never came across such a situation.

Although he had a girlfriend, they were not intimate and to be frank, those memories he had with her are foggy and sometimes he feels like they were not that real.

However, with Kyra, he remembers every moment they spent a few years back. He remembers how he felt for her everytime they crossed paths.

She is so special in his heart and it started becoming more and more clear every time they had moments.

"Yes, we reached.", he answered her in the gentle tone and a loving smile.